What does the Republican party stand for?

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Yes it is interesting - I can't help myself I have to respond - because Jill you start about 99% of the political topics on here and it's the same old thing. We all know you are a republican, successful, and love Capitalism...and every so often you have to stir the pot and and remind us

It's more irritating than informative. Then as usual you have to have the last word.
Yes it is interesting - I can't help myself I have to respond - because Jill you start about 99% of the political topics on here and it's the same old thing. We all know you are a republican, successful, and love Capitalism...and every so often you have to stir the pot and and remind us

It's more irritating than informative. Then as usual you have to have the last word.
I cannot take credit for 99% of the political posts. There are other people who are active. Thankfully. Not everyone is apathetic, disinterested, uninformed and/or lazy. Of course, there are also the resident moths to the flame who really do just come to stir the pot.
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I'm done
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It is more predictable than "interesting".

It happens because you tend to condescend and sneer along with having said opinion.

You have suggested that others are lying, are ignorant etc. because they did not share your opinion. You have presented viral emails as facts in the past. You have run roughshod over people - for not sharing your opinion. You have repeatedly made it clear that the only opinions that are to be respected or discussed are yours. It is not the opinion itself but the way you seem to delight in delivering it.

On another forum where we have lively political threads that have never needed to be edited or deleted, everyone respects everyone else's opinion and although things may get a bit heated, the discussion is always civll. No insults. No condescension. People with very opposing views can and do have interesting lively discussions/debates - as many posters here do.

BTW, people disagreeing with you does not constitute a "focus group"...

Back to the discussion... one could also ask what the Tea Party stands for. They seem to be floundering of late and have no cohesive message...
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Thank you Andi and others,

I am definitely NOT a writer or orator. I do appreciate that you can focus through my horrible spelling and grammatical errors.

Specific to the poll you mentioned during the debate, that has for more importance than the casual observer might credit it. His lead in ALL categories was not even close. He was beating the pants off of all comers. And yet, as you saw and in support of my comments, it was buried. It happened right in front of your eyes and I saw and noted it as well. This has been happening for the ENTIRE ride. It also happened during the last "election" cycle. Quite plainly the machine, its owned media on both sides and all of its sycophants are terrified of him. By logical extension they are terrified of the Constitution. Additionally when presented with indisputable fact and their positions are revealed as fraud and devoid of logic, they simply refuse to engage. Usually they seek to attack and degrade the truth teller. They engage in every form of Hegelian mechanism to bury and marginalize the truth teller, including but not limited to the coup de grac of labels "Conspiracy theorist". If one is paying attention, one can see this behavior in all of the machines mouthpieces and change agents, be it rush, beck, farce larcony (lars larson), just pick one. When one tries to engage them, one gets a dear in the headlights kinda look and they depart the field of battle in extreme haste and with attack and name calling. Remember I share the same party and am therefore qualified to bust on them. But why do they do this? Again the answer is simple and therefore truthful. Their positions are based in ill-logic and fraud and at some level they know this. They come to do battle with a Constitutionalist and they are an un-armed combatant. It is painful to have your lunch handed to you and so all of the mechanisms of avoidance are used, no matter what.

I have worn the hat of annalist for a good number of years in various capacities including martial, but certainly not limited to that field. I study words and their structure or the lack of words to get to the root and true nature of a subject. To me, many times but not always, it is quite plain and elementary to see through a thing or person and has almost become second nature. It is a gift nearly anybody can develop if they put the effort forth. I ain't that special, trust me. That is what I'm trying to get everybody to do, in order to know the truth of a thing or a person. By doing so you are able to free yourself, think critically, honestly and rest at Liberty. Not doing so insures that you are enslaved. Our founders, nearly to a man, died penniless and were hunted down for having the temerity to stand against the same monster that enslaves us today. The very same monster! I will not ever shirk my responsibility to their sacrifice to secure to us, Liberty and Justice for ALL. R.P. and my positions are the same as our founders. While I have tried to avoid the topic Andi (and others) you have seen the evidence first hand (or at least an indicator) during the previously mentioned debate that a MAJORITY of the American people including the Military have sided with R.P. and therefore our treasured founders and also hold the same views. And yet, the "official" fraud, I mean count doesn't seem to reflect that. Hmmmm........ But, I'm sure that this is just another "conspiracy theory" from the "4:20 crowd" and the "kool-aid" drinkers..... See how easy that works?........

