"Share the Wealth"

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Marnie, Well we middle class people aren't "welfare cases" yet but if we keep having to give to those greedy rich people we just may end up in the poor house. Sewriously, I do not mind helping those who are unfortunate but I do not like one bit when my tax dollars have to go for bailing those rich bankers and loan shraks out. Something truly wrong there. Of all the money we are now paying out to rescue those greedy SOB's we could be giving a huge amount for health care for not just the rich ones but for the unfortunate ones. Mary

Are "middle class people" welfare cases? I only hear Obama talking about helping the middle class, to me those are the working, struggling people. That last debate check wasn't given to welfare cases, you had to have a tax return with at least some money have been made, I think it was $3000.
I think we should have a flat tax. I also think that some social programs are a complete waste. If you can work, work, if you cant afford to work and live where you want, move. Its a hand up, not a hand out, there should be a limit on time you can collect. If you must accept state aid (unless SSD), then you need to do some community service. If you cant afford to raise kids, dont have them. There should be rebates for people who have do not have kids, but pay the school taxes etc for others. I dont mind my tax dollars going to a divorced mom who is earnestly trying to get back on track. I do mind it going to some one who was raised on it and will live, then die on it.
OMG..we agree...OMG

I tell you One thing..our neighbor owns a pizza place..ever so often people come in tell him they hungry..can they please have pizza..he says ..well got a few stalls to clean..sure..clean them and you can eat all you want..

Not ONE person evfer did that..they all just left!

What a GREAT example of our economy and lifestyle!

Here's another one........A friend of our's (also a farmer/rancher) was approached at the parking lot of a grocery store by a person holding a sign that said "Will work for Food." Our friend told the guy that he would pay him $10 an hour to come help out, AND give him a meal! The guy with the sign practically spat in our friend's face and said that he makes more money sitting at the parking lot!!!
None of my business since I don't live in the US but this whole idea (as I understand it from what was written here) has been tried in other countries and the results are available for any who wish to inquire.

If we were trying to get a horse to behave a certain way and we just kept suggesting it but giving him his reward with out having him actually TRY he will never learn the behavior. Works for every animal, I don't see it as a stretch to compare that to this idea.

Not ONE person evfer did that..they all just left!

Why does this not surprise me.
My grandfather was CO ( I guess that is the correct term) of some 3C camps wayyy back when. He always had a problem with people who walked around with their hands out but never offered anything in return. Guess I learned that from him. I wish I didnt loose him so early in life, I could have learned alot more from that man.

For those who dont know, and I may be getting some facts wrong as i am beginning a major migraine. But 3C camps were started to give men who couldnt find jobs a hand up without a handout. They had to work, doing community projects.

FWIW, if anyone searches for this, please send me any links. I had a ton but that puter had a brain poot and I lost most everything. GF was Lt Raymond.
We have all been "sharing the wealth" for many, many years. Yep, it is called Welfare. Here in California our tax dollars pay for medical services for illegal aliens, pay welfare for those that are too lazy to work or just think that collecting welfare is their job. Try and "force" them to earn what they get and they scream discrimination or pull the civil rights card. Granted, there are those that TRULY need help but that is a tiny percentage of the whole picture.

Our property insurance just trippled, and our flood insurance went from $25.00 a year to $636.00 a year!! Flood insurance, what a joke! We are lucky to get 5" of rain a year where we live, water levels are dropping all around us and people are having to lower their wells, yet we have to pay an increased amount for our insurance. Guess where it is going - to pay all the flood damage for Katrina. Again, we are "sharing the wealth."

Why is it that the price of crude oil has dropped to $80.00 a barrel and gasoline prices havn't dropped a dime. Someone in the oil business is definitely NOT sharing the wealth, just getting a whole lot richer.

And someone please correct me if I am wrong here, but I think I read that McCain thinks that anyone who makes under Five Million dollars a year is middle class?!
Okay, I think that man needs a reality check!

I think I am going to write in Donald Duck for President, oh wait, he doesn't wear pants...that would be politically incorrect.....! A body just can't win for losing!

