OUTRAGED No justice for Michael

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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The only reason that I am posting this is because you have a right to know what is going on.

It is now 6 Fridays that Michael was murdered and savagely left for dead in a ditch to suffer for 2 hours the worst of grotesque injuries that you can only imagine. Waiting this long for justice is long enough but now we find we have to wait much longer.

The Grand Jury will convene on Monday, but the District Attorney's office will not be able to seek an indictement against the murderer. That's right. Someone has dropped the ball (not in his office) but he is not sure where, and has failed to complete and turn in the necessary reports that is needed by the District Attorney's office to issue the warrant for his arrest on Monday.

The DA's office is very upset and angry too, that they are still not in possession of the reports to present on Monday. His personal secretary is doing everything in her power to try to expedite things because she too lost a daughter in this same hainous way, but without the completed police reports they cannot proceed. The DA does not want to go in front of the Grand Jury not properly prepared without every single report required.

Meanwhile the murderer has made a few recent appearences up here by my house and continues to be drnking and driving and is telling people that he got away with murder and is laughing about it. Where are the local deputys? Not here, doing their job.

There are posters in the stores up here with Michael's picture on it that asks people to slow down and don't drink and drive. The murderer was said to enter one of the stores a few days ago but when he saw Michael's picture on the door he fled. I hope Michael is haunting him and causing him to have bad nightmares.

The next meeting of the Grand Jury is not until the end of November and when I was told that, I went into a terrible outrage and told them that was completely unacceptable, but there is nothing that they can do. There is a slight chance that they can call a special Grand Jury hearing in another 30 days or so, but it is not likely and we will now have to wait until the end of November, to add to our holiday grief that much more.

I don't see how we can wait until November for this murdering filth is arrested but I have been told that nothing can be done.

I wish someone could put me out of my misery. This is too much. We continue to be broken.

This is the poster in the store

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Oh, Marty!! I am so sorry!!!! You would have thought the DA's office would have ensured that they had all their ducks in a row sooner then the Friday before the Grand Jury!!! It's inexusable that the reports are not done and ready for court on Monday!!! It really burns me up that this guy is still out there running around instead of in jail where he belongs!!! :no:
Marty there are no words to even say...I just don't understand when they know who this man is why he isn't already sitting in a jail cell. It is beyond comprehension. And the fact that he is so smugly acting in the same manner and in your county is far beyond ridiculous I would want to kill him myself!(not that I am suggesting that) I cannot imagine your pain and I am so torn for you. Please know that I am thinking of you all the time and praying that at the very least this man gets the justice that he has coming to him for taking Michael's life.

...I don't know what to say...unbelievable....I am just so sorry.
Marty- life is so unfair- I just do not know what to say - bless you all! Hugs & prayers!......... Wanted to add that it is just a matter of time before he does something again - hopefully it will not be a sad outcome for another innocent person & their family.
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This IS unbelievable...so very frustrating. They're just waiting for this dude to skip out, hide and never to be found again like so many times it happens. The law....sometimes I wonder who it protects.

I am so sorry. I really fear for the other mothers with children on the road that might be killed or injuried by is non-human of a beast.

Hang on and I will pray very hard for the right outcome to this.

Your friend FLFlyingW/Donna

I don't know what to say, I am so sorry you and your family have to go through this. Such a horrible injustice, what is wrong with the system that they can not lock him up?

Hugs to you and your family, I will keep you in my prayers, and you are always on mind.
: I am so upset that I'm shaking. Am afraid to tell Arnie. As I told you yesterday He is so angry that He says He'd like to go there and kill the brat. Don't know what He will say now. Marty, I'm sure Michael would not want any of you to get hurt or sick over this. Please try to remain calm so you will be able to nail him when they finally get to him. We are here for you and love you. I ordered the item we talked about and they have shipped it to you. Hope you like it . ((((hugs))))
So very sorry! It is so awful that things like this cannot be taken care of immediately. It just seems that horrid murderers like this get off on the dumbest things, and that it takes just so darn long to do anything about it. Makes me furious!!
marty this just makes me sick to my stomach. I cant even imagine how you feel! this is a disgrace.

I am speachless on this. What are they thinking???? Or should I ask who does the guy that killed your son know that is causing this to be strung out?

For pete's sake... This is an indictement. This should not have to wait until November to get issued. After all, this could give the guy a chance to really flee or worse, kill someone else because of his stupidity.

I will keep praying for a quicker indictement. Please try to keep as positive as you can over what is happening, and keep the pressure on to see that Michael gets justice and that a special grand jury hearing is called for Michael. Let us know if we can help by sending letters to whom ever to help encourage that formation of a special grand jury for Michael.

