Peanut Blessed me with a

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My husband thinks iam a nut case sitting here all night watching suzie and peanuts]

Thay just dont understand
My hubby is starting to get a bit angry about the amount of time I spend on here
Its very addictive this forum, but what more could you wont with all these great people on here
This forum for me offers so much, I get to chat mini, be silly and all in English which is just priceless. I am fluent in Italian and I have been for many years but I just love to chat in English when I can.
I dont have a hubby here to get angry lol

Oh HA HA Renee and actually my brain hurt with all the reading so I am now sitting her sipping my hot cup of Jo before I get stuck into cleaning my bathroom.

And my house is far from perfect I have 4 kids to keep it like the Tazmanian Devil has been through it.

I dont smoke and I have a magnet on my fridge that says "If you smoke in this house you had better be on fire"

Anyone that wants to smoke here has to go outside.

My mother goes out with her cup of coffee and her ciggy which Seamus is now supplying her from the middle east. Everytime he comes home he brings back 200 ciggys which cost him around 13 Euro. My mother calls them her wages as she comes up to help me sometimes during the week.

Apart from the smoking thing I think I should say lol

Actually I dont mind people smoking I just dont do it myself

I simply cannot cope with having to read a book every morning!

After last night's excitement with Suzie and having done a quick check on both girls, I went to do catch up on Cassie's thread -- pages to read!! THEN I come here.......... 12+ pages - people refusing to go to sleep, others waking up, pictures to look at, discussions and debates about colours, lurking Robin popping in.......what, no snow conversation? We even had snow pics and discussions on Cassie's thread. LOL!!

ANYWAY, it has got to stop! It is now nearly mid-day here and although I was a bit late here on LB this morning, it has taken me over 2 hours to do this catch up on the overnight activities of Peanut and Suzie! :arg!

Now I need to go do catch up with my own chores SO I shall expect you ALL to STOP writing until I get back - take an hour off PLEASE everyone

Renee what part of Northern Italy are you from?

Seamus has a friend in the UAE and his Girlfriend is from Northern Italy (dont ask me where) and she would tend to speak German - she speaks Italian but they seem to speak more German which I find really wierd.

I LOVE Italy and could happily live there. I spend a month on in Italy with an Italian family. There were from Naples and I met them through the riding school/racing yard where I worked. They came horse riding and asked if I would go with them on their holiday for a month so they could practice their english on me. Needless to say I accepted and I spent some time in Naples and further down South and also toured the Greek Islands on their boat. It was a fantastic time.

Also went to Tuscany 2 yrs ago where my friends got Married in Poppi. Sadly though her husband died of a brain tumor 5 months later. Sinead was also pregnant at the time and has a gorgeous Son called Luca Tony Elia. He is a yr gone since April. Sinead is so strong and I dont know how she does it but I suppose she has to now for Luca and he keeps her going.

But we will always have the fantastic memories of Tuscany where we partied and partied. His parents and family came from Germany and Australia and of course the Irish also traveled in the their droves.

I will post a few pics if you think you can all stand a few more lol
LOL Anna I know how you feel. I am now thinking I cant go to bed anymore.

I have had to make a cup of coffee (which I was trying to keep off) just to settle my poor brain.
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I can't believe Peanut didn't have that foal last night....I was so sure!
She was doing all kinds of different stuff and looks horribly uncomfortable...please have that baby Peanut. We need to see if it is red, black or pink like your bucket.

Heidi-I hope you got some much needed rest (I didn't....) and that you have a glorious day.
Just a there another horse next to Peanut? SB was always so visible and helped me identify when my computer was locked on the pic. She used to always head to the door in the am and I never see another one doing that.

Just curious...
I ended up going to bed and can't believe Peanut didn't foal! Glad I didn't miss it tho!

You ladies sure wrote a lot last night!

Thanks for the barn alarm link
Lol no worries Megan glad you could find it!! I know we were all thinking the same thing!! Silly girls!

Well Heidi I am off to bed my pony has just decided to lay down in a bad spot!!! Good NOT!! Lol nite all

Hope u continue getting better heidi do you know what time peanut foaled previously?? Nite
lol Karina, your post had me in stitches, your mum and her wages,
hubby and I both smoke outside which is fine in the summer but not too much fun in the winter

i am in the north west of Italy near the French boarder. You friend's girlfriend that speaks German must be from the north west, for some strange reason they all speak German, we went there for a holiday a few years back and it was very strange. The Haflinger horse comes from there so we went to see them running free in the mountains as my riding mare came from there so we were curious. It was amazing. Each year they let about 200 young stallions run free on the hills for the whole summer. We had to walk 3 hours up the mountain to see them but it was well worth it even though Matteo started moaning after about 30 minutes that he was tired and continued to moan the whole way

I better stop or Anna will shoot me
I didn't realize you had to have that Barn Alarm Monitor Panel page up to get the alarms. I thought the cam page would alarm you. SO glad you posted the link and I read up further on it!
Peanut goes....

One two cha cha cha! Three four cha cha cha!

Aw mom took the cha cha bucket away!

I go off to wash the kitchen floor and what do I come back to??? Is that the foal box? or is it called "the medicine cabinet"? I see it has curtains but are they pink? Heidi did you embroider a filly fairy on the curtains
I am half way through my bathroom as the phone rang and then had to do lunch for my ravenous bunch so then fed myself and after a quick check I am back to finish the bathroom. Have the bacon on for dinner and then must put on the spuds and turnip. Abby gone to bed for her snooze so might also squeeze in a quick muck out so will be disappearing for a while but all looks quiet Down Under and Peanut looks to have left the building.

My mother reminds Seamus everytime he is coming home about her wages lol.

I do find that whole German thing really weird too. So do you speak French Renee?
I'm going to do the Black Filly Chant for Heidi......


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