Minis rescued

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Brandon Manitoba
This was just posted on the CoTH forum this morning, by Elizabeth, the same lady who posted about the group of vets who rescued 63 horses out of New Orleans on Thursday.

Last night...we managed to rescue 7 more from the Folsom, LA area. Five of them were minis! I am 6'1" tall....bringing them into the barn was like walking a bunch of Labrador was too much fun. Their little whinnies were precious. They were excited to be hanging "with the big boys!"

So, if anyone hears of someone looking for their 5 Minis from this area, they're safe at a barn at Lamar Dixon. The horses are being groomed, hand walked, they have fans to help keep them cool--Elizabeth says the horses are in heaven. Those needing medical attention are being cared for by the LSU veterinary students.

That is simply great news. The people who own the minis must be beside themselves worring about thier minis. I am so happy they were rescued and I love the description of "walking a bunch of Labrador Retrievers". We may have another Mini convert!!!!

Ginny StP

Thanks for posting this, we need all the good news we can get.
That is wonderful to hear of something good happening down there. A Big hand to all those folks for helping the minis and other animals!!
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virginia said:
That is simply great news.  The people who own the minis must be beside themselves worring about thier minis.  I am so happy they were rescued and I love the description of "walking a bunch of Labrador Retrievers".  We may have another Mini convert!!!!
Ginny StP

Thanks for posting this, we need all the good news we can get.


Ginny, so said it all!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhh, what a wonderful story!

So glad these horses were saved.

"Baby Steps".....little by little we are hearing of wonderful rescue stories like these. Possible, only by the love of the many ANGELS who are working long & hard to save these animals.
HOW NEAT!! I LOVE the description!!!!!

Last night...we managed to rescue 7 more from the Folsom, LA area. Five of them were minis! I am 6'1" tall....bringing them into the barn was like walking a bunch of Labrador was too much fun. Their little whinnies were precious. They were excited to be hanging "with the big boys!"

Thanks Minimor for posting that!!! It has certainly made my day!!!!
That is so wonderful to hear. Another clip touched us - a helicopter rescue of two men on a roof by Coast Guard, National Guard, Army - not sure who - but all doing great jobs. The basket picked up one man while another waited on the roof with the rescuer and a little dog. My heart was almost in my throat when the basket came back down and put both the man and the precious little dog in the basket and they were lifted up into the chopper.

This morning in church, our congregation recognized a young woman attending who is among about 100 taking shelter in Paris (about 9 hours from New Orleans) and specifically prayed for her and the others. Near the end of the message, a cell phone was heard and at service's end, it was announced that missing members of her family had been found. Hopefully, we will be hearing other encouraging news in the days ahead.
Well THANK GOD. And it's about time!

I hope these rescues will be covered by the media more and more. They are truly heartwarming.

Hey, this is HAPPY news.... you all must have seen the news clip about the little boy forced to leave his little white dog behind when he got on the bus to evacuate from NO? He was crying "Snowball, Snowball!" and cried so hard he ended up vomiting...a police office moved the little dog out of the way when the bus was ready to move off. Well, how about this:

A $500 reward for the return of the dog Snowball to the boy was joined by others. The reward, now posted on craiglist, and other sites like and, had risen to $2,500 with other contributors

The best part, the LSPCA may have found Snowball. Here is the link:

Snowball found?

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