The judge told me I'm out of luck oh nuts!

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Posession is 9/10'ths of the law
Build you a small fence on your property, put the dogs in it when they come to visit and advertise in the local paper to find the dogs new homes. If the neighbors want them, they can buy them back.
They will either keep them at home then or eventually you will have enough money to pay for repairs or the paint ball gun.
While I love the paintball gun idea, it's more effective at proving to disbelieving owners that their dogs are doing this. If being beaten up by your dogs and Sonny hasn't deterred them, I doubt the sting of a paintball would.

I won't even suggest shooting them -- you feel like I do about guns, and it would only make you feel lousy...and I doubt you'd do it anyway.

I like Terri's idea of claiming the dogs for your own and then finding them new homes.

Or...if you can't take them to a distant shelter without giving your address, enlist someone from a neighboring county that has a shelter and have THEM turn in the dogs. Better yet...make it another state entirely...oh, forum members...who from Kentucky or NC or someplace else will help Marty? (I'd do it if we weren't so ridiculously far apart.)
Dogs are drawn to their own kind like a magnet. Doesn't matter if they get beat up by the attracting dogs every time they do they will still be drawn back by pack instinct. Until Marty is willing to be the bad guy and physically drive them away either with paint balls, bbs or some other fear instilling method they will continue to invade the property, harrass the horses and God knows what else. It's got to be nipped in the bud right now and with intensity or those minis, (especially baby Timmy) and Sonny may suffer the consequences.
I have the same idea as Tony, SSS is the only way to stop dogs that have started chasing livestock.

I have had to shoot one dog that started out chasing the horses and his owner wouldn't contain him. He got into a flock of sheep and I shot and killed him. He had killed 8 sheep and 4 more had to be destroyed because they were so chewed up. I killed him, took pictures of the carnage and the dog with wool and blood all over his body, and sued the owner for the cost of the sheep. He was out the cost of replacing not only the sheep that were killed but also the babies they were carrying.

After he paid the substantial judgement, they moved.

Since that time, I do the SSS anytime there is a dog on our property that doesn't belong there.

This is the codes for the state of Tennessee reguarding dogs.

44-17-201. Owners liability

Where any dog shall kill, or in any manner damage, any livestock in this state, the owner or harborer of such dog shall be liable, in an action for damage, to the owner of such livestock.

§ 44-17-202. Ignorance of dogs vicious habits or character

Ignorance of the vicious habits or character of the dog on the part of its owner shall be no defense in actions arising under § 44-17-201.

§ 44-17-203. Killing or injuring dogs; defenses

In an action for damages against a person for killing or injuring a dog, satisfactory proof that the dog had been or was killing or worrying livestock constitutes a good defense to such action.
I have found more

TN - Impound - Seizure; destruction TN ST § 68-8-109 This Tennessee statute provides that any dog found running at large may be seized by authorities and placed in a dog pound. If the dog is wearing a tag, the owner shall be notified by a postcard addressed to the owner's last-known mailing address to appear within five (5) days and pay a fee or the dog will be destroyed. If the dog is not wearing a tag, the dog shall be destroyed, unless legally claimed by the owner within two (2) days.

TN - Rabies - Crimes and offenses (unvaccinated dog) TN ST § 68-8-108 This Tennessee statute provides that it is a Class C misdemeanor for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog which has not been vaccinated pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, or to permit any dog or dogs to run at large at any time not wearing a vaccination tag except as otherwise provided by this chapter (i.e, hunting dogs).
Great work Wendy!

Gosh Marty, sounds like you got excellent grounds to give the Sheriff some work to do! And I'd go back to that Judge and drop a bug in his ear to READ UP!
Just for the record, there is no way they can get it with my minis. Just with Sonny and we are going to attach field fencing to his board fenceing. It won't stop them coming in my yards though and getting nailed by my dogs.

I am simply shocked and appallled at you guys who are encouraging me to gun down these dogs in cold blood. I love dogs! And these are nice lovable doggies (to people). They are only doing what is coming natural to them, their instinct. Granted, they are stupid to repeatedly come back here and get whopped on. I simply cannot and will not murder them or have anyone murder them. Besides, I don't have a gun. No one in their right mind would put a gun in my hands anyway. I"m unstable

I want to get the owners, not the dogs, do you get that?

There's got to be another way without harming the dogs and I'll find it.

I'm trying to get a lady that does dog rescues in another county to help me find them homes. She's checking into it for me. They deserve placement in a good home, not death.

Wendy, thanks for looking that up and yes we have a state law, but did you know that the state cannot override the county? I don't know why but that is how it works here. They say that they cannot enforce that.

