Had one of those "Oh My Gosh" weekends

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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My hubby and I took our dogs to a festival that was held here in a park this past weekend. There was food, music, vendors, dogs and people eveywhere.

Now normally I hate to take my dog Glacier to these kinds of activities as he becomes a basket case and would just as likely try to take off someone's hand as do anything else. This is not from a lack of socialization as he was taken everywhere I could think of where there were people and other dogs from the time he was a very little puppy. But when he had his stomach surgery for eating a pet bed, his trust in people changed and he now will not tolerate other people that he doesn't know petting him.

So here I am, sitting by myself with my 80 pound munching machine while my hubby and his dog were fetching us some drinks. When out of the blue here comes a gentleman that wants to pet my dog.

Now let me try to describe this gentleman. He was middle age, but on the younger end of middle age. He was handicap in some form. He was walking without a cane or any aids, but you could tell that is muscular-skeletal system was effected by what ever was ailing him. He was cleanly dressed and polite.

This gentleman came over to me and asked if he could pet my dog Glacier. My heart sank to my toes. I know how much this genleman wanted to pet Glacier as you could see it written all over his face and the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at Glacier. I had to tell him that I wasn't sure if Glacier would allow it. Now it is pretty much Glacier's rule that he can sniff someone, but if they try to reach behind his head to pet him he will make threats to stop it. So I informed the gentleman that if he put his hand out that Glacier may sniff him and we could see from there how it goes but that Glacier also sometimes doesn't like strangers. The poor gentleman's face just dropped and you could see that he so needed Glacier's love and I knew in my heart that I had to let him try.

Well, I never thought I would see what happened next. Honestly he ONLY does this to me, but Glacier obviously knew that the gentleman as in no way a threat and that this gentleman needed Glacier's loving and that he had a good soul. So Glacier went up to the man's hand and instead of sniffing the hand, he dropped his head down and slid it UNDER the man's hand so that the man's hand came to rest on Glacier's neck.

I sat there dubfounded and knew I witnessed something very profound. The Gentleman's eyes told it all along with his huge smile. It was truelly an amazing site and one that I will never forget.

Sometimes it is the little things that could be o overlooked. I almost didn't take Glacier this weekend, but something told me to do so. Now I know why.
That is one special dog you have Nila
: I hope you all had a great time at the festival...

PS here's a long overdue (((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))) to you!! Hope all is well :saludando:
Oh my, I have tears! Glacier is one tuff guy with a heart of gold. He knew like you did what the man needed. What a lovely story. How is Glacier feeling these days? I think of him often,
That is great...way to go Glacier! Dogs are truley amazing, Glacier sounds very special. :aktion033:
That is so wonderful.........your dog read that man's heart.

Oh my, I have tears! Glacier is one tuff guy with a heart of gold. He knew like you did what the man needed. What a lovely story. How is Glacier feeling these days? I think of him often,
Oh thank you Debs for thinking of him. He is healing and wanting to start to play. He jumped on my bed twice last week on his own without me asking as I am trying to discourage that still as I want him to heal more. So I had to lift his 80 pound body off the bed to make sure he doesn't do something to reinjure himself.

Here is the reply I posted to Cheyenne (Sterling) on her thread about Lakota when she asked how Glacier was doing.

Please let me know how Glacier is doing...I think of him often.
Oh he is doing well so far. The hardest part is getting the old man to not play too much. He still is limping some and his "Dog Leggs" are helping with the raw elbow callouses. So I decided to take these pictures for you tonight. He is playing in the hallway where our bedrooms are. The black mat is his bed as it is cooler than a standard pet bed which he doesn't use. In some pictures on the left side of the picture is where I hang his "jammies" over the closet door handle if he is not wearing them. And the bag is the vet wrap and other bandages that I have been using on his leg before I got the "Dog Leggs".

Here is Glacier wearing his Dog Leggs. They are loose when he is sitting or standing and tighter when laying down.


And the rest is Glacier playing with his favorite ball. I have to replace this ball often and if I just take it away or throw it out, he will search for it until he finds it. He even retreived it out of the garbage once :eek: And if you hold your hand out he will place it directly in your hand. And if you don't hold our hand out, he is more than likely going to toss it at you. He is loads of fun to play with in the hallway, but typical to husky nature, if outside he will play keepaway


These two he is not sporting his "jammies" as they tend sometimes try to slide off over his head when he is playing and has his head down.


