Arghhhhhh, Cant stand my Mum sometimes

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LoveCoco said:
Just let him be fat and happy would be much more then the horse i just saw on tv 
.  Unless your doing any showing anytime soon (which im sure you wont being its mid winter) ..just let it go.



Leeana, Were talking New Zeland, its not mid winter there..... its just the opisite of here!
But over here in NZ it is nearly show season because its Summer!!! And he is going to be doing showing!!

I too know how frustrated you are feeling as I have a young adult daughter and am a daughter also. say your Mum is an experienced horse woman. Rather than feeling like you cant come to a conclusion on the matter I think it would be a very mature thing for you to do if you would take your concerns to your mother. Have some facts and some real reasons you are concerned. I am sure she will listen and probably in turn will give you her reasons for wanting him out.

Often when people are new to the pony world they feel their ponies or minis are obese because of the heavy hair coat. You must feel and rate your horse. Go to this site and read how to evaluate your hores weight and then apply it to Secret and then talk with facts to your mother.

horse weight

You may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome and you both may learn something. Your mother may gain respect for you as well because you are doing a mature thing.

Good luck, dont be nervous, your mother loves you more than anybody else ever will.

Sorry forgot to add the link first time around.
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Thanx, I done that yesterday as someone on another site reccomended me to do it. Yep - He is severly over weight!!
I don't think he is getting enough food.

My Miniature filly and colt both get three cups of Horseman's Edge 10 Percent Protein 10 Percent fat, 1 cup of forrage, 1 cup of beet pulp at each feeding (twice a day) along with about a half a flake of hay at each feeding. They are in good shape.
First of all, when I read the title of your thread, I was disgusted with you and then, when I read Franklin's post, I thought she took the words right out of my mouth! If you speak to your mother the way you spoke about her in the title, no wonder she doesn't listen to you. I wouldn't either. And as one of the other moms on here said, if my daughter wrote that about me on a public forum, she wouldn't be seeing a computer for a long time to come. I do understand your frustration, though! I had a mom once, too. (It's comments like this from a young person that make so many of us jump all over them when they open their mouths, as it were.

Anyway, I agree with those who suggested discussing this issue with your mom. If she has her own horse and rides, etc., she probably knows all about founder. So have some respect for her and ask her what is she thinking and why is she saying it's alright to put him on grass. It's all well and good to come to the forum for "advice" (only if it's what you want to hear, I daresay), but she knows your own situation there the best. And if you're going to be showing him in the summer, when do you plan to start conditioning him if he's as obese as you say he is?
You keep saying he is overweight. If you have done the weight calculation....How much does we weigh?????????
If you and your mom put your hands on the ribs and backbone of your horse, you would both have the RIGHT answer in 2 seconds. The weight and size of belly become irrelavent. (note - a horse that is skin and bones can have a big belly and so can a wormy one)
Okay here is what i've learned at this forum that will help you be a bit more respected! I call them the 'rules' sort of might want to try them.

1) SPELLING SPELLING SPELLING!!. If you want to be treated like an adult, write like one.

2) Take all advice!

3) Do not back-talk

4) Just act like an adult

5) Do not lie!!!

That is what i've learned here and it will help you get the answer's your looking for.

I would try getting him wormed unless he has been wormed already ..because i dought he just woke up one morning 'obese' now matter how much grass is around.
LoveCoco said:
Okay here is what i've learned at this forum that will help you be a bit more respected!  I call them the 'rules' sort of might want to try them.
1) SPELLING SPELLING SPELLING!!.  If you want to be treated like an adult, write like one.

2)  Take all advice!

3)  Do not back-talk

4)  Just act like an adult

5)  Do not lie!!!

That is what i've learned here and it will help you get the answer's your looking for.

I would try getting him wormed unless he has been wormed already ..because i dought he just woke up one morning 'obese' now matter how much grass is around.


This young lady is on her way to being a responsible knowledgable adult.
I applaud you!

We should all be willing to learn without being know-it-alls and be respectful of others opinions and knowledge.

I am 50. My Daddy is 81. I don't always agree with him. I don't always do what he would do. BUT, I ALWAYS respect his opinion.

Good job Leeana.
why dont you put us all out of our misery and post a picture of him? you will then get the correct advise,but in the mean time i would take your mums advise as shes probably the one that got you into horses? ,ive had horses all my life and i dont know everything, i think its great that you have responible owners here to give you the advise you need, if you feel hes over weight why not exersise him more,of course do it stage by stage incase you give him a heart attack! or when the vets out ask there opinion
do you mind if i ask what age you are????
wow this is off topic a bit but I must have been the only person here who as a teen have told my friends I cant stand my parents or my mom or whatever in one form or another

Odd though it was something I heard often from my friends as well so I guess I know i wasnt the only teen in the world that felt like that.

