Wisdom teeth

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Ottawa Ontario
Well I got my four wisdom teeth out today, was wondering if anyone who's been through this had any advice to help?! I'm going to the arab Canadian National in a week so we're hoping I'll be reasonably ok then. They put me completely out, I was very VERY sick for two hours after I woke up, nurses finally gave me a couple shots of gravol. My poor mother, I was in her new car on the way home and had to make her stop
: Any advice at all?? I'm putting ice on and off, every 20 minutes. The worst part is that it's been 8 hours and my lower face is still numb.
Ick, I got mine out during my spring break. It is NOT fun.

Were you prescribed any meds? One thing that worked besides the meds was sleeping and watching good movies on the couch. I spent about three days on the couch with huge cheeks.
Hey thanks.

Yep I've been taking my med every four hours and right now have crashed on the couch with my mom's laptop lol
: And I can relate to the huge swelling, everytime I go by a mirror it's kind of shocking!!!! How long would you say it took you to recover to the point of working with the horses?
I was probably not able to get to the barn for about four days. The second day was worse pain wise than the first day, and then the third and fourth was just because I didn't want to do anything that would make my mouth worst (and I just wanted to watch more movies and eat more applesauce haha). It depends on how well you heal. I healed pretty quickly .
I had my wisdom teeth out 5 years ago, the month before my wedding. I only had the two bottom ones, and they put me out. My mom drove me to the oral surgeon, 2.5 hours one-way drive. I slept most of the way home with ice packs on both sides. I stayed on the couch for 4 days, then went back to work. I was mostly uncomfortable, but the ice packs really helped. [don't recall waht they gave me for pain.]
I had four removed a little more than a year ago. I found using a frozen bag of corn helped because I could mold it around my jaw. My advice: give yourself a good 4 days of laying on the couch on meds and ice. You'll be better before ya know it. Hang in there :new_multi:
I had my wisdom teeth out last year (although at the same time I had part of my jaw removed to remove a tumor in my jaw bone) so my surgery was a bit more intense than yours would've been but I'll talk nonetheless. Basically it was the worst surgery of my life (I've had four) and I would rather jump off of a cliff than ever experience it again. I wasn't allowed (because of the jaw bit) near the horses until January of 2007 and I had my operation on October 11th of 2006. I wasn't better until January and had every single possible complication. Basically, to say it nicely and quick, it was heck. So here is my advice...ice, ice and more ice! Then in a few days start alternating between ice and heat. Watch out for dry socket, and I don't know what it's like where you are, but here once dry socket is found they apply clove oil dressings that make the pain/infection stop almost instantaneously. Make sure you stay on top of your pain medication (not sure what you're on...I was on morphine based drugs you may just have Tylenol 3's). Don't let it go more than four hours (even through the night) for your pain for at least three days...depending on your pain levels you can start lowering the dosage and then spacing out the time you go between pills. Rest as much as possible and do NOT drink anything through a straw that promotes dry socket. No sucking on foods either!! Don't smoke, if you (easier said than done I would guess) do that also promotes dry socket. Your swelling will peak about two or three days after your surgery and then it should start to slowly go away.

I had a friend who had his out and the next day he was eating pork chops!!! So have no fear, most people are over and done with it within a week. Although you must try your hardest not to get dry socket it is not something you want to experience. Well I had one of the worst cases of dry socket he had seen in awhile (wasn't my fault lol) but I would think that even mild dry socket is ridiculously painful. Anywho good luck and feel better! You'll be out and about in no time!
I had my wisdom teeth out last year (although at the same time I had part of my jaw removed to remove a tumor in my jaw bone) so my surgery was a bit more intense than yours would've been but I'll talk nonetheless. Basically it was the worst surgery of my life (I've had four) and I would rather jump off of a cliff than ever experience it again. I wasn't allowed (because of the jaw bit) near the horses until January of 2007 and I had my operation on October 11th of 2006. I wasn't better until January and had every single possible complication. Basically, to say it nicely and quick, it was heck. So here is my advice...ice, ice and more ice! Then in a few days start alternating between ice and heat. Watch out for dry socket, and I don't know what it's like where you are, but here once dry socket is found they apply clove oil dressings that make the pain/infection stop almost instantaneously. Make sure you stay on top of your pain medication (not sure what you're on...I was on morphine based drugs you may just have Tylenol 3's). Don't let it go more than four hours (even through the night) for your pain for at least three days...depending on your pain levels you can start lowering the dosage and then spacing out the time you go between pills. Rest as much as possible and do NOT drink anything through a straw that promotes dry socket. No sucking on foods either!! Don't smoke, if you (easier said than done I would guess) do that also promotes dry socket. Your swelling will peak about two or three days after your surgery and then it should start to slowly go away.

I had a friend who had his out and the next day he was eating pork chops!!! So have no fear, most people are over and done with it within a week. Although you must try your hardest not to get dry socket it is not something you want to experience. Well I had one of the worst cases of dry socket he had seen in awhile (wasn't my fault lol) but I would think that even mild dry socket is ridiculously painful. Anywho good luck and feel better! You'll be out and about in no time!
Oh wow :new_shocked: Thanks for the tips, especially about dry socket. I found a some fine print on one of the info pages the dentist gave me about not drinking with a straw, but didn't know why. Thanks! I'll definately keep the ice on it. The info page also said I should ice it on and off for 12 hours but I've got no problems doing it for longer...it seems to help it feel better anyways.

Thanks everyone!
My daughter got dry sockets a few years ago when she had hers out. Not fun. She was smoking - told the dr she had stopped - so I think she brought it on herself, but it was misery. She still has her other 2 wisdom teeth, and may never get them out LOL.

I rember it like it was yesterday[ 1976 ] I had all 4 out. I was swollen up like a chipmunk. I dont think I ate for a week. somewhere around the second day my sister turned the tv channel [ before remotes ] and I stuck my tongue out at her ! Bad move, Im shure I pulled out stiches clear down into my heals. trust me on this one "Keep your tongue in your mouth" at least for a while. DR.
My goodness, I had only two pulled, no general anesthesia...just a local. Didn't require any pain meds, was fine the next day!
I rember it like it was yesterday[ 1976 ] I had all 4 out. I was swollen up like a chipmunk. I dont think I ate for a week. somewhere around the second day my sister turned the tv channel [ before remotes ] and I stuck my tongue out at her ! Bad move, Im shure I pulled out stiches clear down into my heals. trust me on this one "Keep your tongue in your mouth" at least for a while. DR.
I had mine out -- all 4 -- the same year! The oral surgeon said that if he'd only taken 2 at a time, I wouldn't come back for the second set! LOL!

My memory is about returning to my college classes after a couple days of misery. (The pain meds were making me nausious (sp) so they had to change the perscription.) I just remember sitting in the college cafeteria -- not eating -- and being teased for looking like a bruised chipmunk by none other than my then-boyfriend's friend, Denis Leary....... He's gone on to doing bigger and better things in his comedic career.


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