Erica's Geisha is acting funny

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Jessica; it's cold here to was like 14 this morning who knows how cold with windchill (you can see current temp at the bottom on her cam page, but with the wind like it has been it much colder than that), but she'll be nice and toasty when she decides to foal. I will turn her Kaglo heater on.

As far as how many days she is, I think I posted up on the beginning of this thread; but it's getting to be a long post; I'm not sure how many days along she is, as I pasture bred all my mares. I have good luck on telling when they are due as I keep a close eye on my pastures and write down dates. Geisha foaled April 06 and bred a couple times, but Ultrasound was inconclusive in viewing we could really only see what we could make out as a cord and fluid, since she's older her foal is probably sitting lower on her uterus and hard to see via US. Was going to have another one done, but the mini probe got messed up and had to be resent to company, returned and still no working right.......hence the reason I've been watching her since um...about 4 months. I could have SWORN she would have popped that foal out early fall

I really think the baby will be born with a full set of teeth.
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No baby yet?!?! My goodness.... That is going to be one fully cooked foal!!!

Just wanted to share a picture with you.... This is my Geisha son, Millennium Falcon, taken late last summer..... I am looking forward to seeing what you get with her bred to Taker!!!


I hope she foals soon!!!
I know Kristina, I think she wants to keep it ALL to herself
I've tried telling her she'd be so much more comfortable if she's let it out; anytime now....

Falcon is looking great. I'm excitied to see the triple bred Rowdy foal she's carrying!
Are you sure she's still pregnant and not just overweight? I hope she still is. We're all waiting to see what the baby is.
Yeah, I'm beginning to think this is a false pregnancy also
She looks like a balloon ready to pop, poor thing - I can't believe that the foal isn't chomping it's way out of there - it is going to be one hungry baby when it is finally born - and you are probably right, it will no doubt be born with a full set of teeth (I had a colt born like that once - wow, what a little monster! I had to get him a stall ball at age 1 week so he would leave his poor mother alone :DOH! )

Come ON Geisha! ! !
I have been following Geisha's story for what seems like forever and finally found out how to get my computer to allow mare stare. I was just watching her and she was laying down, thought I was going to get lucky and see something but then she got up

It's funny that even though she isn't my horse, I am anxiously awaiting to see that baby.

I have to wait for other peoples babies to keep me occupied because I have to wait till end of May early June for our 2 foals. It is the next best thing.
Ms. Geisha is laying down and was biting at her side a few minutes ago....could tonight be the night???!!!!
...and now she is up eating!!!!!!!!!!!!
She does that every night
She'll go on her side roll bite her side look at it;

Then after you get all into it and excited she gets up and goes on the hunt for more food
[SIZE=12pt]What are all of us going to do when Geisha finally does present her little one to the world????? :DOH! [/SIZE]

Personally, I am going to need something to fill those gaps! LOL
[SIZE=12pt]What are all of us going to do when Geisha finally does present her little one to the world????? :DOH! [/SIZE]

Personally, I am going to need something to fill those gaps! LOL
So many are watching Geisha - but if you go to - there are many many more mares to watch - from minis to huge draft horses!!!!! I usually have a dozen or so cams up on my extra monitor - so that I can work and watch at the same time!!!!!

I'll have SEVERAL more under marestare Feb-May; HOPEFULLY none of them are stage hogs like Ms. Geisha though.

I'm daily checking udders on the other mares, Echo is progressing, not ready for cameras yet but before long, and Rowdy is right behind her.

It's winter weather down here, so Geisha may not get to go out, and I hope I'm soon to head home from work, as I figure they will close the college here soon. It's starting freezing rain and they are saying 4" of snow on top of it.
Oh Erica, that is what we have had here with the rain and then snow on top of that. We are still not thawed out of it. I think it has been 3 weeks or so. We are used to a snow storm and that afternoon it is melted. I keep trying to go pick up my new mare and I can't get through the mountains. We are expecting 7-10 feet in the mountains this weekend. I don't want to drive with chains and a trailer to get her.
katiean- better to be safe than sorry, if that is what they are expecting - I am sure the owners of the mare will keep her another week or so!

I feel for people in TX and the south that aren't equipped to handle this kind of weather. But we have had our share of weather too! Three nights ago, it was raining as I was coming home - 41 degrees. Horses thought it was a treat. I just about died because if they would have gotten soaked-- we were below zero in a just a few hours. Frozen horses I would have had if I hadn't gotten then in right away!

Geisha has a nice comfortable stall looks like! Erica what is the heater you were mentioning? I have never heard of that.

Geisha has a nice comfortable stall looks like! Erica what is the heater you were mentioning? I have never heard of that.
Here's the website for Kalglo

Here's the back pasture off the deck at 10 this morning, suppose to keep getting more this evening.......we've got a few inches as of now, started off as freezing rain, then snow, and then back to snow/sleet mix. Suppose to be snow this evening.

Oh yes, winter is such a joy! Yeah right!!! I cant wait til summer, horse showing, conditioning, walking outside in flip flops lol. We are getting a nasty storm tomarrow 6 -12 inches! I'm glad I've got another month for foals. That kaglo heater is a new one that ive never heard of either would have come in handy last year when I had a foal born on good friday last year and we got a huge snow storm with plummeting temps. poor girl was wearing a blankie and had to wait for a little over a week to see the outside world.

Geisha just have that foal already!

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Yes we're in for it again too. My husband is worried we'll run out of room to shove the snow! Drifted our doors to our house shut couple days ago, high winds and straight line snows..beautiful today but winter storm warning out again now for tomorrow.

Our county bldg was even closed yesterday and up here that never happens as we're used to the snow.

I'm tired. Only reason I'm not anxious for Summer is the heat,,we've had the hottest summer ever recorded up her last year..we were putting frozen jugs of water in their water tanks just to help cool the horses down.

So which is worse, heat an dbugs or cold and frozen breath

I'd rather a steady 72°

So which is worse, heat an dbugs or cold and frozen breath

I'd rather a steady 72°


I SO hear ya on that!! I told my husband, that at least in the winter you can keep adding layers-- in the summer there is only so much you can "take off" to cool off, lol!

My horses seem to prefer the cold to the heat. No bugs, and they can run around and not overheat.

If it sounds like I am trying to talk myself into enjoying (or enduring) winter, you just may be right!
Poor Geisha

if only she knew how much better she would feel to have that baby on the outside instead of in !

Quick Question

What would I need to have a Mare on MareStare ???

What kind of Cameras Hookups etc. ?
I have been watching Geisha also, several times I see her look right at the camera. Do you think she can sense everyone starring at her? You know how you can be somewhere and feel someone looking at you and turn and look them right in the eye.

Just a thought as I sit and stare at her, and my mare that's not due for another month, I start staring very early cause I'm a FRETTER. :DOH!

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