Suzie had a gorgeous little colt

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just went to go visit my little man and his beautiful mummy! they are both doing SO WELL!! can't wait for them to come home, Finn is looking heaps heaps better and was happily getting scratches from me, and lying in my lap ♥ my baby boy! love him so much! can't wait for him to come home tomorrow!!

Oooooo this is all so exciting!! I cant work out if it is today or tomoorow????

Are they home yet Cassie or will you be collecting them while we are asleep?????

And yes, I would put his straight out, he needs his nibble of grass and his exercise to get his little system back to normal. I would avoid putting him back in his stable for at least a few days - keep him away from having only dry food to eat for a while. If you run into bad weather again I would leave his stable open and put Suzie's hay inside it, so that they can choose to shelter or not as they wish (if this is possible?) rather than shut him in with just 'dry' food available. My two foals have just been though two days of gale force winds and driving rain out in their field - admittedly my youngest is a couple of weeks older than Finn, but he has been out in the elements since he was 4 weeks old with just the natural shelter provided by the trees etc. - and they were just fine! (Their Mommas took them down to shelter under an overhanging tree and tucked them beside the thick hedge.)

Not sure if you have 'natural' shelter belts around Suzie's pasture, so leaving the stable open will offer the shelter if they choose to use it.

Hope all goes well with the homecoming.
:yeah Well Done Suzie n Cassie on getting Finn back on his lil hooves again..Im sure your going to be so happy when they both get home again
Thanks everyone
it is very exciting!! It's 9:30pm here ATM... Tomorrow morning we go to pick them up yay!!!!

So Anna do you think I should leave Susie n finn out even at night time? Would love your advice on this please hehe
Oooo it changes color now lol haha

Oh now it's not lol how strange lol
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Did you find out what caused Finn's problems Cassie? This would help avoiding it in the future. As Anna said I would keep them out if they are safe in the field at night. Mine only stay in at night until they are a few weeks and then there are out 24/7 until the following winter, munching grass and wandering around the field should avoid any problems.

I am so happy they will be back home soon

You were straight on it Cassie so you deserve a box of candy
Cassie are drinking something, have you taken to the bottle to celebrate the homecoming? What is this 'changing colour' that you are talking about??????

Sorry i forgot to say earlier how much Finn owes his life and recovery to your quick thinking in the first place. Well done you!!
AnnaC said:
1322652368[/url]' post='1429805']Cassie are drinking something, have you taken to the bottle to celebrate the homecoming? What is this 'changing colour' that you are talking about??????

Sorry i forgot to say earlier how much Finn owes his life and recovery to your quick thinking in the first place. Well done you!!
Haha no I wasn't drinking lol honestly three of the emoticons on my iPad were flashing blue lol of course they ain't doing that now lol
I just found out that one of the guys that I went to school with from kindy to yr 10 his girlfriend works at the vets n absolutely fell in love with him n wanted to take him home <3 hehe He's coming home in a few hours!! N it's a nice cool day thank goodness

Thanks for the kind words too, Renee you helped me heaps thanks for being available!! Love you!!!I was actually meant to be on singing at church n was about to go then I saw him rolling n thought that's not right I cant go to church... N it went from there, I'm glad i decided to stay home... Otherwise I prob would have lost him
but it's all good. They are both coming home :D n I'm so excited!!!Thanks everyone for supporting me through this
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Cassie if it were me I'd leave them out with the stall door open full time now.

Storm was born in the worst storm we've seen all year. We've just weathered through a few days of icky weather and he has less coat on him then Finn. They're pretty tough little things!
:yeah So glad everything turned out just fine and theyr both on theyr way home
They must be home by now? Bet Suzie was so glad to be back and in your care once again Cassie - has she been telling Penny and Smartie all about her big adventure?

Dont forget our pictures!

Just wanted to add that you mustn't blame yourself for what happened. It was only natural that you wanted to protect Finn from that nasty bad weather - most of us would have done the same thing. It is more that little Finn's digestive system obviously needs his grass and 'exercise', and although we know that the natural way of life is the best way for the babies, just think of the many foals that get carted off to hospital because their Mommas need treatment, and they are all ok with being restricted and eating dry stuff for several days. With Finn, you were just unlucky, but at least you now know that what he does and doesn't need to stay healthy at least while he's still so young.

It was your deciding to check on Finn and Suzie before you went out, that shows what a caring Momma you are, and as has been said, your prompt reaction to his symptoms, saved his life. So no more talk about it being your fault, more likely it should be congratulations on your quick action!!
Thankyou Anna...
I haven't been telling many people the suspected reason for his colic cos I feel terrible...

I just woke up now... It's 4:30am due to a sudden unexpected downpour of rain! I thought oh no suzie n Finn are prob out in that pouring rain! (for the 1st December it's a freezing night here brrr) but I was like no he can handle it... He's a big boy now.... Still I felt bad his first night home n he is out in the misery cold n wet... My eyelids are drooping lol but they got home safely n both went running around... Suzie soon stopped n ate the grass but Finn kept going galloping round! Leaping bucking rearing lol obviously very happy to be home... I took some pics will try load them later today when I'm not half asleep hehe but I can't promise anything lol I have to go to the doctors today (sounds funny saying that when it is still pitch black outside) lol my baby gets better n I get sick lol of course I'm not as bad as him lol but my foot has swollen up n Is very very painful... Thinking I might have an infection lol great! That's in the afternoon

Anyway can u all tell I'm tired lol I always ramble when I'm tired!!! Lol night again lol
Sweet dreams Cassie

We are all very happy for you and we are also very proud of how you handled the whole situation.
You get a gold star and go to the top of the class.
glad to hear finn is home and running around happy...

and what have you done to your foot
Feels 'right' to have your 'children' home, I bet!

Such good news it all turned out well.

Hope the doc has a quick fix for your foot - that sounds painful.

Take care.
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Of course suzie had her baby out in the rain all night lol gosh suz!!! Poor baby boy is very wet
lol he has found a new love of grass n will eat it constantly lol I think he missed it

When I post the photos I would like your opinion... It's something I have been thinking about for a while but until Bree posted the pics of her little mans blue fleck I thought I was just seeing things... Lol I think Finn has a blue fleck too
it will be interesting to see what you think it's not a very good photo of his eye but the best one I could get lol now I'll keep you in suspense!! Eerhhheeeehhheee (that's an evil laugh) lol

Oh my foot.... Well it's very painful n kinda gross I hate it really!! For the past two months i have had really really bad excma (demertitis) on my right foot. N the last three days it has been getting really swollen... N now well this is gross it's weeping n well yeah I'm sure I dnt need to comment bout the rest... All I can say Is the dr ( I was about to say vet) hehe better give me some bloody good antibiotics!!!!!!!! Lol

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