Why I'm not for Obama - List your reasons if you wish

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Obama's "clean" campaign that some people on here think so highly off
Since most of the stations and media are for Obama and they don't dare cover his dirty tactics YES I can see where they would believe that he ran a clean campaign. Apparently some people have not watched all of Obama's speeches and commercials lately............. An independent study concluded that McCain overwhelmingly received more negative coverage. Obama spent LOTS more as well as the media spent LOTS more covering their man Obama..So all in all I say McCain still floats above Obama when you take in all the negative coverage he received & the money Obama's campaign/media coverage spent making him look supreme!
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Rev Wright, sorry but I for one just do not buy that one day Obama DIDN'T fall asleep in church and realized that after 20 years of attending that some really vile anti-American; anti-white stuff was coming off that pulpit.
I agree.

We turned that country upside down, right or wrong, and I think we owe them to at least try to give their brand spank'en new democracy a chance. We also owe it to our soldiers to not make them fight a losing battle.
I absolutely agree. They interviewed a few Iraqui's the other day and all of them were for McCain. I'm sure they're afraid of what may happen if we aren't there to help protect them. I agree that we owe our military big time.

If Obama gets in I pray that the US made the right choice, if McCain wins I pray the same thing.
I absolutely agree. They interviewed a few Iraqui's the other day and all of them were for McCain. I'm sure they're afraid of what may happen if we aren't there to help protect them. I agree that we owe our military big time.
A military poll favored McCain 68% and Obama 23%. With those numbers you know the soldiers realize what is best for this country.
I can fully agree with the reasons given so far.

I am either going outside, or keeping the TV on satellite as much as possible today, as I have NO interest in hearing the same endless 'analyses' over and over and over and...well, you get my point. I did not intend to comment further on any thread, but now, I will add one more reason to NOT vote for the Democrat's candidate...

It appears that our own New Mexico state flag was 'altered', as pictured in a photo of the front door of the O campaign's Portales, NM, headquarters, to include, in the center of the Zia sun symbol, that circular logo he likes to use.

I can't say I think that ANY candidate, or their representative, has the right to alter the flag of ANY sovereign American state; to do so is arogant, crass, and worse, IMO.

So, add this action to the list of reasons NOT to vote for the 'most liberal' self-styled messianic candidate.

(I did immediately send an email of protest to the office of our state's Governor, Bill Richardson(who my husband and I recognized MANY years ago as the carpetbagger he is...oh, yes, affability and all. I don't expect to even be acknowledged, and am QUITE sure my opinion will be discounted in toto, but I needed to express my dismay.)

With the issue of abortion I find it interesting that you say Obama "is for abortion". I understand he is "for choice" meaning he doesn't feel that it is the governments right to remove that freedom from a woman, that freedom with regards to her own body. I am truly sorry to the poster who was raped when she was 14 and carried that child and unfortuantely lost it to a miscarriage. What I can't imagine is lets say a 12 year old child (girls mature much quicker today into womanhood) getting raped, not by a member of the family, and being traumatized as you as well must have been. Why does society have a right to tell this young girl that she must go through the entire pregnancy in order to more than likely give the child away for adoption. Not only does she have to endure the rape, the entire pregnancy and the heartbreak of giving the child up. I feel as a human being do not have the right to dictate this to any other woman. What she decides to do is HER choice unless your society is willing to implement programs to help unwed mothers retain their children if you are going to ban abortion all together. I believe Obama said he would leave it up to each state to decide about abortion, at least that is what I heard him say.

On many other threads when the election first started I read the words to the effect that you didn't want your freedoms taken away, yada yada and yet you are willing to take freedom away from women to make their own choices when it comes to something that affects them directly and doesn't affect you directly at all.
With the issue of abortion I find it interesting that you say Obama "is for abortion". I understand he is "for choice" meaning he doesn't feel that it is the governments right to remove that freedom from a woman, that freedom with regards to her own body. I am truly sorry to the poster who was raped when she was 14 and carried that child and unfortuantely lost it to a miscarriage. What I can't imagine is lets say a 12 year old child (girls mature much quicker today into womanhood) getting raped, not by a member of the family, and being traumatized as you as well must have been. Why does society have a right to tell this young girl that she must go through the entire pregnancy in order to more than likely give the child away for adoption. Not only does she have to endure the rape, the entire pregnancy and the heartbreak of giving the child up. I feel as a human being do not have the right to dictate this to any other woman. What she decides to do is HER choice unless your society is willing to implement programs to help unwed mothers retain their children if you are going to ban abortion all together. I believe Obama said he would leave it up to each state to decide about abortion, at least that is what I heard him say. On many other threads when the election first started I read the words to the effect that you didn't want your freedoms taken away, yada yada and yet you are willing to take freedom away from women to make their own choices when it comes to something that affects them directly and doesn't affect you directly at all.
You talk about the choice of the woman..what about the choice for the baby..it has NONE

Some people are very passionate about the polar bears and the caribou..what about human life?

When I carried..I been told by a doctor to abort..since I was on medicine that could have caused birth defects..I told him NO..everytime I saw him he drilled me..finally went to another doctor..Now is that right?
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everytime I saw him he thrilled me..finally went to another doctor..Now is that right?
I would say that your doctor must have been something, because none I've ever gone to have thrilled me at all.
I'm not sure it's proper to be thrilled by one's doctor, so I would say it was right for you to change doctors.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist commenting on that one!!
Sorry ..dumb German..I was annoyed, bugged, TOLD..there..better?
I know what you meant--and honestly not making fun of you!--just being lighthearted. Sorry.

I'm all for McCain in this election, but I admit I am very much pro-choice. That's probably the one & only thing I agree with Obama on... I believe it is wrong to use abortion as a form of birth control, but I believe that a woman should be able to choose.

