River Rose Farm

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I wouldn't worry - I haven't had my colts to "fully extend" like my mature boys - alot of times you have to really be looking and they will only extend just to the edge of the sheath. I would say not to worry but just keep an eye on him - he's a looker!
Terry some colts drop to urinate and some don't but you do need to check carefully to make sure no urine is coming from his stump. This condition is called patent urachus. if it does happen your vet will probably use a cauterizing agent such as silver nitrate and give him some antibiotics as a precaution. you often have to dip the stump again just in case any bacteria has got in.

I am sure he is fine but I know you won't rest until you are sure
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Thank you for your response, I'm so emotionally on the edge. I hadn't planned on having any more foals, and I wouldn't have this one except I couldn't let her go for what was offered for her. NOW I'm in love. I lost one of my daughters last Sept. and this baby is just what I needed to help me, if you can understand what I mean. To have something happen to him would crush me. Sorry to be such a doteing mom, but I think it was just meant to be.
Thanks guys, guess I'm going overboard with this one, since it is only one, and probably the last. He means so much to me, and I think I will stress every time he hiccups! HAHA!
Oh Terry I am so sorry, I had no idea
I am sending a huge hug your way now (((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))

I totally understand and I agree that he was sent to help you. You dote on him as much as you want and you know we are always here to hold you hand and help you out any way we can.

Thanks Renee, I'm too old and crippled to be delivering any more foals, but I do believe that God, the great one, works in mysterious ways. This was meant to be. Now I am filled with joy! I don't feel it is fair to the mares for me to ask them to risk their lives for me, when I am so infirmed. Dutchess put her faith in me, and she delivered this time, mostly on her own, thank goodness. I had the experience and the knowlege, but was so concerned that my hands would fail me when they were needed. As it turned out, the great one was with us, she was such a great mom and did all the hard work, I only had to assist. Now my hubby says I'm obsessing over this colt, well he may be right, but I so needed this baby. Thanks for the hugs and hold your children tight.
I think that is very responsible of you and your mares are very lucky to have such a wonderful owner. As to hubby, well all men get jealous if we obsess over anything other than them
If bubble wrapping your new colt keeps you busy and helps you then you go ahead, you will relax as he grows older.

You and hubby are in my prayers
An update, my daughter held him up for me tonight so I could check him out. His urine is coming from where it should be, and I retreated his umbilical stump as per the vets instructions. He is fine.

He is very brave, he found the milk bar straight away without all the usual sucking on anything and evrything. The first day I let them out, he was the first to venture out, as he was today. He is very determined and brave, so his name is going to be:

Wait for it:

Wait for it:

River Rose Brave Tatonka

That is: River Rose, our farm name, Brave Buffalo!! His barn name will be: Tank!!
Oh Terry I just love that name. I am so glad all is well, as Diane said, go and enjoy him
Terry, I'm so pleased to hear that all is going so well with the gorgeous 'Tank' and his wonderful Momma (haven't been posting much of late but I do read through the threads each day)

Looking at his full name, a little story for you. Back in my teens I had a friend that I rode regularly with; she had a gorgeous horse, not only fabulous looking but brave, totally unflapable, spirited, go anywhere, do anything asked of him and so very devoted to her. He was just amazing and I have never forgotten him although we lost touch as time went on. This horse's name was - Tonka! I have always wanted to call one of my colts Tonka but I have never felt that I have had one born that suited/deserved the name. It sounds to me as though you might just have a Tonka in your handsome, brave little man?

He is a very lucky little fella to have been born into such a wonderful and caring home!

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