Biopsy of uterus?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2002
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I have been having some female problems.. I guess its to be expected at my age 52, I just had a complete pelvic exam. My dr got back the results and found I have yet another ovarian cyst, but she doesn't like the looks of it. Instead of the cyst being mainly fluid it appears to have some solid material?? So now I have to go to a OB/GYN. Which is no big deal.

But I went thru pain yesterday in her office that I honestly thought I was going to go into shock. Has any of you woman had a biposy of your uterus? AWAKE? No pain relief of any kind. She told me it will feel much like labor pains only it won't be very long. In all my life, I have never had more pain then that EVER. Has anyone else experinced this? Or am I being a baby?

My dr called my cyst non simple?? What does that mean? Man, if its not one thing its just another, but I will tell you all this, if they ever decide to do another biopsy of my uterus I will FLEE.. Any experiences anyone else has had with this I would love for you to share it with me. Or suggestions


I've also had that done too.. It was very painfull and I thought I was going to die..But my problem wasn't like yours. I did ended up have a partial hysterectomy at 28..You weren't beining a baby.. That is a rough on to have done.. Sorry, not sure what to say about your cyst. Good luck and I pray that everything is alright..

Hey, Lara --

I'm not sure if this is the same thing or not, but I am having "something" done on 3/23. My doctor told me it hurts, but only for like 60 seconds (???).

I've had repeated miscarriages which my doctors now think is because I am type 2 diabetic (this was news to me, found out when I got some better doctors!). But, my obgyn is doing an "endometrial biopsy" (sp?) on 3/23 as well as a hystereo sonogram to make sure I have no fibriods in my uterus.

My doctor had given me some viccodin for the miscarriage and told me to save some for this biopsy and I have 2 left and will use them -- if nothing else, to calm me down!

Almost wish I didn't click on this thread because it's making me more scared


PS Oh God, I just googled it and wish I didn't :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

Hello, I have never had anything done like this, so I can't help you here. But reading your

post and thinking on it. I would say you are not being a baby. It sounded painful. Very painful.

I would be even a bigger baby, I want drugs.. knock me out and then you can do it. Don't wake

me till its well over. Then I want something for pain afterwards.

I am sorry you are having to go through this. I will pray for you, that all is okay. Let us

know the results.


I called and talked to the nurse and my doctor's office and they still want me to do it so I think I will but I will be FULL of viccodin and xanax (neither of which I normally take). Reading this post and the things about it on Google, it's making my knees feel like jello and sick on my stomache.

Hopefully you won't be needing any more painful proceedures.
you were absolutely not being a baby about it. It hurts. And it is a different kind of hurt from what I am used to, so I wasn't prepared for it. Thankfully it was over fast.


If they have to do another one let them know how bad it hurt and how scared you are of having to do it again and hopefully they will give you something to calm you down and dull the pain.
I have had it done and yes it hurts at the moment I truly thought I might die.. I guess maybe like the worst labor pain ever the part that is so close to the end you almost dont remember?

But the good news is it really doesnt hurt for long I had cramping and such after but that part was all very bearable.
I didn't have a biopsy of my uterus, but I can certainly relate.

I can't carry a child (had 3 miscarriages) so I decided to get an IUD. Normally an IUD is given to women who have already had children, been dialated and all that. Basically when they insert it she told me it will feel very similiar to labor, but since I'd never had a child, it will be worse...and let me tell was bad, I thought I was going to pass out and I have a very high threshold for pain (walked around 3 days with a collapsed lung). Since I never had children it was very hard for her to get it in and it took around 25 minutes. I had very bad cramping for a couple days. I'm not looking forward to having it removed in 4 years (it's a 5 yr one)....but one nice thing periods, so I guess the pain was worth it.

You are not a baby. I've had it done (plus other stuff) like that. Have never understood why they don't give women more pain relief. (Did all the blood run out of your head - leaving you lightheaded?)

I think a "non-simple" cyst means they feel they need to check it out further.

Let us know what's going on, okay?


I have been having women problems for a couple of years. I have been putting off a hysterectomy for a while, but will probably have it done at the end of this year. I have had ovarian cysts, among other things, and they hurt when they exam you. I have also had the uterine BX done. It did hurt, for a very short time while they actually took the biopsy. After that was just some cramping. I don't know why they can not give us something at least to just let us relax a little, maybe then it would not hurt so much.

You are not a baby. Under the best of circumstances these exams are uncomfortable.

