Water Fasting

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2005
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I'm starting my water fast tonight. Anyone out there care to join in the fun? :bgrin

I'm going for thirty days and will re-evaluate towards the end to see if I can possibly do sixty...

A little bit of weight loss and lots of detoxification. Yay! :472:
What the heck? You mean you just drink water for 30 days? Not even juice? Can you do that? I did the old liquid diet thing once and got so dizzy I could hardly stand and it was protien shakes. Be careful!

I'm fasting too 4th day so far but not a water fast. Water fasts make me crave too much so I'm doing a 20 day master cleanse (see www.mastercleanse.com if you are interested in the details). No hunger lots of energy and it does an awsome detox. The thing I like about it is that you don't get depleted in vitamins or minerals and you wouldn't believe the stuff that leaves your body. I won't go into detail because it would definately be TMI :bgrin

Good luck on your fast.
You betcha. Lots of people juice fast, but I don't like it as it slows the process down significantly. Signs of trouble such as acute pain, extreme weakness, dizziness that does not go after a few seconds, black-outs, changes in vision, fainting, etc. are all point to a person having a too-heavy toxic load for their body to handle or a chemical imbalance. Don't worry, I'll be careful.

Congrats on you fourth day fasting, Shirley! I tried to check out www.mastercleanse.com, but the link sent me to a search engine for household cleaning? I doubt you're drinking liquid dish soap or laundry detergent... although I bet that, too, would make for some "amazing" stuff leaving your body! LOL!
Okay, you've piqued my curiosity. Do you mean to say that you are not consuming anything other than water for 30 DAYS?!?!?! (That's impossible, right?)
Hey Kim! Remember me and Skip (in avatar)... Open Hunter... 2002 AMHA Nationals?

To answer your questions, yes and no. I will only be drinking water for 30 days and no, it's not at all impossible. I won't starve or suffer from any dificiencies. Here's a link to an excellent article that can explain it in detail: http://www.falconblanco.com/health/fasting.htm
The Master Cleanse site looks neat, Shirley. How long do you plan to continue fasting?
20 days this time as I've had virus that just won't resolve since around Christmas and I'm going to do it in once and for all. I've done several 10 day fasts in the past year and a half. My diabetes, hypertension and allergies become non existant for months afterwards. Nothing more wonderful than being able to control these diseases without medication. My docs are pleased with all my labs so they say keep it up it's working great.

I read your link Nikki and it mentions the one I've been doing but since I'm diabetic I have to use molasses instead of the maple syrup. I like it because I can still exercise while I'm fasting and don't have to rest.

"Master Cleanse Fast 

The Master Cleanse or Lemon Cleanse is between a water fast and a juice fast. Basically it consists of drinking a mixture of freshly squeezed lemons, water and maple syrup for a period of 8 to 40 days. It is easier to do than a water fast because you are still getting nutrients and energy from the lemons and the maple syrup. This fast can be done while still maintaining your normal work, yet is less calories than what you would get from a juice fast. It is normal to lose weight on this fast and it is excellent for cleansing the colon. For full details on how to do this fast see the following link: Stanley Boroughs Master Cleanse "
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Wow, that's great! It's amazing the good it will do.
I'm glad I posted as it seems there are not many people out there who are aware of the benefits of fasting...
Ok I've definitely missed the boat on this one!!! :new_shocked: You mean no food, vitamins etcc...just water for 30 days? Will you actually be coherent? I will definitely check out those websites to see what it's all about...very scarey tho. :eek: I did'nt know you could actually do this without serious side effects. Yes please do be careful...have you dont this before?
LOL! Fasting has been around for a looong time (Jesus did it!) and yes, I've done it before. What I'm doing (water fasting) will involve only water, no food, no juice, no vitamins, etc. for 30 days. 30 days is the goal I have set for myself but people can choose to fast from hours in a day to 60 days, etc. There are also different kinds of fasts including juices, broths, etc. The first few days of a long fast are usually the hardest as your body begins to shed the toxins accumulated in your system. A person who's body is able to withstand the fasting will not only remain coherant throughout but may even think more clearly as the fast goes on. The only "serious side effects" in that case would be a person who is more in tuned to their body and healthier overall.

*Of course one should seek professional medical advice from their doctor before attempting to fast...

Some Fasting Facts, by Dr. Cinque:


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Thanks envypoodles for posting this. I'm going to give it a try. :aktion033: :aktion033: :saludando:
Well all I can say is if I had the willpower to go even 5 days with water only.. I would weight 110 lbs now
Boy this Lilb forum is amazing. I think it reads minds. I've been trying to find out information on this with no luck. THANK YOU!
Can you do the master cleanse and still work and take care of horses, house and dogs? Without falling over?
Please people check with your doctor before trying this - people have died while on water fasting. Here is a good article explaining the benefits and dangers of water fasting water fasting dangers and benefits

It says on there people with cetain types of diabetes should not do this, check with your doctor.
hmmm been a while since I have done any fasting......I used to do a water/juice fast for 5 - 10 days 2 or 3 times a year.....maybe I should try it to kick this stupid winter crud that I get for months on end ........ my biggest problem is I do get dizzy at first so would find it difficult to continue going to work.............I wonder though if I did a couple weekend fasts if that might help.......2 days just doesn't seem long enough