Again, why can't he win? I would think that the attendant (them whats payin attention and all) know full well why he can't win. Isn't it obvious? The slave master won't allow him to win. The preponderance of evidence is that he should be, yet the "official" numbers indicate the exact opposite. Early in the caucus fraucus (it rhymes better) an eye witness account f the vote went like this,

RP RP RP RP RP RP Romney RP RP RP RP RP RP Romney RP RP, and continued much like this for the entire count. And yet the "official" winner was Romney. This is just one account among MANY like this. That's why the "count" went behind closed doors. and has remained that way. There is a literal mountain of evidence pointing to fraud. There is an exquisitely simple and cheap method to fix the vote so as to not be manipulated and again it is the republican that is fighting it tooth and nail. Why? because it puts ALL of the power back into our hands and CANNOT be manipulated to a predetermined outcome. Why these guys continue to run without first fixing the sophistry that is "the vote" is beyond me and quite insane.

To work
Honestly my biggest facination with politics is they way people interact and attempt to convince and "guide" people one way or the other. It is very similar to any industry, for me specificaly the horse training bussiness. It is facinating to watch how ability and talent take a back seat when selecting a trainer for some people, and actually they usually know that but won't admit it. Some people do it without even realizing it. There is so much Mob Mentality and Follow the Leader type peer pressure it can keep your mind going indefinitely. I really enjoy analyzing and "predicting" what people in this industries motives and next moves are. Often, if you are an uninvolved spectator, it is quite easy as you mentioned and sooo valuable.
Back to the discussion... one could also ask what the Tea Party stands for. They seem to be floundering of late and have no cohesive message...
It seems like 2008 showed us that many American Voters like what the Tea Party stands for, and they also reject the liberal agenda. If you want to know what I think it stands for and why I am a conservative Republican, see my intial bullet point post on this thread... That is, if one honestly wonders.
"BTW, people disagreeing with you does not constitute a "focus group"...

YES!..... But then again it is just another form of the "attack" for it truly addresses nothing pertaining to the point.

"Back to the discussion... one could also ask what the Tea Party stands for. They seem to be floundering of late and have no cohesive message..."

GOOD question Tag. I love questions! Here is what I believe to be the answer. The original tea party was essentially a R.P. construct and education tool during the last "election" cycle. As such it shared his views and was was aligned with his Constitutional thought process.

There is a simple rule with movements and groups and especially those at odds with the dominant "establishment". They are all infiltrated by the dominant establishment. This is and always has been one of those "pillar" rules in the handbook. Some time ago, I started to hear Gingrich's name being affiliated with the "tea party". This HUGE red flag caused me to start examining this startling turn of events. The examination revealed that the original R.P. tea party had indeed been infiltrated and hi jacked through unscrupulous means by the republican party and was being directed by that "establishment". It would take much time that I don't have right now to hunt down the relevant proof of this claim. However, knowing what it was and seeing what it is now should be ample anecdotal evidence to prove the point. That they are NOT behind R.P. and do not hold to the Constitutional views that they did under him and he does today and always has. Because they gave up the pure standard of upholding and defending the Constitution even in minutia, they flounder. They do not stand on the only solid ground of importance to our nation.
I'd like you all to just make a list of several things that you think of when you think of the Republican party.
This is not a complete list (though I could add to it later, I suppose) but one word certainly comes to mind. "Elitist".
I agree with this statement,

"Back to the discussion... one could also ask what the Tea Party stands for. They seem to be floundering of late and have no cohesive message.."

This replying statement seems to want to answer the question, get support for the TPM, but doesn’t answer the above statement at all,

"It seems like 2008 showed us that many American Voters like what the Tea Party stands for, and they also reject the liberal agenda."

The biggest statement the reply makes is, "support the TPM, alot of voters used to when it began". It ignores the issue brought up. It is relying on hype and peer pressure; and avoids actually delivering a cohesive message of what the TPM stands for, which is what the problem was.

From what I have researched the TPM started around 2008, in support of RP and his values, So, referring to their success in 2008, at relatively the very start of their existence, has no bearing on whether or not they are "floundering of late". I think to ignore the issue, on a false illusion that everything is fine, is what started this whole mess. We need to be honest and deal with the problem, not rely on false hype as the foundation of why people should support the TPM. It is creating a false "bubble" of supporters.
It seems like 2008 showed us that many American Voters like what the Tea Party stands for, and they also reject the liberal agenda.
Jill - that did not really address the question. The Tea Party of 2008 was not the fragmented, contradictory mess the Tea Party is now. In 2008 it appeared to be a fresh, driving force - all Hopey/Changey in its own way. Since then? Pffffffffft. It has not lived up to its self-promoted promise. Even different Tea Party groups did not agree with each other. There does not seem to be one cohesive TP agenda anymore.

