my 2 year old filly is sick

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2004
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not sure if I should be happy or sad , my filly has been sick for 4 days now, thought she was bunged up and was having troubles trying to push her poop out, so she was given mineral oil in one end and an enma in the other plus the vet gave her a needle for pain, then spent a lot of time walking .She did not really get better the next day so the vet was out again and he put a tube in her nose and put a mixture of water and mineral oil again and another enema (sp)still not getting better and she really is straining to poop and is also making a strange sound so we took her to the vet this time and she has been there for 2 1/2 days with vet working at both ends plus an intervenus (sp)as well to over hydrate her - temperatures have been in the 30's . the next day the vet said she was doing better so we could take her home . well she did not improve and started to roll onto her back with her hooves up in the air.

I never want to see that again so we were told to keep her walking until we could take her back - this time the vet took blood work and also put a cathader in for a pee sample because I said she pooped only once since the night and very little plus her pee was just a few drops and very yellow looking and again straining, not worried at this time about the poop since she has had very little to eat in now 3 1/2 days and it is not that she does not want to eat - infact that is all she wants to do but vet said to give her verry little food. Well the test results are back and it seems the vet had been working on the wrong ends - she has a bladder infection and was given penacillian for it. Today on the now 4th day the vet said she is doing great and can come back home :aktion033: the boys are really missing her and so is my family . The vet wants to have her on penacillian for a while so she will show me how to give my girl a needle :no: never ever had to do this but I guess it is time to learn --- wish me luck hope it is easy to give a needle. Just glad that she is finally feeling better and not in so much pain --- wish the vet had checked for that earlier it sure would have made it easier for my filly .

Now I will have to let her graze on grass a little at a time till she is feeling 100% better or would giving her a little bit of timothy hay every hour be better for her ,she can be a pig and inhale her food ?? Thanks for listening and here is hopping for piles of poop and streams of pee :lol:
WOW sorry to hear she was so sick but glad she is on the mend.
Ask your vet about gastroguard as well..........With all the pain meds she may have developed an ulcer too.

All the best,

thanks guys, she only had 2 shots for pain, and so far 2 shots of antibiotics. I have to give her another shot tomorrow and another the day after of 5 cc each (stronger dose)then she will be on a weeker antibiotic for another 7 days with 7cc's for each day . My vet explained and showed me how to do it myself and even had me give her todays needle - good thing she is great with needles because I was so nurvious (sp). She has been out for a little to eat already now she is in the dry lot so I can watch her drink and see how she is pooing and peeing. All I can do for now is sit back and watch :lol: I will ask my vet about the gastroguard
Glad she is improving....sorry the vet took that long to figure out what the problem was. Would certainly shake my confidence there!

it still does with me as well wonder about the vets and why did they not check for that on day 1 at their office, but when they are the only vets around close by you really have no choice and they do come to my place pretty quick . She is still not very well but she is eating and moving around. tonight my boys will be camping out while she has the barn and dry lot to move around in - that way I will be able to tell if she goes pee or poo . She still does push every now and then but not like before - she has only had 2 shots of penacillian and is better so keep your fingers crossed for her that she improves every day. I was given 9 doses to give her over 9 days. Sure wish I went to vet school - would have saves $$$$$ but they are willing to take payments and right now I have no idea on how much I owe them, and do not care as long as my girl gets better
: her to bits (her name is Bella Storm - since she rings my Bell and was born in a rain storm )and did not even know she was born till I noticed mom standing out by the fence and saw this tiny thing laying on the ground on the other side of the fence - did not even know what the foal was till I carried her into the barn and dried her off then lifted her tail up. YUP A FILLY with a half moon on her face. :aktion033:
Glad your filly is improving, and that she handles the injections okay. Giving shots is part and parcel of owning horses in my book, vet can't always be there so it's a good skill to have.

I'd second the concern about ulcers - esp if she was laying on her back. Gastroguard is great stuff. If your vet feels there is concern about ulcers, you can also ask about giving her over the counter Tagamet or something similar. It doesn't heal ulcers like Gastroguard, but in the short term it will treat the symptoms and help to know if you are on the right track.

well I just checked on her and noticed in the barn 2 poop piles , small but it is poop. Also noticed that there is still discharge comming from her pee but to soon to tell if the penicillian is working will know more tomorrow. She is looking much better and is resting now for the night.She is drinking water as well and moving around more,plus since being home she is not rolling either but every time she lays down my heart stops for a second and I breath easier when she gets up, guess she needs rest after what she has been through. will keep you posted
I too am glad to hear she is improving. But I am like the rest and would still be concerned

about Ulcers. I would ask about the ulcer med's. I don't think they would hurt her to be on them.

I think with all the stress she has been under, being sick. She could get ulcer's.

Prayers for her to get better and be her self.

well she is doing good thismorning, found 2 piles of poop and pee stains on the ground, things are looking up. As for gastroguard well I will have to wait till tuesday as it is the long weekend and the vet office is closed till then but will call first thing when they open. She is out with the boys today and is hanging with them. :aktion033:

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