Stepping off my soap box now.
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For those of you who think the wealthy should start being forced to share, I bet you have, or feel you have, horses nicer than some others. How about having to spread that kind of wealth so everyone (else) can have better herds than they did on their own? Like it now?
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I think if we take a hard long look at the mess this country is in we will find it is not the unfortunate people who have low paying jobs that has caused the problem and not even the class of people we have had to share with. WE ARE SHARING WITH RICH BUSINESSES THAT HAVE PROVED THEY WERE GREEDY AND PUT US ALL IN A TERRIBLE SITUATION. Those bankers and loan sharks have and will take millions from us taxpayers after living high on the hog......well I would have rather generously given a few dollars to the needy than be forced to pay a bailout on these greedy pigs! I don't like paying for unnecessary stuff anymore than the next person but where oh where has the thought come from that we should not take care of the unfortunate but be forced to give our hard earned dollars to bail out rch businesses. I did not like one bit to pay out over $6,000.00 on a death benefit sum that I was to have when my hubby died this spring but it was taken by the government from me before they would send the little that was left!! This is robbery......giving a hand to the unfortunate is good for the heart! I sure would have liked that money for paying funeral expenses etc. but no, the government says the rich need it more! Mary
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I already DO share my wealth...some of it goes to my charities of choice, the other goes to the people the government chooses--most of which I do not agree with. Like Tango, I live in Calfornia, and I am sick to death of paying for felons to abuse our services by illegally crossing the border. I'm also sick of paying for women to have babies they absolutely cannot afford. I like the idea of people without children getting a rebate...count me in!! I've also paid for everyone else's kids to get an education.

Oh man, I gotta go. My blood pressure is rising...
Time for happy hour.
Mary, that is what I resent too, sharing with those who have MORE.

I don't have much use for those who believe welfare is a source of income...I don't mind seeing someone on welfare while they get their lives sorted out and decide on a direction, and then make the effort to go in that chosen direction and work to better their situation--but there seem to be plenty who figure that now that they have a welfare check coming every month they don't need to try and get any other job since they have a steady source of income--some actually come right out & refer to it as such! Those should be given a boot in the butt and told that if they want to eat they'd better get out there and do some sort of work even if it's community service in the form of cleaning city streets/parks!

But yes, we do share plenty of our hard earned dollars with the wealthy--and I resent that most of all.
I think if we take a hard long look at the mess this country is in we will find it is not the unfortunate people who have low paying jobs that has caused the problem and not even the class of people we have had to share with. WE ARE SHARING WITH RICH BUSINESSES THAT HAVE PROVED THEY WERE GREEDY AND PUT US ALL IN A TERRIBLE SITUATION. Those bankers and loan sharks have and will take millions from us taxpayers after living high on the hog......well I would have rather generously given a few dollars to the needy than be forced to pay a bailout on these greedy pigs! I don't like paying for unnecessary stuff anymore than the next person but where oh where has the thought come from that we should not take care of the unfortunate but be forced to give our hard earned dollars to bail out rch businesses. I did not like one bit to pay out over $6,000.00 on a death benefit sum that I was to have when my hubby died this spring but it was taken by the government from me before they would send the little that was left!! This is robbery......giving a hand to the unfortunate is good for the heart! I sure would have liked that money for paying funeral expenses etc. but no, the government says the rich need it more! Mary

Very well said. I still can't believe that so many of you have no empathy for the poor, but have no problem with our tax dollars going to help the bankers and wall street execs after years of their GREED putting us in this current economic mess.

Whats your choice, welfare of Corporate Welfare. I personally would rather see some of the CEO'S CHOKE on their golden parachutes and give the money to the truly needy.

I don't understand how many of you lump anyone needing assistance into the same "lazy, refuse to work" group? Open your eyes and you are sure to see many good hardworking people that needs help.

I, for one who will be signing a check on April 15, and not expecting a refund say "give my share of the bailout to those who truly are in neeed".

Americans are One off the most giving countrys in the world..NOBODY can say that americans have No compassion..

Coming from Germany (socialist country) I will tell you..Nobody will give to charity..Nobody will help anybody..I was amazed when I came over here..and the economy is like a tide..it lifts EVERYBODY up or everybody goes downwards..

