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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
The last year or so has been a little tough, that's ok we got through it. I have learned a great deal about myself and handling situations. We all go through it, we all have stuff, just different stuff.

So lately, as in less than a week, all of a sudden I have gotten 3 very very generous offers, 2 from here,,,and I don't know how to handle it, maybe don't know what to do with them.

Don't want to go in to detail. I think I am kind of looking at them like, ok, what's the catch? You hate to ask that and I haven't. Why does suspicious come to mind first? Why would they do this? Am I just stubborn? I just don't know how to accept something in return for almost nothing? Have heard this is a harder thing for a women to do, as our nature is to give.

I am one of those who just don't ask for help, and offered help, I always got it. Close friends are some what of an exception.

Good comes around,,,and you do what with it?

Oh, in case you didn't pick up on it, I don't trust so much either. It's painful.
I've offered "good" to friends just because I felt like it, and knew they would appreciate it. No reward expected.

However, sometimes when others try to do "good" for me, I get a sinking feeling that they want me to "owe" them in some way, for future.

Now, I would take a look at their character. Then decide if you have peace in your heart to accept or politely refuse their kind gesture.

You will feel peace.... if it's right.
There are just some good people out there, as hard as it is to believe at times

Carolyn ... I think you deserve a good break (or two)
I think it depends on how credible the offers are, and what you may or may not have to lose.
Please don't take offense at this suggestion but if your outlook is to be suspicious of the good in people and you have a hard time trusting...maybe you'd benefit from some counseling. Usually those feelings come from issues deep within yourself. Being able to see where it comes from may help you to open up a little to the goodness and kindness surrounding you (sorry - did wayyy too much psych in college lol)

There are people out there who will take advantage but they are way less than those who are genuine and if you really look deep you can usually "spot" the differences.

None of these things are what I'd call major.

I know why I don't trust so no need to go and try and find out why.

Maybe I can explain a little better.

I just gotta do it all by myself, on my own.

Was contacted about one of these things this morning.

Looking good, and what kind people.
I know why I don't trust so no need to go and try and find out why. Maybe I can explain a little better.

I just gotta do it all by myself, on my own.
Cool (((((HUGS)))))

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