And who does the Tea Party stand behind now? That seems to change depending on which way the wind is blowing. Michele Bachmann was the darling of some of them.... but that did not work out and IMO was ill-advised. And now? *shrug*

A false bubble of supporters will not shore up a party that seems to have lost its focus... thanks for your thoughts and answers, James and Carriage! I appreciate a good discussion instead of recycled rhetoric... which can be found on both "sides".
The Tea Party of 2008 was not the fragmented, contradictory mess the Tea Party is now. In 2008 it appeared to be a fresh, driving force - all Hopey/Changey in its own way. Since then? Pffffffffft. It has not lived up to its self-promoted promise. Even different Tea Party groups did not agree with each other. There does not seem to be one cohesive TP agenda anymore.

And who does the Tea Party stand behind now? That seems to change depending on which way the wind is blowing. Michele Bachmann was the darling of some of them.... but that did not work out and IMO was ill-advised. And now? *shrug*

A false bubble of supporters will not shore up a party that seems to have lost its focus.
This is so true. In 2008 when they were starting and strong almost everyone I knew was ready to jump in and sign up. They had a direction, they had a cause (or two) they had a mission. They were attracting voters from all parties especially those precious Independent voters and those feeling they had become disenfranchised by their own parties of choice. Since then they have become a Venn diagram where the Republican Party had devoured them "all TP's are Republicans but not all Republicans are TP's!".

Now I don't know anyone wanting to vote TP 1) who wants to throw away a vote and 2) what and who are the TP?
"From what I have researched the TPM started around 2008, in support of RP and his values, So, referring to their success in 2008, at relatively the very start of their existence, has no bearing on whether or not they are "floundering of late". I think to ignore the issue, on a false illusion that everything is fine, is what started this whole mess. We need to be honest and deal with the problem, not rely on false hype as the foundation of why people should support the TPM. It is creating a false "bubble" of supporters. "

Very good Andi, This is true. It is refreshing to see logic and historical research on exhibit.

Also keep in mind that a lack of response or engagement specific to the point brought forth speaks volumes and is an easy "tell" when determining intellectual honesty.
This is so true. In 2008 when they were starting and strong almost everyone I knew was ready to jump in and sign up. They had a direction, they had a cause (or two) they had a mission. They were attracting voters from all parties especially those precious Independent voters and those feeling they had become disenfranchised by their own parties of choice. Since then they have become a Venn diagram where the Republican Party had devoured them "all TP's are Republicans but not all Republicans are TP's!".

Now I don't know anyone wanting to vote TP 1) who wants to throw away a vote and 2) what and who are the TP?
Also very Good Ozy,

The tea party of today has ZERO in relation with what it started as. Again fragmentation and division is absolutely necessary. This is gorilla warfare 101 and step one. Always has been always will be. For without division you can't "create" change. The original and true tea party did not see this coming and were very naive. They let the wolves ( masquerading as republicans) into their shop and then found themselves literally locked out of their shop and their database stolen. Yes literally. But again being observant and being an "elephant", therefor possessing a great memory, insures that when you are handed a lie, you will readily identify it for what it is. In this case only casual observance is needed. They are not behind R.P. and do not hold the Constitution in its proper place. Rather, they throw it under the bus FAR more than the folk that they attack. Isn't that curious. Furthermore, when accused with historical fact of their vacuous position, they refuse to engage and logically defend their position(s).

Two reasons why,

1) They can't and know that they can't.

and more importantly to them

2) They don't need to. Because the "machine" controls everything and has chosen their "victor" already.

Remember the singular truth, "he who controls the debt, controls EVERYTHING" While not exclusive of everything else, for this discussion it does mean "parties", the media on both "sides" and the vote. By controlling those three factors there is no wiggle room EXCEPT that which resides between your ears You maintaining control of that final frontier is what scares the livin tick out of them and why they seek to control it to the degree that they do. Only the weak minded will willingly give up this, their greatest and most valuable possession.

I am hearing and meeting more and more people all the time that have decided to, quietly and humbly, just say no and refuse to comply

They are the true Americans and retain their birthright. Also they don't buy bridges, and have not been fitted with nose rings.

romney did have a slight desperate tone to his voice a couple of days ago when he was imploring every body else to get out of the race so that he could be crowned. I will continue to extend my feelers for more intell on this. I know what I would like to believe as why, but again must remained grounded in fact.

In any event, the only two outcomes will most likely be, ( IMO)

*)Romney wins and Constitutionally our destruction continues,

*)Romney is being set up to loose against Obama and Constitutionally our destruction continues .

This would be the replay of last time when they purposely set-up McCain to loose to Obama.

It really could go either way Romney's long time and very strong ties to Mossad and the money changers makes it difficult to know.

BUT lets try to find some joy today, anyway, eh?
I just want to say I have really enjoyed the posts in this thread.

Thank-you Carriage and others for your very informative posts.

Very, very interesting reading.


