The United States Debt Limit Explained

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Miniwhinny, you're a shoe in if there's ever a resident, anonymous / never named troll contest on LB. You're always much more likely to try to fan flames, be nasty and stir up anger than to contribute something of worth or on message. Nothing was going wrong with the discussion and you were not trying to keep it from going in a negative direction. You were very transparently aiming to be spiteful, once again, Ms. Kitty. Maybe tomorrow will be a better and more uplifting day for you
Jillie !!! Name calling?! Now that's not kind
Most of us left that behind a long time ago
Ms. Kitty - I LOVE it!!!
Especially as I'm sitting here with a litter of kittens I'm having a hard job parting with

Never mind, I'd love to stop and play kindergarten but the Fedex truck is rolling up the road and I'm expecting the delivery of THE most fantastically colored Euphyllia that I've seen in 20 years of collecting and I really want to get it acclimated and into my reef tank.

Gotta help stimulate the economy you favorite motto "if you've got it, spend it"
Jillie !!! Name calling?! Now that's not kind
Most of us left that behind a long time ago
Ms. Kitty - I LOVE it!!!
Especially as I'm sitting here with a litter of kittens I'm having a hard job parting with

Never mind, I'd love to stop and play kindergarten but the Fedex truck is rolling up the road and I'm expecting the delivery of THE most fantastically colored Euphyllia that I've seen in 20 years of collecting and I really want to get it acclimated and into my reef tank.

Gotta help stimulate the economy you favorite motto "if you've got it, spend it"
Just happy to call you out, sunshine. It's common knowledge that you were about 5yrs past due

have you ever stopped to look back at some of the threads that have gone south? There's a lot of them out there and there's a lot of folks who get called names and jeered at but there is ONLY one person consistently on the other side of the trouble.

I hate to break it to you but there IS one common denominator in them all and it ain't me

I don't need MODs to step in because believe me I have big girl panties but I am surprised they allow the kind of childish, personal name calling that you stoop to over and over to be allowed.

Edited to say I noticed your attack on James that got quite nasty this morning had 2 pages deleted!
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Miniwhinny, you were (and are) not doing anything other than trying to stir up arguments. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.

Tag - how dare you chime in - you're not even American how could you possibly have anything to contribute
Go back to your room and stay there
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well I have to stick up for Jill on this, she never personally attacked James (or Tag) on this thread even though she was called a racist and bigot....she did not say anything to Tag about her post on this thread, yet others want to bring up something she said before in previous political discusions that happened weeks to months ago....if that's not pot stirring than what is?
We need more of your unbiased approach in the classroom because I think there's a lot of left-liberal-progressive indoctrination that happens in schools these days.
YA THINK??? Do you remember what was happening here in Wisconsin early this last spring, when Gov. Walker challenged the collective bargaining of unions and the teachers went bonkers?

My husband is a retired teacher. I taught school for 20 years, but didn't have enough time in to retire. I simply quit because we had our own business which was doing well.

Yet, every teacher we've ever run into who knows us goes into a long diatribe against Walker, and one even called us and asked if we wanted to join their protest in Madison! They all think that because we were "teachers" we are liberals. FAR FROM IT!

A few weeks ago I went for a scooter ride with a lady who just retired from teaching, because, as she said, "Because of Walker my pay check will now be $6,000 a year less, so I might as well retire before he even takes our retirement funds." Then she asked me if I wanted to go to a fund raiser with her for a liberal shill who is trying to replace one of the Republican's I voted for in the last election, due to a recall. When I told her no, that actually I was NOT a liberal, she seemed totally stunned and said, "I thought ALL teachers were liberals! I can't believe you're republican!" I told her I wasn't a republican, wasn't a liberal, but identified more with the conservative party than I could ever identify with the liberal party, but I was actually more libertarian than republican.

Well, earlier in the summer we'd made plans to go on scooter rides maybe once a week and have lunch. That last scooter ride, when she found out I wasn't a liberal, was the last time she called me to take a ride.
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Well, earlier in the summer we'd made plans to go on scooter rides maybe once a week and have lunch. That last scooter ride, when she found out I wasn't a liberal, was the last time she called me to take a ride.
Well, her pettiness has nothing to do with the fact that she is a liberal. She would be the same way if the situation was reversed and she was a died-in-the-wool Republican or Tea Partier.... dumbness has no left or right label/boundary, that's for sure.

well I have to stick up for Jill on this, she never personally attacked James (or Tag) on this thread even though she was called a racist and bigot....she did not say anything to Tag about her post on this thread, yet others want to bring up something she said before in previous political discusions that happened weeks to months ago....if that's not pot stirring than what is?
I never said Jill said anything - just noted that another thread teetered into namecalling and sneering and sniping. It takes TWO to do that.
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Sandy, oh yes, I remember the issues in WI. You go girl! I think the teachers' fake doctors' notes should have been fully redeemable for fake paychecks if not real pink slips

Tag, I'm always going to stand up for myself when I should -- and "I shoulda" here
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(well I have to stick up for Jill on this, she never personally attacked James (or Tag) on this thread even though she was called a racist and bigot....she did not say anything to Tag about her post on this thread) yet others want to bring up something she said before in previous political discusions that happened weeks to months ago....if that's not pot stirring than what is?

