My teenager-He's done it AGAIN!

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Kim Rule

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
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Had a big scare yesterday. I got a call at school...the school nurse had called 911 because my son was cold and clammy, white, and unresponsive. He was taken to the hospital. He apparently had been smoking pot during lunch! He apparently overdosed on it! :new_shocked: We had him tested, and there was no other kind of drug in his system. He took 3, yes, 3 liters of fluid before he was hydrated enough to pee. Apparently pot is an antihystemine. Remember that next time you have a cold or allergies!!

At the hospital I wavered between genuine relief that he was okay, and deep anger that he did this...I was ready to throttle him right there in the hospital! (I haven't spanked him since he was a little kid!)

Kyle is home now, but here we go again...I had him remove his stereo, his CD's and Playstation from his room. He'll have to earn them back. He is SO grounded. Today we'll go to the school and see what the consequences there are.

Kyle's girlfriend saw him wheeled away on the gurney, and freaked out. She had been with him. She went to the administrators, and spilled her guts...told them who was there smoking, where they got the pot, the whole 9 yards. At her parent's request, she has been expelled. I told them that I thought they had a great daughter. She did something stupid, but she told the truth...that's something that Kyle was NOT willing to do. We'll see if her parents let them continue to see each other...(AFTER the grounding is done!) :stupid:

Fortunately Kris was there. The nurse called him, and he jumped into his truck and was on his way...after losing Mom two weeks ago, I have to say that I'm still a bit fragile. My driving to the hospital was not the most sane! I was so afraid of losing Kyle too!

So here I am again...with parenting issues. Crap, I'm not sure I will survive to his adulthood!

Kim R.
Oh boy - kids do stupid things....I know, I was one of those stupid ones too. He will eventually grow up and leave drugs out of the equation. I don't want to say it's all part of growing up, because it shouldn't be.

I'm sorry you and him have to go through this, I wish I had some great advice and words to help, but I don't. I'll be praying for you all though.
I'm sure you want ot just beat him senseless and then hug him and not let him go.... Have you considered a fixed "sentence" of community service hours for him? Preferably in a homeless shelter or drug rehab program, where he can see where drugs can bring everyday people like himself??? Time for a reality check....
Boy oh boy I feel for ya.

Don't you just love teenage years?

I remember very clearly when I was a teenaged hippy and was such a radical weenie runing away to Woodstock that my mother gave me the curse: "One day I hope your children will put you through just what you are putting me through now"


AW MA! Why'd you do that???????

Mine haven't done pot/drugs or drinking. They are both highly allergic to smoke and literally makes them sick to the point of barffing. We also live in a dry county and haven't even seemed interested in having a can of beer so I"m thankful for that too.

But they have been in sooooooo much trouble this past year with seems like everything else. They don't study and do their homework and their grades suck! And then there is "the mouth" ...........ugh!

Last year I did the tuff love thing. Didn't work. Backfired on me and things got a lot worse. So.......I'm just hoping that this is just another stage of lazy teenager junk that too will pass.

You gotta just hold on for the rest of the wild ride best you can.

I say a little prayer every morning when I wake up. Want to borrow it?

"Dear Jesus, please don't let the boys get in any trouble today and keep them safe"

Yup, that's it.
Overdose on just POT alone? I don't think so! As ML says, look deeper into this. I have known and know people that smoke pot from morning till night and you do not O.D. on pot. That is ridiculous!

I probably would have a little drug testing done...bloodwork to see what is in his system. I guarantee that pot was laced with something or it was not pot at all.

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There are kits available that test hair for the 3 main drugs. I would do that or maybe blood/urine now for other drugs. Then do the hair test every once and again to see if he is staying clean.

I dont think he could have OD'd that way on just Pot, but its possible, people react differently to drugs. Kinda would think there was something else going on, like maybe an upper along with it. See if you can talk to a drug counselor and see what they suggest. Best of luck! Heather
Overdose on Pot? He must have had a lot to go into that response. People in my high school smoke it all the time, except for the good kids including me. I think it is stupid and really doesn't do any good besides that however-long-it-is high.

I think it is kind of expected in the world today, but good job grounding him. Have you tried searching his room too?
As others have pointed out, that pot was almost certainly laced with something else... or he wasn't doing pot. If it was laced, the kids may or may not have known. OD on Ecstacy comes to mind...