Many hugs to you all and remember, you are always in our thoughts and are not alone.
I cant even put into words the disgust i had reading this.

Dont stop trying!!!!! Get this man in jail, no matter how long it takes!!!

What happened to the cops saying they were going to start doing there job, unbelievable!

We have people in jail for petty crimes yet murder goes un-noticed
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Marty, I am so sorry. It seems like life is just so unfair to those of us who try so hard. This is unexcuseable, the bas*#^d belongs behind bars forever. Keeping you in my prayers. (((hugs))) and hang in there. Corinne
OH MARTY :no: please try to stay strong...im a firm believer in what goes around comes around, and he has to meet his maker in the end
Marty, your anger is completely justified.Please keep us updated. Please give Jerry and Dan a hug from me and know I am sending all the love I've got to you and Your guys. Hold fast to each other,and take care of yourself. Watch that blood pressure. We are all still here for you ! Cheryl
Sue him for wrongful death in civil court, take him for everything he's got whether it's a truck or a shovel, take everything that means anything to him (if there is something) make sure he has nothing. Sometimes civil court works faster than the criminal courts (remember OJ Simpson) and you get better justice. Although he is not in jail, you can still make his life miserable. Just a thought
Oh, I am so angry to hear this. There is so much hoop-jumping in the CJ System that it seems unreasonable... unfair... disgusting. And this is where I am pursuing a career? Ohh...

I cannot even begin to understand how frustrated your family is. I am so sorry, both for the death of your son Michael and how the CRIMINAL JUSTICE System works.... I hate it. Time and time again, the criminal's rights FAR outweigh the victim/survivor's rights, and often the victim/survivor(s) are re-victimized, just as your family is being right now.

You and your family are in my prayers.

Dear Marty, I sure can understand the frustration you must be having. Don't know what Tennessee laws are but we have laws and there should be laws there that take people off the streets who drive while intoxicated or on drugs...especially when someone gets killed. Something sounds real fishy for this guy to not be in jail already if he was driving drunk or on drugs. Find out what the laws are and make a big fuss in having them enforced...it will give your anger a place to do real good. I know it can take years to get someone put on trial but there isn't any reason for that guy to not be in jail if he is suspect of breaking laws. If the law enforcement isn't doing their job, let the state authorities know about it. A big write up about the facts of the matter could be done by a good jounalist. There has to be a way to put that guy in jail before he is put on trial. What is your lawyers doing about it? May God hold all three of you close. Mary

The only reason that I am posting this is because you have a right to know what is going on.

It is now 6 Fridays that Michael was murdered and savagely left for dead in a ditch to suffer for 2 hours the worst of grotesque injuries that you can only imagine. Waiting this long for justice is long enough but now we find we have to wait much longer.

The Grand Jury will convene on Monday, but the District Attorney's office will not be able to seek an indictement against the murderer. That's right. Someone has dropped the ball (not in his office) but he is not sure where, and has failed to complete and turn in the necessary reports that is needed by the District Attorney's office to issue the warrant for his arrest on Monday.

The DA's office is very upset and angry too, that they are still not in possession of the reports to present on Monday. His personal secretary is doing everything in her power to try to expedite things because she too lost a daughter in this same hainous way, but without the completed police reports they cannot proceed. The DA does not want to go in front of the Grand Jury not properly prepared without every single report required.

Meanwhile the murderer has made a few recent appearences up here by my house and continues to be drnking and driving and is telling people that he got away with murder and is laughing about it. Where are the local deputys? Not here, doing their job.

There are posters in the stores up here with Michael's picture on it that asks people to slow down and don't drink and drive. The murderer was said to enter one of the stores a few days ago but when he saw Michael's picture on the door he fled. I hope Michael is haunting him and causing him to have bad nightmares.

The next meeting of the Grand Jury is not until the end of November and when I was told that, I went into a terrible outrage and told them that was completely unacceptable, but there is nothing that they can do. There is a slight chance that they can call a special Grand Jury hearing in another 30 days or so, but it is not likely and we will now have to wait until the end of November, to add to our holiday grief that much more.

I don't see how we can wait until November for this murdering filth is arrested but I have been told that nothing can be done.

I wish someone could put me out of my misery. This is too much. We continue to be broken.

This is the poster in the store

Dear Marty, I am so sorry this is taking so long. I have been involved with the wheels of justice and know just how slow they can move.

I am going to hope when he says,

Meanwhile the murderer has made a few recent appearences up here by my house and continues to be drnking and driving and is telling people that he got away with murder and is laughing about it.
that he is talking about having shot his father.
IF he thought he had gotten away with killing Michael I don't think he would have run from a picture. Hopefully this is something that will haunt this guy for the rest of his life.

Hugs to you, Jerry & Dan,


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