Help! I am an experience driver of horses in carts, wagons and carraiges. I recently acquired a small A sized mini. She came with harness and easy entry mini 2 wheel cart. I am stuck on a problem that I cannot seem to solve. First off, very little is level in my part of Virginia---finding a stretch of level road is hard, and even in the best area, a slight incline or upcline occurs. My problem is, I can only raise the tug loops for my harness up to the saddle only so far, and yet my mini bears most of the weight of the cart and shafts on her back and also somewhat on her neck strap (for the breast collar) the ONLY time she pulls with mostly her breast collar is when we are going up an incline. Otherwise, both level road and also when slightly downhill, ALL the weight is carried on her saddle and neck strap. I have tried all types of adjustments and I have not found an answer. It bothers me to see us on LEVEL road with the traces loose and flopping about and the only pulling is from the tug straps bearing down weight on her tiny back. Now, am hoping for harness advice as to what else I can do, but since I cannot get the little horse any taller, I truly am flummoxed as to how to take the cart/driver weight off my darling's back at this stage.
Saying all that, I then went online to find a small, light 3 or 4 wheel tiny cart/carraige and I only found ONE, a 3 wheel DOG cart, wherein the 3rd wheel (in front) says it will take the wt of the cart and driver on the wheel. ANyone buy/try this rig? (i will have a pic) And, when I look at 4 wheel things for my mini, all I find are commericial carraiges (too big and heavy for me to toss up in the back of my step-up trailer) OR they are designed to be pulled by a TEAM. I just have the one tiny mini and I am not too upset to want to drive her anymore until I can solve this problem Please help me with harness advice, or if you know of a place on east coast (I am in Virginia) that can attach a wheel or two to my cart to bear the weight, or any advice you have. I am attaching two pics, but know that in these pics the tug straps are not on their highest setting, I was trying differing adjustments and I already have tried the highest setting and yet I still have the SAME issue, unless the horse is pulling uphill, the cart is pulled not by the breast strap or traces, but only by the tug loops and almost all the weight is borne by the saddle and neck. This is unacceptable to me, as I love my mini.
Pic #1 taken just after coming down a slight decline, breeching fully engaged. Yes, I know the tug loops can be set higher, b ut this pic shows how the shafts push forward thru loops to the max, and also shows weight on the saddle and neck strap
Pic #2 taken just after coming up an incline, wherein the traces are engaged to pull, and as you see (yes I know the tugs can be set higher, I was trying this and other heights out all month) the tugs straps are holding the weight as much as the breast strap. Note the saddle being tilted back and necks strap tension.
Pic #3 a pic of the dog cart I found from sun rise pony. Anyone have this? or something like it? 3 or 4 wheels but SMALL and light so can pick it up somewhat?
Thank you so much,

Saying all that, I then went online to find a small, light 3 or 4 wheel tiny cart/carraige and I only found ONE, a 3 wheel DOG cart, wherein the 3rd wheel (in front) says it will take the wt of the cart and driver on the wheel. ANyone buy/try this rig? (i will have a pic) And, when I look at 4 wheel things for my mini, all I find are commericial carraiges (too big and heavy for me to toss up in the back of my step-up trailer) OR they are designed to be pulled by a TEAM. I just have the one tiny mini and I am not too upset to want to drive her anymore until I can solve this problem Please help me with harness advice, or if you know of a place on east coast (I am in Virginia) that can attach a wheel or two to my cart to bear the weight, or any advice you have. I am attaching two pics, but know that in these pics the tug straps are not on their highest setting, I was trying differing adjustments and I already have tried the highest setting and yet I still have the SAME issue, unless the horse is pulling uphill, the cart is pulled not by the breast strap or traces, but only by the tug loops and almost all the weight is borne by the saddle and neck. This is unacceptable to me, as I love my mini.
Pic #1 taken just after coming down a slight decline, breeching fully engaged. Yes, I know the tug loops can be set higher, b ut this pic shows how the shafts push forward thru loops to the max, and also shows weight on the saddle and neck strap
Pic #2 taken just after coming up an incline, wherein the traces are engaged to pull, and as you see (yes I know the tugs can be set higher, I was trying this and other heights out all month) the tugs straps are holding the weight as much as the breast strap. Note the saddle being tilted back and necks strap tension.
Pic #3 a pic of the dog cart I found from sun rise pony. Anyone have this? or something like it? 3 or 4 wheels but SMALL and light so can pick it up somewhat?
Thank you so much,