Where's the White Thing when you need it?
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I commend you on your kind heart but you do have a responsibility to your "OWN"!

I have always said I would not kill a dog but after seeing my 4 lb Yorkie mauled to death before I could stop the neighbor's mutt, I CAN and will KILL any dog that is a threat to my horses,dogs,cats or grandkids.

We begged them to keep it confined, called the dog warden.......all the proper steps and then we paid for their neglect!

I hope you can catch them and find them new homes(that would be ideal) but do not let this drag on until you have a heart-wrenching experience to deal with.

My prayers are with you and hope you can come to a good solution.
If this had been out in the country where there are hunters and Deer are being chased by those dogs..I can guarantee you This story about these dogs would be dead and buried long time ago. nobody puts up with dogs chasing any type of livestock and for certain not horses. And had trained and helped my horses Go After dogs That Shetland would put his head down Teeth bared and go after them..I was not worried at all about dogs in his pen. lol I know even when I was riding and dogs came after us I would turn my Arabian around and start chasing them lol Soon dogs know lol or their life is cut short.
minihaven said:
I hope you can catch them and find them new homes(that would be ideal) but do not let this drag on until you have a heart-wrenching experience to deal with.

My prayers are with you and hope you can come to a good solution.


Minihaven has a good point. Marty, we obviously don't know all the details of your situation. Plus you've said that the dogs are good with PEOPLE.....however, the more they roam the more aggressive they could get with other animals. I would hate to hear that it was one of YOUR animals they eventually turn aggressive with.

Looking at the big picture, and not the short-term needing of recompensation for damages the dogs have done, perhaps the best answer is trying to catch them and put them in another jurisdiction with a friend -- a friend who can turn them over to THEIR shelter or humane society.....?

Personally, I think the entire situation stinks -- that you have to go to all these measures because of an irresponsible owner! (Have you thought about joining forces with other people to start a PRIVATE shelter???)

Marty said:
I want to get the owners, not the dogs, do you get that?

There's got to be another way without harming the dogs and I'll find it.


While I don't agree, I can respect your position.

I don't know if this would work, as it sounds like the 'owner' doesn't care a lick and is actually getting spiteful, but here's another less violent option that may be more appealing...

Contact your home-owners insurance agent, and, if your horses are insured, the horse/farm insurance agent. Have them contact the 'owner' and ask for his home-owners insurance information for a possible claim. His agent may actually want to dump coverage if they get wind that he has 'vicious' and destructive animals at large, or raise his rates at minimum. If this hits him in the wallet, he may get the message.

If he's not the property owner, you can find out through the county who his landlord is. Same deal with the insurance agents; contact the landlord for his insurance information. Nearly a guaranteed eviction (of dogs, owners or both) if the landlord finds out that he/she will be financially responsible.
Keeperofthehorses that is brilliant. Just the kind of thing I was looking for.

Yes they do own the home.

I'll see what I can find out.

Thank you. It's genius.
Contact your home-owners insurance agent, and, if your horses are insured, the horse/farm insurance agent. Have them contact the 'owner' and ask for his home-owners insurance information for a possible claim. His agent may actually want to dump coverage if they get wind that he has 'vicious' and destructive animals at large, or raise his rates at minimum. If this hits him in the wallet, he may get the message. If he's not the property owner, you can find out through the county who his landlord is. Same deal with the insurance agents; contact the landlord for his insurance information. Nearly a guaranteed eviction (of dogs, owners or both) if the landlord finds out that he/she will be financially responsible.
Now that's using your brain!
Now THAT's what I'm talkin'bout!

THIS whole thread is some mighty fine TEAMWORK goin' on.

Keeper...incredibly brilliant!


Get the people not the dogs.

IMO chasing a horse is not aggressive.

My horses chase my dogs all the time

My terriers would like to chase the horses and they always chase the cats!

That is what they are bred to do, IT IS MY JOB as the owner to contain them and ensure noboby or nothing gets hurt.

You neighbours are jerks who own dogs. Get the jerks not the dogs. Even if you did kill the dog the jerks would probably just get some more dogs.

Some people make me mad

I would kill a vicious dog attacking my livestock but it does not sound like this to me, it's just dogs being allowed to roam making a nuisance of themselves.

What a royal pain for you Marty
I'm not so sure the insurance idea will work because they will probably just dump their dogs someplace to get rid of them. In my rescue work I have done a lot of " creative relocation". I moved a dog two states away once because his owner would go away for 3-4 days at a time and leave him locked up in a pen with no provisions. Neighbors complained but the authorities wouldn't do anything. The poor dog barked for hours at a time. I hear he's pretty happy on his new farm.

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