A little research into past issues of MHW has shown that Mr. T has been a longtime member of RMMHC, and was included in their 'Club' ad in the MHW as recently as the Apr/May '06 issue of MHW. (I can't check any more recent issues, as I stopped taking the magazine at the end of '05-pretty much stopped breed showing, am not particularly interested in paying for page after page of slick ads, etc..)
He also apparently got divorced and moved to the Uniontown area between the end of '94 and the end of '95.(I just checked the Dec. issue of each year starting in '86.) Prior ads mentioned 'stallions, geldings, and foals' for sale....
How MISERABLY upsetting it is to find that 'officialdom' either does not care, does not WANT to hear about it, passes the buck, or flatly refuses to do the job for which taxpayers are paying...of course, it happens a LOT, but where the lives of those who CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, and are TOTALLY at the mercy of their 'supposed' caretaker, are at stake??? To stonewall, to lie, to refuse to act,and very possibly to be 'aiding' the wrongdoer--that is BEYOND sinful!!
(Thanks for the answer about my question about where to go ahead and mail another donation, Ginny--I have to go down to 'town' today anyway(to buy some more $10+/bale grass hay bales-that weigh around 45 lbs. each, MAYBE!)-so I can take it by the PO.)
I continue to deeply admire such wonderful efforts on the part of SO many!