What would you like to see changed at AMHR Nationals

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There are a lot of good points made. I have to say that, for me, it is the "prestige" that is somewhat missing...the awards REALLY need to be upgraded, at least from when I last went in 2007 (can't believe it's been that long already?!!). And I 1000% agree that the way the placings are announced needs to be shifted from lowest to highest. This does add "perceived value" to that hard-won TOP TEN!!! I know that many here have stated that cost is a huge factor, and it is. But FOR ME, I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for nicer awards. If we are going to make the TREK to Nationals, it needs to be worth it in every regard.

I will be at Nationals for sure next year, barring some catastrophe, as I have carefully nurtured my fine young gelding for the Super G Futurity. I am very excited to bring him out, he is my first home-bred horse. I may go this year, as I do have a couple of very good horses that could, I believe, be competitive at that level. I was going to go to the World Show, but couldn't make my schedule work out for it no matter how hard I tried. However, Nationals is still in my grasp. Looking forward to it, whether this year, next year, or both!
For me the, "prestige" comes from the number of horses that you have to beat, to get a top ten. I was a little disappointed in the Journals coverage of the results. I thought they used to list the number in the class in too.

I didn't check to see if they do that it the World coverage, but they used to.

If you get a top ten out of 50 it is a big deal. If you get a Reserve out of a class of two- not so big.
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When it comes to the awards yeah I'm sorry the horse head needs to go for the National Champion. It doesn't even look like a mini. But I am very happy about the neck slashes for the 1st and 2nd place. I would love a neck slash. I also don't mind the silver plate but the trophy needs to change. Again yeah sure I would love an upgrade of awards but I don't want to see a huge price increase. If we gathered more corporate sponsors for the extra cost of ribbons that would be great.

Again my biggest gripe is the driving stakes.
I've read everything in both this thread and the one for amha. One of the biggest things for amhr is that people want better awards and one of the biggest things for amha are that it's too expensive. I guess i'd rather keep the lower price than the fancy awards. Isn't the point of winning a top ten or national championship the title and not the award? I guess i'd rather pay less then have nicer awards which would probably collect dust somewhere anyway.
I've read everything in both this thread and the one for amha. One of the biggest things for amhr is that people want better awards and one of the biggest things for amha are that it's too expensive. I guess i'd rather keep the lower price than the fancy awards. Isn't the point of winning a top ten or national championship the title and not the award? I guess i'd rather pay less then have nicer awards which would probably collect dust somewhere anyway.

Yes but - if you are hauling all the way there - shouldn't the awards be worthwhile? AMHA Worlds will always be more expensive as they have half the potential entries and yet still have nice awards - AMHR has both Over and Under entries. IMO they do not seem to make that big a deal out of Top Ten awards. They SHOULD be recognised and honoured instead of hustled out of the ring ASAP as an afterthought. IMO they should also have a Supreme or Best in Show award - that heightens the anticipation and suspense. End with a BANG! not a whimper - as I have said before.
It just makes it all more fun!

I guess i'd rather pay less then have nicer awards which would probably collect dust somewhere anyway.
Many barns proudly display their top awards - just as they do at the shows.
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It is a fact that the R shows have the potential to draw from a larger group of horses because of the over horses also qualifying to attend it. That does have to be considered when comparing the two shows. I have requested the number of horses in the under division at last year Nationals from several people I thought would know. I have not received a response. I can tell your that a great many of the classes I watched or competed in had 20 -25 entries. Some of classes my wife and friend were in had around fifty entries. Some of those horses went directly from the Tulsa to Ft Worth. I don't know the exact number of 34 and under horses but even if it was one third of the entries at the show it still remains a substantial amount. That is around 500 horses if I figured correctly. I believe this is a low estimate of the 34 and under population.

As I see it,

IMHO, maybe they should do as AMHA does: all the Grand Champion classes are judged on the last day. Instead of Stakes classes make them Grand Championships, too. As it is now, I believe the last day is all Performance classes. No wonder the stables and stands look like Death Valley, everyone else has gone home. It's no fun showing to an empty arena.
IMHO, maybe they should do as AMHA does: all the Grand Champion classes are judged on the last day. Instead of Stakes classes make them Grand Championships, too. As it is now, I believe the last day is all Performance classes. No wonder the stables and stands look like Death Valley, everyone else has gone home. It's no fun showing to an empty arena.
It might be not as thrilling to show to an empty arena but it's still fun. Believe me, first in the class at 2 p.m. is really good but first at 3 a.m. [beachers had 3 people in them] is still very VERY fun!! (been there; done that; got the horsehead 2008--still makes me smile!)
There was a proposal about making Stakes into a Championship class instead but unfortuantly it got voted down. Hopefully it will be brought up again in the future. I agree maybe they should have all the Championship classes near the end both halter and driving. More people will stay for that.
Ive never been to nationals, and what prevents me from going is the distance. I only ever show 1-2 horses, and that's too far of a distance for me to go just for one horse. I can understand farms with a few on their show string making the trip but Its just too far for me when I only ever show 1 possibly 2 horses. Im sure it probably wont ever change, but I wish it would rotate between two venues every other year.

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