Oh yes!!! :aktion033: Lookin good, feelin better! I am tickled!
Kathy - Yes, Glacier is a super special dog. He is a soul mate to me. He knows what I think and I don't really have to say much to him for him to know it. And yes, I had fun at the festival for the most part, although Glacier did need to find a place to unwind after another dog stepped on his tail and a little poodle with an attitude came by. I will tell you that I was honestly shocked at how well behaved the dogs were that were of the larger breeds. But there was one lady that just made me go "GRRRR" and I actually told her how I felt. She had a little chocolate miniature poodle that was in a full body type of harness. She had this dog on a 6 foot leash and it was barking and tugging and nipping at other dogs. The lady thought it was wonderful that her dog was having such fun and was grinning from ear to ear in that her dog was "playing" and "acting like" a tough big dog. Now Glacier remained at my side and she actually came closer to Glacier. Finally when I knew that her dog was in striking distance of my dog and that Glacier was about to have poodle for dinner, I told her "You know, my dog will litterally eat your dog if you come any closer." She got all huffy and made a face and stormed off. URGG... If her dog was 80 pounds, the dog would have been deamed viscious and out of control. (heck, I will say it, Her poodle was out of control!) But luckily Glacier put up with it. Thanks for the Hugs, and here are some for you as well. ((((((((((Hugs))))))))))

Bonnie - Glacier had to have known what it would mean to the gentleman to let him be petted. Yes he is a real treasure, and a real sweatie to be around... if he likes you. And there is no inbetween with him. He sees it as a black and white issue. He either loves a person or hates them. Still, he is my special treasure and I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Sonya - yes, dogs are so perceptive and amazing. If only all humans had the humanity that dogs have.

Ma - You are right. It was as if Glacier read the man's heart. The man deserves to be called a gentleman if Glacier likes him.

Mona - I gave Glacier a big ol hug when the gentleman left and wispered in his ears that this was so special and that it was a true gift given to that man. And yes, I had tears in my eyes, and was so proud of Glacier as I know how much heart it takes for Glacier to trust.

Debs - Yes, Glacier is feeling better. Thank you so much for all the help and the thoughts. He looks so happy in the pictures that he is feeling better. I tell you, my heart hurt for him for the past 4 weeks as he was so obviously in pain. Now to keep him quite as much as I can to make sure he finishes healing. That was one reason I walked him at the festival. It would give him some exercise and also keep it at a safe low level. But I tell you, harnesses and huskies don't mix unless there is a sled attached! He is a pulling fool in a harness. My arms still hurt. LOL.
Well I've been trying to get to this thread all day!! Between Comcast and Micro Soft...and now the Geek Squad and Fire Dog for repairs to see whats up with my computer I've had so many interruptions!!!

You certainly know how to draw out the tears in me!!! Reading your story and what Glacier did was like watching a movie!!! I am so proud of him and I know your heart must've swelled with pride to make that gentleman so happy this day. I truly believe that you and Glacier can talk to each other and communicate...you don't need words, you have your souls intertwined....that is magical!
: I have to say I LOVE that bottom pic of him and his ball....he has the best biggest grin a dog can give on his face.

Oh...need I say anything about people oblivious to letting their dogs out at the end of the leashes or even those retractible ones.... :eek: Lakota has had small dogs jump (literally) in her face and she has back paddled fast so as not to get grumpy with them...but if I see it coming now, I stop it altogether. Some people just don't "get it". They think that all dogs like to smell each other or to be nose to nose. One thing our trainer would reiterate to us when we were going to classes at Wonderdogs.....keep at least 3 feet from one dog to another....dogs are like humans....they might be having an off day and be in a bad mood. So that's always my rule of thumb.....other people with dogs that like to greet, I usually say Lakota does not like to greet up close and personal.
If only more people had the same love in their hearts that our animals do. Beautiful story and a very handsome dog.
Thanks minimomNC. He is a very handsome dog in my eyes even though he doesn't meet the breed standard as he is an overgrown ape. But he is my overgrown ape. LOL. And you are right about how big animal's hearts are and how tiny our own tend to be...

Cheyenne, Glad you were able to finally read it. I hate it when computers pick the perfect moment to throw temper tantrums. LOL. I like your advice about distance from one dog to another. Even 3 feet can be too close for some that are struggling with their surroundings. And yes, Glacier reminded me of a dog that was smileing last night. He was super bright and happy. But I bet today he will be mad at me as he had to spend the day outside in the rain getting his fur wet
: :new_shocked: . I am shocked that a sibe would care...NOT... They are not water dogs and I just know that Glacier will come in the house and go into the hallway and not even great me, but he will great his "daddy!" (my hubby.) Laughs.

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