Where have all the people gone?????

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
I know some folks hang low during foaling season, others hang low during show season,,,,,,,,,but that's not it. I have not seen them for months and months and months!!!!! :no: :no:

Where have all the people gone? They aren't on any more. What do you think is going on??????

I have been on the forum each day for the past week,,,,,,,on two of those days,,,,,,,,I looked to see who was logged on,,,,,,,,,,,,I DID NOT KNOW A SINGLE NAME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOT ONE!

Welcome to all those newer members,

but where'd everyone else go?????????

Have you noticed the same or is it just me? If you are reading this and just don't post any more, would you mind to share with us why?

Hello out there!!!!!!
I've noticed it too. Lots of new folks but the "old" folks don't post anymore. I miss some of them. :no: I know it is summer time and some people are really busy but I'm with you, I think it is something else.
working with horses, helping my grandfolks more often now,getting ready for college, doing more art now too. i'll be lot busier by next year with college, extra foals, and helping my grandfolks. and we maybe moving too. not for the next 2 years but maybe 3 or 4 depens on college and my grandfolks business. but time will time i guess. anyways thats my reason for not being on here very often.

:saludando: hope yall have a nice 4th of July!
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I'm indoors more than usualy these days which is very unlike me during the summertime, but this heat and humidity has really thrown us for a loop again here in the northeast! It's horrendous humidity with low air quality. I have noticed in the past years this time of year alot of people are on vacation, or horse shows, that's what I likened it to. But I have noticed the boards especially the back porch going kind of slow where the posts are'nt moving as quickly as they would in the winter.
I'm back, for the longest time could not get on at work and by the time I got home, did chores, and got me fed I was too tired to go get on the home computer. Nice to be able to catch up on what everyone has been doing.
I've been online off and on but oftentimes it's very late or I'm not logged in and just reading through/answering pm s.

Myself, I've been VERY busy and time is at a premium though I try and take the time to answer something if I have it or if I feel I have some input that would be helpful, etc.

I know a few of the "old timers" have very good reasons why they're absent as well, but you're right, it does seem that they are filtering away.

I have a show this weekend so likely will only be reading now and then as Kim lets me while we're at her place. I have a great laptop but so many places out this way are NOT wireless access so I save the wear and tear on my computer and leave it home.

Well, I have been logged on a lot the past few days, however, I always am on anomyous. That's because sometimes I don't "off the top of my head" know what to say on a post, or do not have time to say anything yet. I don't want someone else to see my name at the bottom of a thread they made and then not see that I've said anything (yet?), so I am always on here anomyously.
I've been a member for many years. I too noticed a turn around in the people. Alot of the oldies don't come on anymore. I don't post much either, but I visit everyday with my morning coffee. I miss the good ol' days.
Summer seems to be really busy for me, and heck..I dont even work out, but I do spend alot of time out playing with the foals. I try to jump on a little bit every day, but I do know I am on alot more in fall and winter. I did notice that the majority of the people are new. I was wondering where all the oldies went too, and why they left. I miss the good old days too, when we could actually get on and help each other (without the worry of it turning into a lawsuit!) or without it turning into a arguement. THis is still my favorite place with my cup of coffee..in the morning, even if its only for a fast check to see whats new. Corinne
well i for one do not post as often as i used to because of all the unnecessary bickering

there are some here who thrive on keeping the pot stirred and it just makes this an unpleasant place

i guess that sums it up for me!
I've been very neglecting of the forum for awhile now, though I do try to skim the forum daily. I have just been very busy with working and my personal life. I have been a member of the forum since 2002 and it does seem 'different'.... It's hard to explain.

Anyway, for those interested in hearing what I've been up to; I am still working at PETCO as a groomer, I love my job. I recently decided to attend a grooming school to work towards my masters, so far it's going alright.... The horses are doing well, all 11 of them. My ;05 foal, Serenity is growing up strong and Sky, my little filly who had colic surgery in October '05 is doing amazing, she's my miracle baby. My Birthday is today, July 5th. I treated myself with a new tattoo; it's a rearing horse on my back. It's done in black with shading. I think of my forum family often.....
The forum is practically my full-time hobby so you wont be getting rid of me anytime soon.

I know what you mean. For one its not the same w/out Marty, thats the biggest thing i've noticed.

But also, its Mid-Summer ....i think everyone is trying to enjoy it outside with there horses.

I've been trying to but the darn bugs run me inside, so more LB time.

Leeana H.
I've been on here for years & years - not any of the oldies left....... Like school I guess - everyone eventually leaves but the rooms are still full.
I'm still here, I just don't get much chance to log in... I'm on mare stare, and though I read every day, I don't always have the time to post.
Jill sums it up perfectly for me. I try to browse the forum at least every other day but don't seem to have time to post, and when I do, I just don't know what to say. We are really busy right now too. My daughter just got married (2nd for both), bought a place in OK and we are helping her 'fix' it up a bit. My Husband is a judge and I'm a Steward, so busy lots of weekends. Trying to get our own place fixed up and put up for sale. So much to do and so little time!!!

Might not post as much as I usually do because of the time of year.......but I do check in!

About the bickering, yes it does get old and some people stir it up every chance they get.

BUT other times, I have to laugh even if it is at my own self
Some of the stuff we discuss and try to help each other with regarding horse management can just hit so close to the heart. I bet A LOT of us have invested time on end coming up with our feed and management programs for the horses. While I know there are several right ways to do something, sometimes when it's too far off "my right way" to do something it's hard not to feel somewhat emotional... That's why when I see it getting "hot" in feed / management topics, I'm always like "who wants to talk Religeon and Politics" because that's not any more controversial!

I'm still here too. Been a lurker/poster since 1998. I just don't post as much as most people as someone else said I don't know what to say most times.
i think also the fact that we are smack in the middle of show season has a lot to do with it

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