The rich are not taking YOUR share..mostly they create wealth..look at Microsoft..when Bill Gates (still the richest man) created windows in a garage..what did it cost YOU? He created jobs, pays tons of taxes..he created wealth for many people that would have NO job..

Now the most imprtant point Garyo..How about these Browns and Cardinals...??
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I absolutely agree that there are some people who need help. I also agree that there are some who will never do more than stand in line with their hand out. What incentive is there for anyone to do something to help themselves if the government is going to give them a free ride??? I'm sorry I just don't think that makes America's future look bright.

I hate giving to the rich as much as anyone does. The spa debacle after the bailout money was received was about as dispicable an act as I've ever seen. Unfortunately it's those big companies who keep millions of us employed....how would we survive without them?

Speaking of "rich", Obama lives in a Million+$$ house. Do You??? I sure don't!! I can't help wonder if he has any idea what it's like to work hard and make sacrifices all your life to get where we are. Otherwise I honestly don't think he's be presenting himself as a modern day Robin Hood.
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We can put this down on our level too..right now the only people that buy horses are pretty wealthy..this helps me..so I can buy maybe a horse..buy more hay..buy vitamins..tack..things I could not afford IF I had not sold a horse..in a sense we already spreading the wealth..
Bill Gates give tons of money to good causes... but I'll bet these big bankers have stashed enough for the next four generations of their families so they

would never have to work.. Playing a Monopoly game to see who can take the most money before the end of the game.. A big power trip.. Find out

where they dropped their campaign money and you will probably find lots of dirt..
Both of those games were unbelievable. Good thing I'm not a betting man as I would have lost on both of those. I didn't think the Bucs would beat the Panthers either.

Don't you have one of our old QB's Chris Simms in Nashville now? I liked him, he's a tough kid

How about those RAYS, just killing the Red Sox.

Yes Simms is our number 3..I was bitng nails on these two games and did a little dance..

Now guess who is the only UNDEfeated team is??? Huh, huh??


I know nothing about baseball or any other sport..But I just LOVE football..might be the tight pants? JK>>>LOL
don't understand how many of you lump anyone needing assistance into the same "lazy, refuse to work" group?
These are two entirely different groups. But many times you can't tell the difference. In my county if a person truly needs help they will get it. But I know a lot of people who have babies to get MORE help. An awful lot of deadbeat dads around. But a lot of the times nowdays the father is unknown. One good thing in Wisconsin, we do have a program to help them get schooling and a job. They can only be on assistance for very few years. I can't remember how many. maybe 2-4? Then we had a woman (about 40) divorced her husband, got an education, and when her welfare ran out she moved to Minnesota, just across the river and she is still living on welfare over there. The truth is she NEVER divorced her husband. She moved to a house in town and he was there every night. You look in the court system and find she never even filed for divorce. All an act so she could get more free money, because she was a single mom.
But like I said people truly in need can get help. We have a great social services system but it is severely abused by a few who know how to use the system.

I don't mean to sound bitter about it but I have paid my share to the poor needing help. So I know how some of you must feel knowing it can now happen to you. I feel for you, as it will no longer affect me. I am voting McCain/Palin because I know Obama will not be good for my children and grandchildren. I can't say my sister, because Marnie leans toward Obama.
Her and I don't agree on politics so we don't discuss them.
Love Ya, Marnie.
Another thing comes to mind..do you remember when Oprah "gave" all the pregnant woman a babyshower..for all the ladies with employed husbands,..in ft campbell..Oh they Loved her..until April following year..of cause she reported it as a tax right-off..now the IRS came after each of the ladies ..this was recorded as gifts and they had to pay more taxes on it than what they could afford to begin with..you never seen so many peed of MOMS!
Someone on TV said something interesting a while ago. He said Obama isn't going to save our country. McCain isn't going to save our country. It's up to us to be ready to face whatever comes. As much as I hate to say it I think he's right. The politicians (both sides) just keep throwing money (wherever it comes from) down a bottomless pit.
I don't understand how many of you lump anyone needing assistance into the same "lazy, refuse to work" group? Open your eyes and you are sure to see many good hardworking people that needs help.

Gary, in all honesty, I havent seen people say that, here, yet. It seems that they are stating that they understand a handup, but not a handout. Maybe I missed a post.

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