NMR - Broodmare Advice Please..

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Nov 1, 2004
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Something seemed a little strange about two weeks ago.. This fat rescue mare's tummy suddenly dropped. She went from her barn name to "preggo" very fast. Owner was in denial but had the vet out last week to check her out and gave a 90% in foal judgement. She passed all tests but he couldn't feel the head on the foal so he wouldn't give a 100% Yes. But that could have been because she was sedated and twitched and still was leaping around like a frog. He said "Maybe a month, two max" for a due date.

Got ahold of the middle person between the rescuers and the previous owners.. When they picked her up she was turned out with a large 16+ hh TB "Gelding" That was quite the aggressor and seemed more Studly. That was the last week of April 2005. During her temporary stay with the middle man a large 16+ hh Paint stallion escaped. He was found and caught but not near her.

So we know she is pregnant. You can SEE this foal rockin' and rollin'..

The Rescuer is sleeping in her VAN outside the stall on 24 hour watch. A breeder came over to check her out and said she would bet money she'd foal that night.. That was THREE nights ago.

So here is what we have...

1 Aggressive anti Humanly social horse. Maiden Mare at that with little to nothing for a bag. However she is fully slacked in the hind end. She has dropped and seems to be far more narrow than she had been last week. She is coming around. We've been able to get in her stall and brush her and clean around her without more than ear pinning. She is restless and acting uncomfortable. I was sure she'd go last night with all the thrashing and ear pinning and laying out on the ground stretching. No dice.

My main concerns and Questions..

-- I've heard maiden mares can be tricky and I've only got experience with proven mares. She has dried white liquid on her bags but not enough bag to say its imminent that she'll foal tonight. How many of you have mares that haven't bagged up? Maiden particularly.

-- Next, Are we just poop out of luck trying to find great signs for her to foal out soon since we can test her or really poke and prod too much?

-- I'm concerned about handling the foal to take care of the foals cord and tying up the afterbirth. We're pretty much going to be helpless when this happens and I'm trying to find someone who has dealt with a pushy mare while foaling?

The vet's advice was to give the foal a limited amount of time with the mare and pull it early and he'd help rear the foal as the mare is dangerous to handle at times. :no: Sad thing to hear but we know at some point in order to handle the foal we'll have to. The mare is limitedly handled but a larger man but thats for stall cleaning, turnout, and feeding. Other than that.. Nothing.
You are jumping the gun a lot here so settle down a bit.

I had a Connemara mare many years ago, off the boat, never been handled, 14.2hh!!!

In foal.

When she foaled down she became as quiet as a lamb- followed the foal (who was bold) around, let me handle her etc.

Once this mare realises you are no threat everything might change.

Mind you I did not stall the Connemara, and that might be the problem with this mare.

Horses are far more defensive in a small area as they are trapped.

She is also alone.

You need to get a freind for her in next door ASAP- it does not matter if she likes the animal or if she knows it, the fact that it is there will help.

This mare is scared, about to foal, and you have rendered her totally defenceless (this is from her point of view, mind) OF COURSE she is going to fight you- in her head she is fighting not only for her life but the life of her foal.

In that little stall she will attack you if you try to handle the foal- of course she will, the Vet should know all this.

And taking her foal away early will just back up everything she thinks of humans.

If you are going to do that, be prepared to put her down.

If this is the only option, fine, that is a judgement call you have to make.

To sum up, the owner is now camping outside the mares stall- in the mares eyes she is waiting to attack her and take her baby- she must be frantic.

This is NO time to be pussy footing around.

You need a good halter on the mare, with a lead rope attached.

You need to go in, get whatever you need to do done, and then you need to leave her alone, completely, totally, alone.

Unless you are seriously considering destruction (NO criticism, some are better off dead) then you need to do with the foal as much as you are able, and then leave it be.

For goodness sake I have taken in three year old 16 hands horses ungelded and never had a hand on them- they come round.

There are far far worse things than a tiny little foal that has not been properly handles.

Stop stressing and PLEASE stop thinking so far ahead.

None of this may happen!!!!
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Owner was in denial but had the vet out last week to check her out and gave a 90% in foal judgement. She passed all tests but he couldn't feel the head on the foal so he wouldn't give a 100% Yes.
The Vet should not have to feel the head of a foal to know a mare is in foal or not...a feel of the tautness of the uterus will tell a Vet if there is a foal in there. If the foal is there, there is weight on it...hence...it will feel taut.

I agree whole-heartedly with Fizz on this one too. heck, I have taken a 16hh 6 year old out of a 500 acre pasture, where he'd been all his life, (except for the day he was taken out, gelded and branded) and halter trained to saddle trained in two months...a "wild" mini foal won't be a problem. I do not handle my foals much until weaning either...I think it is better for them to be babies, and horses, first and foremost.

Let the mare have her foal, and don't worry about handling it until it''s weaned. As for what to do to get near the foal to douse the navel and health-check it, put a tightly buckled halter, with a foot of soft rope hanging from it, on her. At least you will have something to grab at to help you catch her. meanwhile, just calmly go about teaching her to trust you.
I'll have to dissagree. My gut says otherwise and typically your first instincts are right. I'd rather be prepared. Good to see someone else's view on the matter but unforetunately we just don't agree. It happens. I have a genuine concern for the welfare of this mare and while I see that everyone has their animals best interest at heart I just have a feeling.. If all goes well, fabulous.

Have a safe foaling year everyone.
Try to leave the foal on the mare as long as you think you can. Having just spent the last three days bottle feeding every hour, I can tell you, it is dang hard to do! The sleep deprivation is a killer, especially if you don't have help and are doing it all on your own. If you over sleep and the foal goes two hours, then he is weak and doesn't eat well for a few feedings afterwards. Besides, he really needs that colosterum and you won't be milking THAT mare it sounds like!!! :no: So you will be stuck with milk replacer which just isn't the same.

I really want to impress on you how incredibly difficult it is to raise a foal by hand. At least give the foal a couple of months if at all possible.
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Pepperhill, I feel for you. I really do. We talked about it last night and agreed that we'll evaluate when we cross two-three months and see what we have on our hands. Fortunately we have an awesome team of helpers/workers that are available round the clock. I wish you luck with your little one and hope that all goes well!

She was bred either the last week of april or the first week of may. So even if at all possible she got bred as late as the 15th of May she is like 331 days along. It ought to be an interesting event, She dropped quite a bit in the last day. Bagged up a bit more and is very uncomfortable. Its just a matter of time..

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