Granted I didnt post it on a fourm but then again we didnt have a fourm then and things were different. Many teens do a lot of there socializing online now

not saying it is something i want to hear or see daily but.. I really just see a youth doing some normal venting

I think as a general statement.. we need to remember we were all young once and all did things and or said things (ok and lets be honest still do as adults) that were venting or that as an adult now we may not say after many life lessons

We say we want to help the future of our breed the kids but then we surely jump on them for being what they are

it is easy to forget what we ourselves were like as kids and easy to forget that things are different and what we said to our friends in person is something that kids today put in type but honestly were we really much different?

and think back to you when you were a kid and asked for advice or got it when you didnt ask..and try and remember which approach got thru to you..

** have to add I always find it ironic and yes I to say it to my own kids sometimes that I tell them why cant you act more like an adult.. well DUH cause they are kids and it is there job to be kids
again totally off topic sorry
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I'd like to make a suggestion: Supreme Equine Design makes some wonderful minature horse muzzles - they velcro on the back, and are designed so that the horse can drink water, but not eat. I put them on my guys when I let them out to play. They're great, and very affordable - you may want to look at them as a middle ground solution.

Liz R.
Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis said:
wow this is off topic a bit but I must have been the only person here who as a teen have told my friends I cant stand my parents or my mom or whatever in one form or anotherOdd though it was something I heard often from my friends as well so I guess I know i wasnt the only teen in the world that felt like that.

Granted I didnt post it on a fourm but then again we didnt have a fourm then and things were different. Many teens do a lot of there socializing online now

not saying it is something i want to hear or see daily but.. I really just see a youth doing some normal venting

I think as a general statement.. we need to remember we were all young once and all did things and or said things (ok and lets be honest still do as adults) that were venting or that as an adult now we may not say after many life lessons

We say we want to help the future of our breed the kids but then we surely jump on them for being what they are

it is easy to forget what we ourselves were like as kids and easy to forget that things are different and what we said to our friends in person is something that kids today put in type but honestly were we really much different?

and think back to you when you were a kid and asked for advice or got it when you didnt ask..and try and remember which approach got thru to you..

again totally off topic sorry



I like you alot! You are the most understandble person I really have ever seen! your never rude for 1 and you are allways understandable, and caring! I was thinking the exact same thing, even though I am a youth, everyone that has been a child(wich I think is all of us) has probably said that about there parents! Its normal, its its not like she is saying I hate my mom, & I wish I didnt have her. its okay to be mad at your own mom, its not like they are going to make us do all this stuff and were happy, its a part of life! I can garuntee it, everyone on this forum has been mad at there mom or another adult that was in charge of them!

Lisa already said everything I was thinking so I will just stop:)

Sorry Liz, I LOATHE muzzles, I think they are downright cruel. Sorry.

How would you feel lined up in front of a table full of chocolate cakes and ice cream, and your jaws wired shut and absolutely NO explanation as to why???

This pony, if he is fat at all, has NO idea he is fat.

Why torment the poor thing by putting a muzzle on it when there might be absolutely no reason for it to wear one??

When a horse is put out with grass under it's feet every instinct in it's body is driving it to graze.

If you do not want your horse to graze, and I have always been really happy to let mine do so, then make it a dry lot, for goodness sake.

Grazing muzzles are very slightly better, certainly better than no grazing or interaction, especially if the horse has Laminitis.

We really do need to establish that this pony actually is fat before we start giving advise as to what to do about it.

And, Lisa, very salient points
awww thanks gage although trust me my kids surely wont always agree with you and have said some uhh humm wonderful comments about me to there friends in there time
Lisa I agree that all of us at one time or another have vented our frustration with our parents to our peers.

Unfortunately, Secret is talking to a bunch of mothers. LOL Yes we need to try to nurture the young ones and steer them back when they stray that is an adults and parents responsibility.

I felt my response to Secret was very level headed good advice. I did not in any way mean to degrade her or make her feel like she had been spanked and I dont think I did. So you are not the only one who is trying to steer her rather than slap her. I also think some of the others had good advice too, maybe just versed wrong for a youth to take it that way.

Sometimes as youth we do feel that adults are stupid and know nothing when in fact they probably know way more than youth do as they have been there done that. But when a youth vents this to a bunch of adults, they are going to be told exactly what I just said. I agree it can be done in a kind way, otherwise we are reflecting our own juvenile side.

I know if my children came to me with a well prepared argument or debate as to why they disagreed with my opinion I would be way more apt to listen to them and perhaps adjust my view than if they just yelled at me and threw a tantrum.
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