I only want my Mom!

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Royal Crescent

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Midnight is a foal almost old enough to wean. He is showing no interest in grain or hay. You may remember him as the tiny colt that was septic at birth and then went bald. His coat grew back, he is very active and is an independant, but tiny, little guy. He is the little brat who makes you chase him down when it is time to come in for the night. Even the foal a few weeks younger is eating with her Mom. Ideas?

FYI weaning is in hold for now. The youngest foal still has at least a month before she is weaned. Hopefully he will come around so they can be weaned together!
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So how old is he? He is not eating ANY hay or grain?! Odd. Normally, foals will start to nibble on hay as young as a couple of days old...
He was foaled at the beginning of May. It was amazing that he made it as sick as he was. For a long time he just did not seem to grow. He may have been premature as well. I think he nibbles a little in the pasture but he definitely turns up his nose when offered grain.
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If you'd like to try it, I have a bag of Progressive Nutrition Foal Starter and Creep (I'm pretty sure its a milk-based foal pellet, and its not cheap), I'd be happy to send you some, so you don't get stuck with a 50# bag of something he won't eat. Its recommended to 120 days of age. [My little guys eat it just fine, although, they aren't eating a lot at this time. Mine range from 3 weeks to 7 weeks old.]
wouldnt you think of leaving him longer , especially as he had a bad start , I have foals that were born at the beginning of february that havent started weaning yet and they never had the same set backs that yours did , they are all eating everything you put in front of them , one took longer ,she was born early april and has only started eating hard feed properly n the last two weeks some foals go at a slower pace
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If the mare is in good shape and not bred back and there is no other reason you have to wean, why wean? With the early setbacks he had I wouldn't even think about weaning until 5 or 6 months old at the earliest. If the mare isn't bred back and is in good shape I might not wean until next spring.
If the mare is in good shape and not bred back and there is no other reason you have to wean, why wean? With the early setbacks he had I wouldn't even think about weaning until 5 or 6 months old at the earliest. If the mare isn't bred back and is in good shape I might not wean until next spring.
At what age would you suggest to wean in fear of breeding mom? I've heard some say as young as 6 months, is this a common thing? What age would be more common?
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One grain to try is Calf Manna, which you can get at Tractor Supply and I think in 10 pound bags. It is anise flavored and everyone seems to love it, plus it's high in protein and good for foals and a host of other youngsters, not just calves. We got it for our filly whose Mom was in the hospital for hypocalcemia and then fed it to the other foals too, with their Mom's grain. But I also agree that I would be in no hurry to wean, but he needs to start eating grain at some point.
He is not going to be weaned at this time. I just meant that he is old enough, not that a date is planned. We are just concerned that he is not interested as most are by this age and he is so very tiny still. He is 3 months old and can darn near walk under his Dam.
I agree with targetsmom. Try Calf Manna. I use it on calves that won't start eating grain, as well as horse foals. It says right on the bag it's good for foals. It's a red pellet, and it has a little bit of a licorice smell I think, it works great on skinny animals as it helps put weight on as well. If he likes that, I slowly mix in my regular horse grain over weeks. Soon they are on 100 percent grain, and never realize it!

Otherwise, as others said, just give him time, some foals are slower. Glad you aren't weaning him just yet. It's so much easier on them to wean with a buddy, at least that is something I have found helpful! Good Luck!
I wean on a normal foal at 5-6 months, last year I had a foal who had a really hard way to go and was in and out of the Vet hospital for the first 3-4 months of her life. I held off weaning her until she was almost 8 months old (mom was doing a good job with her) and two things happened. 1. it was the easiest weaning I ever had, less than an hour of "where's my mommy" then it was the "oh, food" and she never looked back. 2. she was a slow eater like your little one, and with leaving her with her mom longer she took to the food and still had milk.

I too agree with the Calf Manna, and my foals have taken to Omelene 200 very well.

Can you try sprinkling a little grain in his mouth to try and give him a taste if he isn't trying it on his own?
Thanks everyone. Maybe he will eat and grow a little more with Calf Manna! He is so tiny but boy does he have a trot!

I would give the calf manna a try and also feed mom in a large shallow tub or bowl at ground level. Some mares will push the little ones head out of bucket and then the foal doesnt want to keep trying, but if the dish is large enough or two or more dishes are provided then they will get curious and try it. Oh and I also agree you should give him plenty of time also, my boy was just recently weaned at 8 months old. You should post a picture of your little one with his new fur on!
Our foals get their grain in their own little black rubber dishes on the ground from just a few days of age. The mare gets fed first in her usual bucket or bigger dish on the ground and the foal gets fed a few feet away. Most of the time this works fine but we had one mare/foal combo that wanted the others feed until I finally gave up and fed the foal in the bucket and the mare in the dish on the ground!
He now will eat grain. His mother is not good about letting him eat so we are working on feeding him separately. He is now 3 1/2 months old and has a full coat again.
Oh good!!! My mini started eatin hay, grain, and water just an hour after birth. It was weird ad she would choke once jn a while, but I couldn't really keep it away from her. Lol. She started grazing at 6 days old. Idk if she was just an advanced baby or what but its our first and only foal we have ever had to it was good for us

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