pregnant mare in critical condition

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Sending prayers for your mare and her unborn foal. Hoping for good news this morning.

Sending prayers! They can make it through hyperlipemia so dont lose hope.
Spirit made it through her colic surgery like a champ. Her intestines and colon were wrapping around the foal cutting off passage and causing the colic. Now she has to fight the hyperlipidemia. The vet said if they are going to die from it they don't get any better they just keep deteriating but Spirit is showing small improvements. So there is some hope for her. I will continue to keep you posted. The foal is extremely active and he is hoping she can hold off a few more days.
Prayers and fervent best wishes to your mare, foal, and you! I am so amazed at what the vets can do. It is because of this thread I learned they can do colic surgery on a pregnant mare and not lose the foal! Thank you for posting your experiences. It does matter.
Hope she continues to make small improvements. Prayers for she and her unborn!!!

Hoping and Praying Spirit will continue to get better so can present you with the "Best" bundle of Joy you have ever had.


My best Blessings,

Glad to hear she pulled through the surgery - finger crossed she keeps on improving
Great news that she got through surgery, we will all keep praying that she continues to improve. ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))
BEST NEWS EVER-----Spirit is going to make it!!!! All of her bloodwork is normal except one area and even that shows improvement. She is eating and acting like a real horse again. I don't know when we get to bring her home but we will bring her home. I know it is expensive but if your horse is not acting right--get it to the vet!!!!!!!! Our vet is amazing!!!! Thank you for all your prayers. I will keep you posted when she has her baby which according to the vet could be very soon. SOOOOO Happy!!!!!!!!!
that is awesome news!!!!

also, i have a name idea for the baby!

if its a filly name it Angel, if its a colt name it Lucky. Cause your mare and foal must've had some guardian angel with them and a little luck to both make it through this!
Oh wow, that is SUPER!!!!
It brought happy tears to my eyes to read this. Still sending good thoughts and prayers for her full recovery and for her foal to be born without any complications. Congrats!!!
that is awesome news!!!!

also, i have a name idea for the baby!

if its a filly name it Angel, if its a colt name it Lucky. Cause your mare and foal must've had some guardian angel with them and a little luck to both make it through this!
Great name ideas!!! Thanks.
OMG I'm SO happy!! I have tears running down my face..happy tears! Prayers do work!

Absolutely thrilled to hear the news!

Never (luckily!) had anything to do with horse operations, but is everything going to be ok once she goes into labour for her foal?

Wishing her a speedy recovery and a safe foaling, bless her!

Glad to hear your mare is doing well. We had one with hyperlipemia post foaling that ended up in ICU with an underlying infection, collapsing trachea and a three week old foal on her. The hyperlipemia if you catch it quickly seems to resolve well. I would be more concerned with a serious colic, but it sounds like hers wasn't a blockage which is good.

Good news on her recovery.