Hi Colleen, I DONT like your prediction!
Every time Lori comes over she wants another one out of MY pastures....
and we both know how I feel about parting with one of my "kids"!
She already has her eyes on my Zeebo
I win on that one, she is NOT going to talk me out of him! ....and we wont even begin to mention what minis she all wants. I tried to warn her that donkeys are completely addicting, and now she is hooked!
Just wait till she gets a jenny and has her first foal, there is nothing cutier then a newborn donkey. She was over by me when Taco was born this spring..and I think that is what convinced her! Of course, Lori wont tell us the truth on here, but she has loved Jasper from day one
it just took me a little while to say YES. .... Right Lori?????? Corinne