Hello all. I am new to miniature horses, and yet to get one. Waiting til I get my POA sold. Then I can hopefully make things work out with getting a grulla stud who I have fallen for.

I've read some of your posts partcularly about stall size and fencing. I have one that I didn't find answered and that is how high should the bottom strand (we use a electric poly tape) from the ground. My big horses do well with it at about 12 inches, though they well eat under it somewhat, but don't seem to get into it.
Also how do you all transport your minis? I know someone who has used her station wagon

Do you all prefer to pasture breed or hand breed?
Can minis be ultrasounded at 14 days like large horses? How is this accomplished?
I've been told that minis rarely need shoes, but should a farrier trim the regulary? Or do they fine with a periodic rasping?
Ok I think that's it for now.

Oh and does anyone know of any shows that would semi near north eastern Indiana?
Thanks a bunch
Promise Acres
LaGrange, IN