Photo edit please?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2009
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Sir Ariate is an Appendix quarter horse at Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center. We have a special connection because he is my appointed Horse Buddy aka I'm the one who cares for him/gives him extra TLC. Well his legs have been so bad and I just found out today that they are putting him down next week. They have tried so much for him for many many months, but he just is getting worse. We all love him so much, and I so I am putting together a memory book for the Center's barn crew and of course myself.


The point of me going on about this is that I was hoping maybe some of you talented people could do a photo edit or two for my bud? I will include some pics on this post if any of you would be willing to make a pic that portrays his: strength, mightiness, and most of all, 100% devotion to loving whomever is nearest him. Thank you so much to all who give it a try. It really means a lot to me.






Oh Hun,

I am SO sorry!
You can tell he is just a beautiful horsey soul inside and out who truly LOVES everyone

Do not worry, you can tell he has had a WONDERFUL life full of love from all of you.

You will always be together because once you love someone the love never goes away

I would be happy to try a photo edit, i love doing things like that and he is SUCH a beautiful soul

I will post when done
So sorry to hear that. What a great horse.

I'd be happy to put something together for you.

Could you email me the full sized photos as they would be easier to work with and I'll get much better results.

[email protected]

Here you go, hope you like it, it was made with love

If you want anything changed PLEASE let me know, i promise i wont be offended.

He is such a beautiful horse inside and out
I don't do photo editing, so someone else will have to help you there, but I just wanted to say that I am so, so sorry that you have to say goodbye to him. I can tell from the pictures that he has a huge heart. What an awesome horse!
Thank you everyone for your sympathy. Maplegum: I will e-mail you the pics right now. MiniHendrix: Your piece brought tears to my eyes--it is wonderful. Thank you many times over.

Here you go, I hope you like it. The photos were a little blurry so it's the best I could do.


xox Leonie xox
Thank you, maplegum. It's beautiful. Yeah sorry about the blurry photos, but you did great with them. My heart melts with the kindness of all you horse-people.

Once more thank you to all who extended their sympathy and talents. I found a great site to do a memorial on, I don't know if any of you have done this before, but you can check out Ari's for an example.


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