More sad news here and not horse related

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2003
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New York
My hubby called me to the front door last night - the weather was hideous with rain and a drop in temperatures.

One of my wonderful cats (they do the barn thing during the day and come in at night to sleep on furniture, etc) had made it to the front porch, dragging her leg. It was broken in three places from the knee down with such nerve damage that her paw was cold and had no feeling. She was in severe shock and the road is a LONG way from my house so I cannot imagine what she went through to get to the house and I have not seen her go toward the road before. The fractures tore holes in her skin at the knee and hock with the bones poking through... I had to bundle her carefully in a towel and she just sat in my arms....

She had to be put to sleep...I am still in shock myself.

Just had to share...I have had her since she was a kitten.


Silversong Farm
So sorry. If I were you I woulf be looking around to make sure no one had set traps in your area. Sounds more like that or maybe caught in the fan of a starting car.

Oh I'm so sorry. It's one of my fears for my outside cats. People drive so fast on my dirt road. It's really scary for all the little ones crossing to go hunt in the field. Again I'm sorry for your loss!

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty, but I am also very glad that you were able to be with her during her final moments so she knew she was loved.

Some years ago, I had been trying to tame a feral tomcat, who had been feral for about 9+ years. I had succeeded in getting to pet him, but not yet to picking him up, when Kenny and I returned from a vacation and he had a broken hind leg. We took him to the vet and he returned with a cast and minus his tomcat-parts....and he became a housecat and retired from his feral life. Surprisingly, he got along very well with our other indoor cats and became a great housecat. We lost him to kidney failure a few years ago.

We keep our kities indoors because we live close to a 'fast' rural road. I have 3 that stay outside at the barn because they won't play nice with the indoor kitties and one is still retaining her feral-ness by not letting me touch her.

Love them. Care for them. Do the best you can for them. Their time with us is short. The sorrow of loss is but the measure of how great the love.

Cronewolf said:
So sorry. If I were you I woulf be looking around to make sure no one had set traps in your area. Sounds more like that  or maybe caught in the fan of a starting car.

No traps set near here and she was out in the AM with me when I did chores... she was at the door when my husband came home from work and he called me to the door... she was not there when I came home from work earlier or when I took my son to a doctor's appointment a bit later. The wound was not bloody like some traps might have left (I have a friend who is a licensed trapper), and she looked like she was dragged. Worked for a vet clinic years ago and without seeing anything happen, that was my guess as to what had happened - her hind leg was injured.

Our other cat is depressed - not eating and he is normally a piglet - he is just sleeping a lot, which is what I feel like doing. He will be inside from now on...


Silversong Farm
I am so sorry to hear about your kitty. Mine all go outside during the day and in the house at night too. We are very rural and way back off of the road but I still worry that one of them might wander out that way. So far so good but you never know. I do know that being allowed to come and go as they please makes them very happy. Your kitty was obviously happy and also wanted to come back to you for help rather than just go off somewhere alone to suffer which is usually what cats tend to do. You made a good decision and did right by her! ((((((((HUGS))))))
I'm so sorry. I would have been in tears and nearly am just reading about it. You have my warmest sympathies and total support in this difficult time.

Oh, Denise, I am so very sorry for your loss.

I still miss my Nootka kitty, who was killed in the road last December. She was 11 years old, and my baby.


Please accept my condolences, for I surely know the pain and grief you are experiencing. I hope it subsides, soon...

Liz M.
My heart goes out to you, Denise. I know there are some people who might say "she was 'only' a cat", but to you she was someone you loved very much. My favourite duck got hit on the road a couple of days ago, and I was terribly upset. My husband did point out she was "only" a duck..... (wrong thing to say!)

My most sincere sympathy to you...
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I am so thankful the sweet little thing made it back to you and let you know what happened. Thank God you were with her and had a chance to say Goodbye and let her know you were there. It was a very loving and courageous thing you did for her. I'm sure she would thank you if she could. May God bring comfort and peace to your broken heart as you reflect on the joy and happiness she brought you.

God bless,

An update...and many thanks for the cyber hugs and support - I felt that I did the right thing for Ashley even though my heart still breaks....

I was at the feed store buying dog food and fish food on Sunday and was looking to see if I could find a new kitty - not to replace Ashley as nobody can do that, but to fill the enormous void she left behind...

They did not have the normal posting of kittens looking for homes and I commented on that as I was leaving the store.

One of the young gentlemen at the counter bolted after me and said, "How about this kitty? A lady put this notice up last week - you should call her."

I did and found that the kitty was given up to a friend (who posted the ad) because her owner of 4 years could not keep her anymore due to a move to a houseboat. The friend had 4 kitties of her own and promised to find her a good home. This kitty was spayed and declawed (not my choice to declaw) and her green eyes in her picture were gorgeous.

Ben and I went out on Monday to meet the little kitty who was very, very shy and was a snuggler once she realized we meant her no harm. She seemed to be pretty stressed about the move to her foster mom's after being with her first mom for 4 years. After much discussion and seeing if the kitty was comfortable with us, she is now home with us... still VERY shy so Ben took her to his room where there was less of a place for her to hide. This way we are able to retrieve her for holding and snuggling. It took 24 hours but she is eating, drinking and using her litter pan and likes to snuggle in laps while we are on the computer or reading. She is a very tiny cat - almost like a kitten even though she is 4 and she has a gorgeous coat and is well muscled, up to date on her shots and is feline leukemia negative.

So, with angels guiding us, a new kitty is here with us to live and help heal some broken hearts. I love all my critters here - from horse to dog to cat to bird to rabbit to fish to corn snake...everyone has his/her place in the grand scheme of things. I am still going to attend my pet loss seminar in November as I feel it would be good for me and I miss Ashley a lot but I feel she helped guide us to a needy kitty whom we are learning to love in a different way. Just have to settle on a name - the boys are thinking Lexi or Olivia....


Silversong Farm

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