OUTRAGED No justice for Michael

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I'm so sorry to hear this Marty! :no:

Still keeping all of you in my prayers.

God Bless and Take Care....
Marty - I am so sorry things are moving so slow, but it's not over yet, so don't give up. You've been doing a great job working on this and protecting others, so don't give up. Hang in there Lady!

Prayers for you and your family.
Oh Marty......

I am sooo sorry to hear that!!! It totally outraged me to read your post! Oh how FRUSTRATING that must be!

That is a GREAT POSTER!!!!! That is great that you are hanging them up all over!!!! GREAT IDEA!!!

Well....... that stinking murder... he may be joking about it now.......... But his day will come! He has already met his maker! That person is just plain evil! I don't like saying that about anyone! But that guy who murdered Michael is just evil! Obvivously has no heart!

I really hope you will recieve some good news!

I will be thinking of you!
Times like this make one wish old fashioned "western" justice was still legal.
I'm with you, Debs! Marty, I'm so sorry that you won't be able to get the indictment this session, but if it's right in the end, and all the ducks are in a row so that he has NO loopholes, it will be worth it. I will continue to hold you, Jerry and Dan in my prayers. You're so loved, Marty, hang in there!
Times like this make one wish old fashioned "western" justice was still legal.

My thoughts, exactly....

Marty and family, I am so sorry! Please keep pressing forward for justice... and know that one way or an other, that murdering piece of filth WILL get the justice due him and he will think that the heat wave that we are all currently going through will seem like a winter storm to him....

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA

If I could, I come come down there and kill his murderer myself. Maybe make him suffer as much as Michael did.

I am so sorry Marty. You have the biggest hug in the world coming from me if I ever get to see you in person.
Patience, patience....believe me, the DA's office is scrambling, and rather than miss an indictment, they are getting ready for the next session. They will want more than one charge so that at least ONE sticks to that scum. Remember, take away ONE person's constitutional rights, you take away ALL of our rights. So try to hold the anger in check, know Michael would not want you SICK over all this. Talk to you your paster, priest, minister, get into some counseling, call MADD, get in touch with others who totally understand your anger, grief and frustration, and talk, talk, talk about it until you are exhausted and can take a deep breath.

This animal has some powerful karma working against him now, and life has a way of taking care of them...rest assured his future holds horror, and you won't have to do a thing except enjoy it when it happens as your right for revenge without actively participating! The police will watch him like hawks for another slip-up and excuse to arrest him, trust me.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and the things you know Michael loved....for his sake!

Hugs, pelli
Marty hang in there.. you have a son and a husband that needs you very much.

As for the murderer, he will get his just deserts. I know it is hard to wait Marty, but be patient.
Marty, I know the court system can be very frustrating. The same things happened when my niece was murdered. All the continuances, delay's etc. make you crazy. But remember they can't go to court until they have everything, justice will be served...... it may take a heck of alot longer than you expect, but it will.
Marty, Jerri and Daniel

Hey, I know this is so hard on you guys. But hang in there with the DA's office. They

do have to make sure when they do go court, that all the I's are crossed, and all the T's

are done. They do not want any mistakes, so this guy can go free. They have to make sure

this case is solid, and ready.

My sister's friend, her brother was killed a couple of years ago. He was in a wheel chair, no

movement from his neck down, was going to a eat with a friend. They were going across the

street in a cross walk, on the light to go. When a 18 year girl, ran the light and ran over him.

The other person was able to jump free, but the guy in the wheel chair was not. He died

shortly after at the hospital. It took many months before it went to trial. And a year before

she was convicted. The DA took their time and got the conviction.

Where, a guy I was working with, his girl friend shot and killed him. The case was so rushed, and

all she got was 5 years in jail. My friend lost his life, and she got 5 years in jail. Not fair. She

killed him, because he was breaking up with her and moving out.

So you want the DA to do the job and do it right. So hang in there.

Prayers and hugs

Marty...I know you want this guy to be behind bars...I do too!! BUT...if the DA's affice doesn't have the proper parework to get the charges he wants then let him wait. Better to have the proper charges brought up at a different time than have the wrong charges brought up and later dropped!! TRUST ME ON THIS!!

When we lost our oldest daughter due to neglect of the foster care system we were told that they couldn't bring charges up against anyone as they were acting as county officials...we were told by our attorney that we could file a wrongful death suit and then later told the same thing...you cannot sue a governing body. We lost a vibrant headstrong daughter due to neglect and lack of proper parenting by the foster care system. Ashley was removed from our home for running away and her stating that we beat her (NOT) All her father and I ever did was to restrain her when she acted innaproriately.

Anyway...she died in a single car accident in a car we were told that she didn't have access to...we will never be able to hold anyone legally accountable for her death. It destroyed our family...3 q/2 years later I am still trying to pick up the peices and hold my family together. My husband (ashley dad) was an owner operator with a dedicated local run (trucking) he was fired from his position and the company he was leased to for taking time off for a childs funeral. We have not been able to replace that run...the death of a child has really taken a toll on our family's finances...

Now at least you have the DA attention and something will be done about Michael's death. Try being in a position where the governing agency tells tou that there is nothing criminally or civilly that can be done.

Please Marty...give the DA the room he needs to make the charges stick and put this guy away. If you push him and he makes the wrong charge the guy in the end can possibly walk!!

Hang tight Marty...I do underatnd your rage and frustration, your family's hurt, and most of all the emptiness in your heart!!
Me being a person that looks at things a little different than most ppl I would be asking who is he related to in that police department because I just can't even come to mind as to why he is free because he has kill someone. Marty I only know you from here in the forum but my family are hopefully hopping for all justice for what has happen to you and maybe god will finally do the right thing about this guy and let some kind of misery befall him. I have live thru the devastation of the loss of a young member of the family and I can understand how you feel and with all the hate you have for this whatever I do know that you need to bite down hard and stand your ground and focus on for the future. From all I have look at in the forum you have a great many friends and loveones out there to help you in your time of need and I know those little minni's are a great help to. Please stand strong and I hope all comes to you as you want them too and I'm sure justice will be there for you. cast
Keeping you, Jerry and Dan in my thoughts and prayers Marty.
: Lemme get this straight......

1. The guy was arraigned.....and no bond was set at that time?

2. Is it police reports lost in the shuffle.....or an overworked DA's office requiring all ducks in a row.

3. What's the purpose of a grand jury with regard to this case? It's a criminal case. Period.

4. How in the world can this idiot be walking the streets of YOUR town...instead of jail?

5. Get a restraining order on the guy. Assuredly he'll ignore it, then he'll spend some time in jail.

It's a safe bet that once this arrogant coward is assigned a room in THE BIG HOUSE, his neighbors will gladly make him someone's girlfriend.

Marty, there's more justice awaiting this fool than you can ever wish upon him. And we're not talking about a jury's guilty verdict.
Please BREATH, Marty..........BREATH.

Things look bad right now. But things will get at least A LITTLE better.

Don't know what the outcome will be, but it will get better..........

(not going to say the dreaded words.....)

I just don't believe the scum will still be out walking free for that much longer...........


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