Well, it's really anybody's guess when and where we'll actually put up a barn, but my husband is thinking next year sometime. Whatever. In the meantime, I'm just looking around a bit and trying to figure out the most cost effective type of barn. Sid is pretty firm on wanting a "real" barn, but I would be more than happy with a "tarp" barn. He's thinking of having just the stalls, feed/tack room and wash stall in there, but I'm thinking that if we're going to put up a coverall type, then we might as well add a bit more on the end to include enough space for at least a round pen or an area where I can start working the horses in the spring when the footing here is atrocious.
The one that SueC. mentioned above is absolutely fabulous!!! If I remember correctly, it's about 80' x 120' (waaay bigger than what I would need!). The weekend that Kim (Willowood) and I did our clinic there in Nova Scotia, the weather was awful! Very strong wind and relentless rain. I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was no flapping or noise of any kind due to the wind or even the rain pelting down. And it was so bright and pleasant in there that you'd never know it was miserable and barely above freezing outside. That impression has really stayed with me and that's why I'm looking into this type of structure so much.
I really appreciate the links, comments and suggestions from all of you! Thanks!