Frustrated with this mare!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]This is a seasoned mare.... last foal two years ago.... full in front of bag but still no bag![/SIZE]

She is making me NUTS! IS this the fashion for this year.... not to show ahead of time??? What gives!

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Yup. Bought a broodmare in OK, was due May 14th. Foaled out last saturday with no warning. They're being sneaky this year!
Does this give me hopes for my mare that was bred through only one cycle last year and according to both Pregnamare and FoalProof tests should be due within about a week and does not look the least bit pregnant?

Well it seems that way, my seasoned mare is at 353 days today, and still not much of a bag to speak of. She foaled for me 2 yrs ago and had a big bag weeks before she foaled. I know exactly when this mare is bred, I had her out with the stallion for only 2 days. She has been showing all the signs since before her due date. And this morning she ate her grain but not her hay, so I thought it would be today, well she ate her morning hay for lunch..... she is driving me nuts...


Anyway , Good luck with your mare Lyn
I've posted before about this.......Our seasoned mares are NOT giving us typical signs!

However, our one maiden mare so far gave us ALL the signs. Go figure.

Becky gave all the signs [maiden] and Reckless a seasoned mare 359 days no bag till the very end. No fluid in the bag till 3 days before delivery! Go figure. They are working on driving us all nuts this year and working overtime doing it. Good luck Lyn!

Whewww......... Glad to read that I'm not the only one thinking I'm going insain waiting for my overdue mare to foal! Ugh! My mare was due on April 16th.... She's 6 this year. Last year was her first year foaling. She's 31" tall..... Supposedly she got a huge bag last year and showed all the signs! I bought her last October...... so I have no idea with her foaling, only what the previous owner had told me!

Well..... She hardly has a bag.... she's has a huge pouch infront of her udders and has hardly changed in the rear at all.......

I give up guessing on when she's going to foal!!!!!!!! ugh! The picture of her below was taken on May 1st.

Well.... You know we are suppose to be getting a full moon on the 13th!?...... Wounder if that will have any effect????? :hypocrite:


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Sorry Lyn, I know how ya feel. My mare was due April 8th she just foaled on Monday. Only about 1/2 bagged up until the day before she foaled. No amber sticky fluid just went from clear and runny to white milk and wax in a matter of 24 hours.
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I am right with all of you waiting. My mare was said to be due in april, they couldnt give me a date just april. She is huge and low relaxed vulva, but no bag and i was told she also gets a big hard bag before foaling. I have been watching this mare CLOSE since march 31st and im losing my mind. I am second guessing everything now, like maybe that wasnt her baby kick and just her belly rumbling, or maybe she dont look that big, but the fact is she is VERY large and has amber colored salty fluid for the past 4 weeks easily givin when milked. I would post pics but havnt figured that out yet. good luck to everyone still waiting. NIkki
[SIZE=14pt]Bailey is a tall mare...almost 38 but she is bred to a stallion almost as tall.... she is 333 days today Sometimes I even look at her and tell her she better still be pregnant and not just fat! I feed my mares 12% Complete Sr feed and thats all so I know thats not a hay belly there! Big pouch in front but hard to try to get fluid from this mare. She was a wild del terra mare till three years ago and She was never handled... she is 16 this year and still not fond of having her boobies touched let alone squeezed~ At the rate shes going, Carbon who isnt due till June 22 will pass her![/SIZE]


Whewww......... Glad to read that I'm not the only one thinking I'm going insain waiting for my overdue mare to foal! I give up guessing on when she's going to foal!!!!!!!! ugh! The picture of her below was taken on May 1st.

Well.... You know we are suppose to be getting a full moon on the 13th!?......]

Intrepid is 335 days today... pool test strips showed a drop in pH frmo +8.4 to a definite 7.8 last night and 7.5 tonight but no calcium (hardness) increase and no bag change other than her nipples went from "dry and dusty" to moist and rubbery and it is extending to her udder ever so slightly.

Had another dream about "my colt"...he is a blood bay with socks and a big star and his name is Moe.
: I have never had the amount of foal dreams as I have had this year.

I even tested Mercy who is not bred but has milk just to make sure the strips are working. To compare the two milk samples, Mercy looks like she should be foaling but Intrepid is testing as "closer to foaling"!

This has been the goofiest foaling year - I have never, in 20 years of breeding, had a mare go 335 days and by the looks of things, I have a much longer wait in store. :new_all_coholic:

Well, at least "Moe" and I connect daily through Intrepid's belly checks....

Here's hoping the next full moon helps some of us!


Silversong Farm
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[SIZE=14pt]Well today the fellow that bought Hattie came by and said she had a black and white colt like Steel last friday, no problems, Bailey ultrasounded as due a week after Hattie.... nipples both point south not at each other but the bag isnt big or hot. I can see them tho from the side. Ventral edema is increased and today she was doing some stretching and yawning.... so I guess we will see. She is 336 days today.[/SIZE]

:lol: [SIZE=14pt]I'm with Mary Ann (Miniv)....maiden mares on time, seasoned ones are messin with our minds![/SIZE]

By the way, Lyn, I'm so happy to hear you have your fighting spirit back! You go girl!


[SIZE=14pt]Well its 10 after 1 am and I came in quickly from freezing.... camera broke so im doing it the old way, sitting out there. Thought bailey was going to do something, lots of stretching and yawning and rocking her pelvis stomping a foot but.... now she is asleep! Barry wont sit watch so I am it..... praying alot while Im out there. going back out now.[/SIZE]


Well, you DO know that since you are watching her....she is NOT going to foal tonight! :bgrin

Hang in there.

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[SIZE=14pt]You were absolutely right MA! I sat in the barn allllll night, while those two mares slept and three times flat out!!!! I came in about 630 as the birds were singing and fell into bed told my husband to watch andjust let me sleep a little.... Insulin does crazy things if you dont eat and sleep on a schedule. He never woke me up before he went to church so I just happened to hear the dogs bark....Apparently I slept for 5 hours! Still no baby thank God , I guess.... What irritates me the most is I dont see much activity from the baby either.... Bailey is a tight, fit mare unlike Savannah who, poor sour has such a loose belly hanging there that if the baby hichups her whole self shakes...... I know Im being paranoid because of the previous two foalings I just cant help it to be hypervigilant. When is the next full moon????[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Well I hope this is over with soon for you with beautiful healthy babies, but also congratulations on Hattie's baby as well. We all know the long road she had to come back from just to have a healthy baby. Sure wish I could help you with watching, but it's a long commute. [/SIZE]
Any update on this mare??? May7th was your last post - just wondering -- I think you may have started another thread about her already --
[SIZE=14pt]Judy, she is the one in the post about Baileys odd belly![/SIZE]


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