Hugs and prayers to you, let us know how you are doing.
Hi Lara,

No you are not being a baby. I had this done recently (before my surgery) and my dr told me that it would hurt and gave me some meds to take before hand. They worked, and while I did have some discomfort and cramping, it was not too bad. Hopefully in the future you can take something prior to any procedures. Be sure to ask your dr about it.
Lara and Jill, I cant relate to the problems your having since I never had anything like that done. But, I do hope the best for both of you and will say a few extra prayers that everything comes back good for both of you. (((HUGS))) Corinne
I had the same thing and OMG :new_shocked: I came off the table! You are not being a baby.It hurt I think worse than labor.Prayers sent your way.
Thanks for all the responses.. Jill I am so sorry that this thread has upset you.. I certainly didn't mean for it to scare anyone. Just thought OMG, am I going to make it thru this. I felt so stupid, I had tears come down my face. My Dr said it hurts like labor pains, will I too like many of you have had labor pains, and it to me was much much worse. Altho, it didn't take long, it was the longest 20 secs I have been thru in my life. The Dr told me to lay on the table till the hard cramping stopped. But I was ready to get out of there before she told me they had to do it again, but I couldn't get up.. It did go away pretty quick, but the cramping which was NOTHING stayed with me thru the day.

I think its uncalled for to put a person thru something like that without any thing for pain. OH, my Dr did ask me if I wanted a ALEVE.. I said ALEVE?????? you have got to be kidding me. That is like giving someone major surgery with a baby aspirin.

Then I thought it was me.. I was just being a big baby, or there is something wrong with my uterus. Well, I have decided if I have to have that again, I want them to just take the uterus and do what they want to it. I don't want it anymore.

Take the pain pills Jill. I am sure that will help you. Let us know how it goes. Again, I am sorry if I scared you.

Thanks again, I don't feel like such a baby now.

Oh I feel for you girls. I have some "stuff" coming up again too...and I have put it off about as long as I can but I have been trying to get things settled with my blood disorder and Rheumatory Arthritis flare ups. Man...this stuff is scarier than all the others put together...I get sick just thinking about it.
Had a coloscopy in the office without pain meds...I knew I was in trouble when the doc called during a yearly exam to say the pap smear had some abnormal cells...followed by two more smears that were abnormal and when he checked me the fourth time, he said "I don't like what I see" (he had a set of goggles on like the ones Johnny Depp wore in "Sleepy Hollow" when he did the autopsy) and he called for the "hot cautery." Nothing like being barbequed on the spot without pain meds to remove three growths and had to do Lamaze breathing to get through the cramping but everything turned out OK and Tylenol alternated with Advil helped the pain. Cancer has killed everyone on my mom's mom's side of the family...colon, lung, leukemia, liver, uterine/ovarian stuff as most of the ladies on that side of the family had their reproductive equipment "yanked" due to other mom's dad's side all died of heart disease and on my dad's side, all the ladies had insulin dependent diabetes except my grandma, who died of a heart attack...sometimes I feel my genetic pool should be labeled as a Superfund site....

Good luck...and prayers for is scary stuff to hear there "might" be a problem...


Silversong Farm
OMG Denise.. and I thougth I had it bad. Bless your heart. I sure hope all goes good for you. I have to have my ovary removed, but if they think they are just removing one of my ovaries they are crazy, I want the whole kit and kabotle(sp) GONE.. I sick of it. I have had it for 52 yrs now. Its getting old. I too have on my mothers side, cancer mainly colon, and a aunt that just died from uterian cancer.. and my father side is heart.. So we must be related Denise. Since I need my heart, but don't need anything in the female plumbing dept, it can go.. I have read so many times on this forum about woman that had it all removed and it was the best thing they ever did.. Well, I want what they have.
Well, I have decided if I have to have that again, I want them to just take the uterus and do what they want to it. I don't want it anymore.

that is exactly what I did... but I was only 25. I haven't regretted it for a minute since. My recovery from my hysterectomy was actually less painful (but a lot longer!!!) then the biopsy.
OMG I feel so bad for all of you! I have must have the fiary princess of all OB/GYN's! I have had all of the mentioned procedures multiple times but never in the office! Always in day surg under what they call awake sedation. They give drugs that put you out but aren't "anesthsia" per se. I have rememebered bits and pieces of conversation that went on around me during the procedures but NEVER FELT a thing. Whole process never takes more than 3 hours from sedation to awake and home. Need someone to drive you home, need to fast from midnight the night before. Worth the time for me, I don't do pain! PLUS ITS A GOOD EXCUSE TO BE LAZY FOR THE REST OF THE DAY! I have an endoscopy/colonoscopy coming up Wed with my GI Dr due to things the GYN found and he'll be biopsying esphogus, stomach, small intestine, a mass in the colo-rectal area and cauterizing 2 hemoroids. I go in at 1pm and they told me I could count on being out by 3:30 if not earlier (hubby was concerned because he has a training position interview he didn't want to re-schedule for a very competitive program, they would have noted "put wife first" if he had changed)! I won't have felt a thing. Even a full laparoscopy to remove a cyst took under 2 hours! You all need to start demanding some more modern respect. Ask your doctors Why they don't feel the need to be more considerate! I hope you all can find somone as caring as I have when you have GI and/or female problems you need all the sympathy you can get during diagosis and treatment. Been going throug it for more than 25 years but the last 12 have been withthis wonderful doc! Good luck to everyone finding their own "fairy Prncess"! Kelly

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