Well-Known Member
I need all the advice and the expertise you all can give me, I'm so scared and upset......
Came home this afternoon from taking our dog to the Vet. Misty was laying down in her field/paddock area which she does sometimes but not for long periods. My neighbor called within minutes and he said Misty was walking slow and looked stiff in her front legs. I ran right out to her, she didn't jump up like she usually would but after a few minutes she got up and was walking a bit stiff not lame or limping on one side or the other. After she walked around a few minutes she seemed better. I was with her in the morning and she was fine no sign of the stiffness. I went back in the house and about an hour later she did the same was laying down, I went out, she got up and was stiff for a few minutes. Then she stayed up for about 2 hours until it was time to come in the barn for the night. She ate her feed and was munching on her hay but did lay down earlier than she normally would. I checked on her one last time around 11pm same thing all over again only in her stall. She has had no change in her diet, there is no grass for her to eat, what was out ther for the summer wasn't really lush grass, some weeds and grass mixed in. Same thing she has eaten for 3 years now. Only treats she gets are from my neighbor about 3 times a week 3 of the baby (very small) carrots. He grew up around horses and knows what not to give her or Josie. I could not get my Vet since it was late afternoon and he was on his way out off town. The emergency Vet will be on in the morning and I will be calling first thing.......Some questions I have are.......can the minis have Bute? I wasn't sure but the horse people at my co op gave me some Bute Less, doesn't contain any Bute just some natural anti inflammatories. Does it sound like a case of founder??? I am so scared, can the minis recover and get better?? She is not over weight, can easily feel her ribs, hip bone etc...I started to read more on the internet but it was getting to be too much so I thought better to come to you all!! I have learned so much from you all in the past 4 yrs I've been here. I began learning and asking questions here even before I got Misty and Josie. I grew up with the biggies but decided on the minis once I retired 4 yrs ago. I love them both so much and have had them since weanlings. They both turned 3 this past spring. Please any help advice I would so appreciate......
Came home this afternoon from taking our dog to the Vet. Misty was laying down in her field/paddock area which she does sometimes but not for long periods. My neighbor called within minutes and he said Misty was walking slow and looked stiff in her front legs. I ran right out to her, she didn't jump up like she usually would but after a few minutes she got up and was walking a bit stiff not lame or limping on one side or the other. After she walked around a few minutes she seemed better. I was with her in the morning and she was fine no sign of the stiffness. I went back in the house and about an hour later she did the same was laying down, I went out, she got up and was stiff for a few minutes. Then she stayed up for about 2 hours until it was time to come in the barn for the night. She ate her feed and was munching on her hay but did lay down earlier than she normally would. I checked on her one last time around 11pm same thing all over again only in her stall. She has had no change in her diet, there is no grass for her to eat, what was out ther for the summer wasn't really lush grass, some weeds and grass mixed in. Same thing she has eaten for 3 years now. Only treats she gets are from my neighbor about 3 times a week 3 of the baby (very small) carrots. He grew up around horses and knows what not to give her or Josie. I could not get my Vet since it was late afternoon and he was on his way out off town. The emergency Vet will be on in the morning and I will be calling first thing.......Some questions I have are.......can the minis have Bute? I wasn't sure but the horse people at my co op gave me some Bute Less, doesn't contain any Bute just some natural anti inflammatories. Does it sound like a case of founder??? I am so scared, can the minis recover and get better?? She is not over weight, can easily feel her ribs, hip bone etc...I started to read more on the internet but it was getting to be too much so I thought better to come to you all!! I have learned so much from you all in the past 4 yrs I've been here. I began learning and asking questions here even before I got Misty and Josie. I grew up with the biggies but decided on the minis once I retired 4 yrs ago. I love them both so much and have had them since weanlings. They both turned 3 this past spring. Please any help advice I would so appreciate......