I disagree with anyone who says he'll "outgrow" this on his own. He might, but not if he gets involved with something more serious than pot. Lots of people smoke pot even all day long and are fine, but if it starts getting mixed with alcoholism or he gets bored with it's effects and experiments with something like Meth, etc. you're going to have a real problem.

Good luck with him.
That IS disturbing. I would be beside myself and feel so lucky my son does not do those things (*knock on wood...* YET?) but I know I'm not out of the woods as long as I and they are alive. It is something we are always on edge for even if we don't have reason to worry and you certainly do.

I have never heard of that response and yes, I would see if there is any other way they can look for more chemicals or perhaps his girlfriend would be helpful.

I would also urge you to make use of counseling to help him get through this. My husband has been thinking about being a counselor after some schooling. He DID use marijuana in his early teen years, but has long since stopped though he regrets it all the time (the usage, NOT the quitting). He believes that the reason he doesn't have much short term memory may in fact be linked to it.

Your boy doesn't understand what he has (healthy body and mind), and hopefully he will wake up and see how much you love him and why he needs to take care of himself.

Never quit telling him how much you do love him, the reason for your concern. I am so sorry for you.


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Obviously this scared the DICKENS out of your son's girlfriend. And I pray it scared your son even more!

Don't hestitate to lay a guilt trip on him......Remind him that you just lost his grandma, and what would have happened to the family if you all had lost HIM too??!!

Sure it's being manipulative......but you are a mom and have a right to be!

Good luck and God bless,

I think you might want to check deeper into what he has taken.. Pot just does not have that effect unless it has SOMETHING ELSE mixed in it or he has other medical conditions.. He may have said he did pot but he may have done something else other then that.. JMHO - Keep a close eye on that boy!!! So many dangerous drugs out there!!!
I have to agree here, and as a recovering addict can assure you I smoked TONS of pot in my day at one time nothing like that happened.

I am sorry and understand how frustrating it is however.. you really want to know what he is doing do a hair folicle test. That will show you and it stays there for months very easy to in a short time come up with a clean UA

Bottom line is you have to keep on his friends... We "know" some of his friends are and have been using for awhile.

Is he taking anti depressents? My guess is maybe he took more of those then he should? I am sure this isnt the first time

Really his loss of weight last year the amount he lost so very quickly along with the grades issues and other behavior issues I would venture to guess this has been going on for a while- just going to have to stay on him and do your best to hold it togther I am hear if you need to talk-

Keep in mind I used to work at a live in drug rehab for kids.. and have been there done that myself.
Kim - it does sound like there was more involved than pot, and perhaps your son's girlfriend can help you with this information. I am so sorry your family is going through this, and I really hope that this was enough of a scare for your son to be able to stop using drugs.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Liz R.
Well not much more I can add other than I feel for you, don't give up as hard as it gets sometimes - I am running the same issues with mine and I honestly don't know if he will make it :no: I am hoping a life altering issue happens and he wakes up and staightens out- but until then we keep banging away at trying to keep him on the straight and narrow or at least safe and sound. Will be thinking of you.

Bless your heart, I feel for you. I have a son who will be 19 next month if he lives that long. I always say that because I have honestly expected 'the phone call' for years. He has a very big problem dealing with anger issues and has a big mouth to boot....He's not a little boy (about 6'2" but slender), but his mouth is ginormous - he doesn't know when to shut it and keep it shut. I have said it for years, he's going to mouth off at the wrong person one of these days and it'll be all over. Not everyone absorbs verbal crap like parents and grandparents do sometimes...Prayers coming your way!
: I have to laugh because I have a problem with fainting sometimes. I have done it several times in school and I scare everyone when I do it. It has nothing to do with drugs either so dont worry. I hate even taking tylenol if I dont have to! I remember once I fainted before my teeth were to be removed and scarred everyone in the waiting room half to death. Appearently someone shrieked something about 911 and my mom just turned around and said "dont you dare call 911" She was so used to this kind of thing happening. Its embarrasing to wake up disoriented with everyone hovered over you.