You're logic is a little off but that's okay I'll explain why

You're admitting that something was said. If what was said, and it's been said numerous times, wasn't outright rude (I remember one of our British members using the words "blinkered") to many then why would anyone else bringing it up be "stirring the pot"? People repeat what others say all the time on MB's without the OP getting upset about it. People have to own their words - Jill said what Jill said and she's stood by it time after time. How can anyone be "stirring the pot" if nothing wrong was said in the first place?

There are no rules that say person A can come on and say anything they like to anyone regardless of the consequences and then get upset when that very comment, they freely contributed, is referred to. If they say it and are proud to own it - then why would they get upset when their own words are repeated back?
Tag, I'm always going to stand up for myself when I should -- and "I shoulda" here
Fine - BUT one must also consider the old adage - people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... you cannot deny that you have gone out of your way to stir the pot and light fires many many times in these threads....
... and patted yourself on the back for it!
Miniwhinny I NEVER said Jill said something wrong on other posts, it may have been something you didn't agree with but that doesn't make it wrong. Not to mention she never said in those other threads that folks couldn't post, she said she didn't have to consider their opinion and that's her choice (which I happen to agree with)....that being said....YOU ARE STIRRING THE POT, it couldn't be more obvious!

(Tag for the record I didn't mean you were stirring the pot, I was referring to Miniwhinny).
Tag, I do not try to stir up animosity -- but I will stand up for myself and I will express my point of view even if it's not always the popular train of thought. There wasn't anything going wrong here with this discussion and that, apparently, isn't how miniwhinny likes it.

And, thank you again Sonya. That is exactly how I feel on American politics. I personally don't care what the outside perspective on American politics is but that is not the same as saying that I think an outside perspective shouldn't be voiced or that others aren't very welcome to enjoy it and indulge in it as they see fit. I'm sure Sonya and I are on the same page here. When it comes to internet conversation on the topic, I'm strictly interested in the American perspective on American politics and there is not anything evil about admitting that -- everyone is free to post and read or not read as they see fit.
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I personally don't care what the outside perspective on American politics is
But Jill - I am NOT on the outside - and that is where your carefully crafted excuse not to consider anything I say as valid - or to sneer at my opinion - falls completely apart. I am more "inside" than many American citizens who cannot be bothered with current events or voting or volunteering their services to those who need it - or anything mundane like that. I am HERE on the INSIDE. Paying taxes and doing every single thing that you do - and maybe more, for all I know. All I lack is that one piece of paper that Homeland Security denies to my visa and yet the last two Presidents have wanted to present to illegals as part of an amnesty program. That burns me up.

Maybe I have an even better perspective on things than you do - as I have been on the "outside" looking in as well - and have experienced firsthand many of the things that Chicken Little talking heads and viral emails squawk about... usually erroneously. I may actually have a far more well-rounded outlook...

But hey, now that both you and Sonya have decided that anything I say must be dismissed
(as you wish) - as you have repeatedly stated while lashing out, stirring the pot and fanning the flames merrily along the way
- you can just scroll by. But in this age of the internet and instant mass communication - IMO dismissing other input like that is kinda like sticking your head in the sand - or maybe unplugging your computer from anything except your local neighbourhood....

How do you know what someone's nationality is when they post? You don't have a freakin' clue unless they tell you. I guarantee you that many you may be chatting with on political forums are NOT American... the only reason you know I am Canadian (aside from my spelling) is because I was relating Homeland Security/Immigration policy screw-ups - and offering first hand experience (and that of friends and family) on Canadian healthcare that disagreed with what some lame viral email claimed was the truth and the norm...
it wasn't. Not even close. But hey - a 95% false viral email has far more validity than personal firsthand experience - I understand that...
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Ever since this thread started I can't get the song out of mind by Thunderclap Newman, Something In the Air.
I looked up the lyrics... but I still do not get it
It's a song from the late 60's about drugs and war but I think of it in modern times, the meaning of it is what ever you want it to be.
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It's a song from the late 60's about drugs and war but I think of it in modern times, the meaning of it is what ever you want it to be.
Okay... Then I want it to be about spending cuts, reduced regulation and smaller government

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