For me, when reading your posts Carriage, the problem can sound so overwhelming and impossible to fix. But when you think about, break the foundation and those at the "top" that seem so impossible to defeat, have nothing left to stand on. I don't mean "top" as the 1% or successful, I mean those using our debt to control us. We could all be free of it the moment we decide to be. Take complete personal responsibility for your own happiness, nothing is owed to you.

Admit that you don’t need one single bit more than you make for yourself. Hold yourself and everyone you deal with to the highest standard you can imagine; even if, actually, especially if, it might "cost you" some "success". Make those tiny or huge sacrifices to guarantee your own freedom to live your own life, how you wish. For me that means also being vocal against those who don't do this. The moment you think, "I could probably benefit from being silent", you are already rationalizing your assumed support of the behavior. Speak up and risk opposing someone you could benefit from, if they are truly someone worth working with then they will understand.

If the majority of us did this, the leaders would have no one left to lead and no power. We could all just support what we truly support, not what we feel we must.
Carriage / Bb, do you support a GOP brokered convention? Or are you wanting a 3rd ticket? Not going to vote? Or what?

... I have mixed feelings about a brokered convention but it made for interesting "day dreams" earlier on.
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"If the majority of us did this, the leaders would have no one left to lead and no power. We could all just support what we truly support, not what we feel we must."

Andi, You have done your good work for the day twice by making this geezer smile. Yes to all but especially this last! If the "leaders" have nobody to lead, they have no power. They in fact have no power right now if you refuse to give it to them. Rights can NEVER truly be taken from you. Only YOU can decide to give them up and it is always done either in ignorance (most often willful) or fear. As an American, I refuse to be fearful and give evil "men" anything, well except my contempt. And neither am I ignorant to what they have done and continue to do. My problem, most often, is not having contempt for those, who by giving up their rights would also seek to give up mine, either through ignorance or fear. Fear should NEVER be part of an Americans thought process as we were born under fire at our foundation. And fear was NEVER modeled for us by the men and woman who gave everything for our Liberty!

The words of a D.I. so many years ago still rings in my ears (well only because he was yelling them about two inches from said ear...),

C,mon (expleative!, seemed to be his interpretation of my given name) All they can do is kill you, what do you care if they eat you too!

Indeed, what do we care. Slavery is unacceptable and not part of an Americans birthright.

And YES it is a monumental task to take our birthright back, it might very well not be possible given how long we have allowed our "masters" free reign over us. The simple and overwhelming response IN UNITY should be a very resolute Fine, lets get after it!

For if slavery is not an option, then there is no room for fear or even fear of death in the pursuit of Liberty and Justice for ALL.

For when all the sophistry is stripped away, I will either have my Liberty or, as a believer, I will be with my Lord. Either way I will be the winner. HERE is where the words of Patrick Henry truly live, "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery"? ......... Homey say NO!

As I've stated there is room at this table for both the "left" and the "right" because Liberty for ALL encompass both "left" and "right".

We CAN and MUST stop attacking each other, for this ONLY serves the purpose of the slave master, NEVER ours. His best tool for our destruction to to splinter us and "he" does so in a myriad of ways. At all time we MUST resist being divided, whether we swap spit on everything or not. The MAIN thing is that we ALL agree, that our Liberty is ONLY secured to us by minute adherence to the Constitution of these States United. For it is only after taking care of that task that we would rest AT Liberty to get back to the issue's in disagreement. We will always have disagreement BUT we can do so peacefully and with love for our American brother or sister. Peaceful solutions abound if we would but choose them.

I was speaking with a gal the other day. Now politically, by all accounts, we should be at each others throats. And yet were not AND never have been. While I don't agree with her on some things, both she and I can easily find common ground on MANY things and of a CORE nature. Why? because we CHOOSE to and we have love in our hearts towards each other. This will be the only way to restore our Constitutional Republic Induced divisions NEVER will. The slave masters know this, have written books about it and then have been doing it for millennia

Being as wise as a serpent, must mean that we are wise TO the serpent. And to bring it full circle to the topic line "What does the republican party stand for? Not this, that's for sure. However if we are to continue to play the divisional game of "parties", it is my fondest desire that BOTH parties would stand for this.Because ALL would benefit greatly by doing so.

"Why stand we here idle?"

Thanks again
Carriage / Bb, do you support a GOP brokered convention? Or are you wanting a 3rd ticket? Not going to vote? Or what?

... I have mixed feelings about a brokered convention but it made for interesting "day dreams" earlier on.
I will give you a simple, single and VERY resolute answer.

I WILL vote for R.P. If my suspicions, intel and instincts are correct, I will stand with a GREAT many who also will NOT be swayed.

Now the "machines" count? I got's no control over that........ well yet, but I'm working on it.

"I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death".

Gosh ol Pat's gettin a workout today....

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