I've never been able to figure out why the pro-lifers figure that abortion is wrong, yet it is okay for anti-abortionists to go and kill the abortion clinic doctors??
No harm done..
and I believe every woman has the right to choose..her own birthcontrol..there are other ways..
There will obviously be radicals on every emotional issue........such as abortion.

No, it makes no sense that a pro-lifer would turn around and take the life of doctors or nurses who perform abortions.

It also doesn't make sense that a doctor can legally terminate an infant's life because it survived a Partial Birth Abortion, while at the same time a murderer who kills a pregnant woman is charged with TWO COUNTS of murder.

I am not a hard and fast pro-lifer OR pro-choicer.........Perhaps someone will say I'm straddling the fence, because I reluctantly can see reasons for a woman to end her pregnancy during the first tri-mester......but NOT as a method of birth control!

Why don't people promote the option of adoption in all of this???? For every UNWANTED child there are a DOZEN couples out there waiting to be loving parents!!!!!!!!
Why don't people promote the option of adoption in all of this???? For every UNWANTED child there are a DOZEN couples out there waiting to be loving parents!!!!!!!!
If only this were true. Well perhaps it is for a white infant. There are plenty of children in fact hundreds of thousands of children in the system now waiting adoption. Many of them will never see it and will end up turning of age in the system. They are not considered desirable. Very sad situation all the way around.
And you have to consider women and girls who have medical reasons or potentially fatal complications. Women and girls who are in dangerous situations-I knew a girl in high school who had an abortion because she was certain she would be killed if she told her step-father. Women and girls who were raped, or victims of incest who can't bring themselves to carry that child-that memory-to term.

And then we just have women who after searching their hearts simply feel it's the best decision for them.

I can't think of a single person who LIKES abortion-but I refuse to stand here and tell another woman that what goes on inside her uterus is my business.
Unbelievable...I know its all said and done now but..have any of you "Pro-Choicers" ever stopped to think that if your mothers had "chosen" not to give you life you wouldn't even be here??

I cant imagine how on earth it is possible for so many MOTHERS to agree with abortion. Would you have killed YOUR baby at ANY stage of his/her gestation? I hope not. No baby is any different from any other baby. Black, white, rich, poor, result of rape or loving marriage. This is a LIFE we are talking about for goodness sake. No different than you or me.

Aborted Americans cant Vote.

MA, I am so sorry to hear that happened to you, and so sorry you are still in pain over it. ((hugs))
If only this were true. Well perhaps it is for a white infant. There are plenty of children in fact hundreds of thousands of children in the system now waiting adoption. Many of them will never see it and will end up turning of age in the system. They are not considered desirable. Very sad situation all the way around.
If Harvey and I decide to adopt, honestly, we will not care what color the baby is, but would want a baby vs. an older child.
Unbelievable...I know its all said and done now but..have any of you "Pro-Choicers" ever stopped to think that if your mothers had "chosen" not to give you life you wouldn't even be here??
I cant imagine how on earth it is possible for so many MOTHERS to agree with abortion. Would you have killed YOUR baby at ANY stage of his/her gestation? I hope not. No baby is any different from any other baby. Black, white, rich, poor, result of rape or loving marriage. This is a LIFE we are talking about for goodness sake. No different than you or me.

Aborted Americans cant Vote.

MA, I am so sorry to hear that happened to you, and so sorry you are still in pain over it. ((hugs))
I agree totally with you. Every one of my 5 children put my life at risk. I was severely anorexic, I smoked heavily, (ashamed of that now) and my heart was weak and faulted (I had surgery on it after my 4th child was born). I was on birth control pills when I got pregnant with my first two babies. I wasn't planning on a child, but once I found out I was pregnant, I wanted that child. I was only 108 lbs. when I delivered my second son. I had difficult pregnancies, but I still wanted my children. Many will say I was irresponsible...and I probably was, but there was never any doubt in my mind from child one all the way to child 5 that I would love those babies with my entire heart. I deveolped instant love as soon as I got a positive on the pregnancy test.

That being said, I still stand by my original suggestion. If you as a woman have a condition that could cause you or you and your baby to die because of the illness, get a hysterectomy. A partial one where they remove only the uterus and you retain your ovaries. That's what I did... When my 5th child was a year old my anorexia was so bad I could barely pick her up. I called my ob/gyn and said I want a hysterectomy. He scheduled it for that same week and because of my health condition he agreed it would be the best decision for me.

My friend, she's severely diabetic. The worst case I've ever seen. Yet she chose to have a baby. It put her life, and that babies life at risk. Her first pregnancy caused her sugar to jump over 900 and she was in the ICU when the babies heart stopped beating and they had to do a D&C. She tried pregnancy again and had a baby with many health problems at first, but now the baby is over a year old and she has no adverse reactions to her mom's choice to carry her to term.

Later in life, I am sure I will have grand-children and I will love each of them as if they were my own. And my husband and I are keeping the option of adoption open after we've raised our own children....and no... I don't care if the baby is white, black, mexican, asian... all I care about is giving that baby the chance at a loving life which it definately deserves.
a person putting their own life at risk is not the same as a baby doing so. Your life was at your own risk, by your own hand, not the babies.

And in my opinion in some cases its selfish to put a child through that.
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Abortion is a personal choice and should remain that way. No one knows the mind and inner workings of why a woman may choose to go that route and to take that choice away, is wrong on many levels.

While I am glad I am here, if my mom decided to terminate me, well, guess I wouldnt be here to have a decision on that now would I? But I can bet God would have given me to someone else who could handle it. As for deciding to go ahead with a pregnancy that would have a good chance of delivering a very sick child. I had that choice, I am not that selfish. If you can state that you wouldnt wish your illness/disease on anyone then go have a child that can have that illness/disease?....................

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