Adding to that I was once a passenger in a car accident and the guy from the hospital called my mom and said first, "Im from such and such hospital, do you have a daughter named Kaitlin?..." My mom got several grey hairs from that one.... Poor woman.
Well, he's had a 5 day suspension from school. They did a urine test and found only pot. Yes, I was a bit suspicious too. I know this sounds like more than pot...but the pot that is smoked now is not what it was when I was a kid. It's much more potent...But he did smoke 2 bowls, in about 1/2 an hour's time on an empty stomach. He is also on anti-depressants, and that MAY have increased the effect of the pot. I will talk to my doctor about the hair follicle test. I want to keep tabs on what that boy is doing.

I know we're not alone. There are SO many parents out there dealing with stuff like this, or worse. I wonder how we manage to keep it all together.

Yes, I used the guilt card. I told him on the way home that I just lost my mother, and I was afraid that I was going to lose him too! (we parents are privileged that way!) But that is truely how I felt in my heart.

I went to see a grief counselor today...I had the appointment set up a week ago, to try and sort out stuff with mom. Now this. Who is it on the list that has the signature that says...

"I know God doesn't give me any more than I can handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much."

Oh boy, do I ever feel that!

Kim R.
Oh Kim that sucks, sorry to be blunt but that was my first thought.

I know I drove my mother half mad with worry

I hope things improve with your son and that perhaps this will be a wake up call for him.

I know a woman I work with is going through similar issues with her son.

He has been caught with pot twice in the last few months and will go to juv detention at the end of this month if he does not complete his 40 hours community service. the final straw was on Saturday he was smoking pot and "huffing"(this is scary stuff), in the middle of the day right on the basketball courts in front of where his mother works!!!!!!!! I know I was there

Anyway the concoction knocked him out and he fell and cracked his head and had to be brought to the emergency room in the ambulance as he had been knocked unconscious....

I think this boy mentioned is just desperate for attention because he really is just creating a mountain of problems for himself.... His mother is going crazy...

I hope things calm down around your house and that you son gets some sense

When I read posts like this I am glad my kids are all still really young... I am not ready for teenage years :eek: :eek: :eek:
I feel your pain have gone through it with my son during teenage years I swear he had a death wish for either himself or me not sure which did pot alcohol and coke once landed him in the hospital with a gash in his arm that took 52 stitches to close. We tried everything all parents try but when all was said and done he had to come to it on his own. I prayed everyday that God would keep him clean and safe. This today seems like another lifetime. He will be 37 at the end of the month and is clean and sober. Has 3 children who are now teenagers and is very lucky as all of them have been wonderful kids(so far). I would never wish this on anyone. God knows I have no advice except to say dont buy into the guilt that can accompany this. I blamed myself for a long time though I still have no idea why he made such bad decisions. You didnt say how old your son is but my son was arrested for OUI when he was 16. One of the hardest days of my life taking him to jail its mandatory in our State. My heart and prayers are with you as you battle this demon and it truly is one that affects the entire family. ((((HUGS)))
Overdose on just POT alone? I don't think so! As ML says, look deeper into this. I have known and know people that smoke pot from morning till night and you do not O.D. on pot. That is ridiculous!

I probably would have a little drug testing done...bloodwork to see what is in his system. I guarantee that pot was laced with something or it was not pot at all.

I am going to also agree there is no way that was "just" pot. There are a number of current fav's in the drug/get high and pass the the test realm. Sudafed in high doses, huffing, and high doses of other over the counter cold drugs. None of these show up in standard drug tests UA or blood unless you go looking for them..........most of the huffing won't show up at all , wd40, paint, gasoline, kool lube, hairspray, compressed air if it is in an aerosal can it can be huffed and it usually wont ever be detected. In order to detect the cold remedies specific blood tests must be run within 24 hours because these drugs clear the system pretty rapidly...unlike pot which hangs out for up to 30 days
: . I am dealing with all of this with my son and have been for sometime it doesn't just go away and usually they keep getting into worse and worse unless you are on their butts like white on rice
OH Kim, I am so sorry for what you are going through.

I agree, there is almost certainly something other than just pot. I don't like to admit this, and while I don't do ANY sort of drugs myself, I do know quite a few kids who do. A friend that I have - we arent too close, but a few months ago she ended up overdosing on Triple C. That was pretty scary. Ended up in the hospital and flatlined twice. I am not sure what else you could be lookign for though.

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