Need help with baiting in halter class...

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Active Member
Jun 4, 2013
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Ok, so we've shown at our second show now, and although my boy wins most of his classes, he's just not standing up and showing halter like I would like...I grew up showing arabs, where we would train them off the whip, to stand up, lean back a bit, then up and into a nice stretched topline, using the whole body, not just leaning into little guy just stands up, and then leans, no ears, not nice expression, just wanting the bait...nothing seems to get his attention for good expression. I don't want to try him off the whip like I would with a big horse, since you can't have one in the ring...what am I bait just isn't getting results I want, and then he is searching the rest of the class for it's hiding spot! LOL
Have you tried peppermint wrappers, click pens, or a cowboy hat (if you wear one) ?

I have also seen people use a little piece of bearskin or something with another animal scent on it. Try it once at home, but remember not too much or they will get bored.

Maybe you can try using verbal commands then rewarding with a treat.
This was my long range plan for connections with my horses: whenever, at home, I gave my horses a treat, I would make a clicking sound with my tongue, more of a 'plop'. This graduated into just using the sound when I called them up and was very useful in the show ring, click my tongue and the ears came up. Don't over do it, wait for the judge looking at your horse. I do like using cellophane wrappers, squeezing one hidden in the hand.

I knew a fellow exhibitor that always wore gloves, and she must have had something smeared on them, for her horses were fascinated with them!

Maybe you could use your expertise at home training with the whip, and when at the mini show without the whip, watching your hand instead might transfer?
I trained my guy to beg by setting up and parking out. Best decision ever. His "I wantz it" face is eyes bugged out and ears right up. Now, even in pinto where I can't bait, all he has to do is think I have something.
This may not be it at all but we have the same problem with a yearling and the dentist just told us that the ulcers she had on the insides of her mouth may be the issue. The show halter might be pinching just enough to make her unhappy. Time will tell as it was only a week since his visit. I did notice that she put her ears up very nicely when she was "naked" in her stall at the show..