My first mini - I am fairly new to horses...need guidance!

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Just call the vet.

Your colt is cute, but I am going to be brave and tell you that he is not stallion quality, especially in the hind end. I bet he'd make a great gelding, though. I tell you this not to tork you off, but because this is a place for education and learning conformation is part of education. What people see in the movies is not a true depiction of life with a stallion, and I know too many people that have a fascination of having a stud, then come to the realization too late that it is not what they bargained for. If you want a horse that you can "live with", cut the colt.
Oh it doesn't bother me at all for you to tell me this. I want to learn all I can. What is it about his hind end that makes him not stallion quality? I am all about education and you're not going to make me mad.

I messaged you my phone number. Looking forward to hearing from you and come visit and I'll be happy to show you the ropes around here.
When I started I visited many many miniature horse farms, near and far and talked with a lot of breeders. This is a great site, and I am not new to the site, but new to posting. I like reading all the post, and you can never learn all there is to know about horses.
What is it about his hind end that makes him not stallion quality? I am all about education and you're not going to make me mad.
Recognizing that youngstock can change over time, he is long backed, has a steep croup, and (at least in the photos) is cowhocked and weak in the rear pasterns. These are typical "problems" in the miniature horse breed (I have seen this a lot). He has a nice head, though.
He has tried to kick me one time and has been a little nippy today. He tried to run ahead of me a couple of times while I was leading him. I am still rubbing him all over, but I am a little afraid of that back leg now.

He is not still on his mother so now I am thinking I should get something like the Grow Colt Supplement to add to the Mare and Foal pellets and hay I am feeding him. What do you think?

Hi rb ok I'll chime in here.

First, no vaccinations given here before 4 months old. I usually wait until about 4-5 months.

De-worm him gently first with something easy like strongid, then wait a bit and then de-worm him again with Zimectrin or I use Zimectrin Gold.

I usually never tell anyone to geld their horse even though I might think it to myself. I do have a couple reasons why I think you should geld the boy and the first one is that you are a newbie and when his hormones kick in, he can turn your entire world inside out as you are not prepared to handle what is about to come. This adorable little bundle of joy will suddenly turn into colt zilla over night and that is when its no more fun. It would be a matter of your own safety as a new handler. Another reason is that you mentioned you bought him for a herdsire which means you are wanting to breed when he is of age and that again is not a good option for a newbie either. Its complicated which you will find out from reading the forum. I don't critique other people's horses and pick them apart but his overall color is very flashy and pretty and he is as cute as can be.

I'd also shave that hair off of him as its so darn hot. Provide plenty of shade and fans for him in the barn and keep him out of the sun.

Try not to buy feed from the stupid Co-op here. Its crap! Go with a good food like Nutrena or Purina which you can get from Tractor Supply. No, you don't need to add Grow Colt. Just a good quality food. Purina makes Equine Jr. for foals and that is very good and also Nutrena makes a good mare and foal food in pellet form which is good also. I'm not happy with the Dumor brands though at Tractor Supply.

Next time the little begger trys to drag you off, shorten up your lead rope so he doesn't have that much pull power and just use your right wrist to get him back more to your side. He's just a baby and doesn't know a thing yet. This will come with practice over time. Where's his mama?
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Make sure you treat him like he is a big horse otherwise he will get spoiled. the worst thing in the world is a spoiled mini(I'm not talking about a pampered mini)
Make sure you treat him like he is a big horse otherwise he will get spoiled. the worst thing in the world is a spoiled mini(I'm not talking about a pampered mini)
Sarah, I like your thinking....Spoiled mini vs Pampered mini.....great food for thought...

Where in boston are you from? Cant imagine too many minis strolling around the world Trade Center Pier or even in Boston Gardens or Fleet Center? LOL
Thank you everyone thus far...Marty, his mama is about 45 miles away. They said he was weaned. Others have been telling me he should still be on his mama, but I didn't know. This is the problem with being a newbie, I guess.


Hi and welcome to minis and horses in general!

Firstly I would definetly take up the offer of a mentor! Even if you just want to keep pets and not show/breed they are invaluable.

I don't want t sound like I'm beating you over the head with the gelding thing but I would certainly recommend it. My stallions, who are both good natured and well behaved, keep me on my toes. I must always have an eye on them, I always look for potential trouble. They test me more then any other horse I have owned. I'm a fairly experienced horse owner and very confident with handling these guys so for me I love how my stallions keep me working and thinking. But there is always that nice relaxing moment when I can just grab one of the geldings out of the group paddock and bring him out to play around with him. I used to take my geldings down to the local pony club, jump the small cross country jumps and a lot of people introduced their riding horses to minis through meeting mine!

I think you will find a lot more enjoyment in your boy if he is gelded.

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