AMHR membership renewal letter

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Newsome, TX
I received what I thought was my annual AMHR membership renewal notice in the mail. However, upon closer inspection, the title of the page says 2007 Judges/stewards membership renewal notice.

I am not a judge or a steward.

Why did they send this to me??

There is not a space on the form for me to renew my "regular" membership.....

Do I just trash this one and wait for a "regular" membership renewal notice? Or is this all I am going to get?
We received both letters for renewal, one for regular members $45.00 and one that had judges/stewards for $65.00 with applications for ammy cards also. They came about a week apart from each other.
: Laura ,

Just trash that !! There were several sent out by mistake.. Not sure how or why but this was brought up at Convention and they thought they caught most before they were mailed.. Just send in your regualar renewal as you always have.. Sorry for any confusion
I got one too - glad you asked, I wondered what to do about it.

OK....I didn't see this was already asked when I posted the same question.

All I got was the Judge & Steward renewal tho. I have not gotten another one for a "Regular" membership renewal ...and it's due very soon!
i just got the regular one a couple days ago. mine were about 2 weeks apart
Ha! I got the Judges/stewards membership renewal notice and put it in file 13! Like Belinda said!!

I am sure I will get the right one sooner or later. I am not worried. If I don't then I always send it in anways!

I got the judges/stewarts one too and the regular one about two weeks later. :lol:

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