I know how we all like to look at pictures on here ......so I would like to invite you all to my website to check out all the new stuff !! A big Thank You to Mona for a job very welldone
We had Liz pics done of our stallion Tom A Hawk and all the mares and foals were photograghed by Jodie French( Thank You Jodie)
It was alot of work but I think the end result was well worth it!! So please take a look and let me know what you think......cherokee rose
Great site! I really like all the gorgeous photos. That first mare on your mare page...
she is beautiful!!
We have a 2 year old mare that is out of a son of your stallion... Her name is Pearl's Sea Splash... Her sire is Cherokee Rose Splash Dance... Here is a photo of her!
Like the filly for $200 catch me on a bad day and that might be the right price
So keep checking Marty you might get her yet
!! And Charlotte...I think that head shot is stunning also; Liz did catch that horse's personality in one quik shot!! Chamomile....that filly is gorgeous
I can see alot of her grandsire in her...very nice.
Kris , my Appy mare is 36in tall I likem big!!!
Again Thank you all for you kind words............Carrie
Oh I almost forgot......I even got to talk to Vicky from Texas we had a wonderful visit.....Very nice to chat with you!!
I love that you have two of our very own home bred mares!! The ARC mares....my great grandma bred and raised them (she lives next door and I run her program for her! her farm is now called Mars Minis and her daughter (my g-ma) has her own farm w/half of the broodmares being ARC and run that farm as well). I've been looking up ARC horses because more then half of our mares are ARC and almost all of them are ARC bred. I'd love to talk to you about them and maybe get some more pics! I think I'll message you!!
oh ya....your stallion is GORGEOUS! we used to have a jandts bay n bee loud leopard son. gorgeous boy.