Miniature horse attacked

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Mike Creel

Jan 3, 2007
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South Mississippi
I can not believe they returned the dog to the owner! (See story below)

(4/20/07 - KTRK/MONTGOMERY CO., TX) - A miniature horse was attacked by a two pit bull dogs and people in the Montgomery County neighborhood say they are worried about other dogs that are still lurking around.

One of the dogs was captured, but the other is still on the loose. The horse is recovering, but neighbors are worried the next attack could involve a child.

"She's a character," said Brenda Marino of her horse, Sugarbaby. "She will chase the grandchildren or they will chase her. She is not vicious. She's not mean. No one has ever ridden her. She's just a little toy."

Sugarbaby is lucky to be alive after two pit bulls brutally attacked her. Marino came home to find her beloved pet bleeding from the face, legs and stomach.

"It basically started in the back pasture," said Don Smith with Precinct 5. "And she broke through the gate trying to get through them. She got into the back yard, broke several pipes, lights. She was on the back porch and onto the side yard. It was a long drawn out battle."

At one point, the dogs had Sugarbaby trapped up against a wood pile. That's when neighbors heard the commotion and fought off the two pit bulls. Animal control managed to catch one of the dogs.

"When you get into a pack situation, one will start picking," said Smith. "And once they draw blood, they just go for the throat."

One dog was returned to its owner. The other remains loose. The owner says the dogs are normally kept behind a fence, but neighbors say the problem is bigger than the two pit bulls.

"There are wild dog packs up and down the streets, all night long," said nearby resident Richard Preble. "The dogs that stay at home bark all night, because these wild dogs are up and down the street."

For now, Sugarbaby is recovering from her wounds from the safety of a small shed. She'll be strong enough to return to her pasture in a few weeks. But that is not a comforting thought for Brenda Marino.

"I think the dogs should be put down. They have the taste of blood," said Marino. "To me, you don't know how much further this will go."

Animal control would not tell me who the owns the dogs, but did say that person was cited for allowing her pets to run at large and for not having proof of a rabies vaccination. For more on this story, check with our Houston Community Newspaper partner, The Courier.

(Copyright © 2007, KTRK-TV)
Totally insane.............Dog was returned???? Horse owner not allowed to have the name of the dog owner??? Something is not right with that.

I can't believe the dog was returned to it's owner! In Oregon if a dog is caught chasing livestock it gets the death penalty when caught by animal control........this one actually attacked. :nono:
I too don't get it, why they will not give the horse owner the name of the owner of

the dog. Can she not get a copy of the police report? She should be at least able to make

them pay for the Vet bills, and damages to her horse. If I were her I would not let it go.

Makes me so angry

In this case where the owner of the dog is known I would think that they have a right to sue to owner for damages (vet bills).
An elderly lady in a nearby town here was killed a year or so ago by 2-3 dogs (pit bulls or pit bull mix). She was dragged off her riding mower and attacked by her neighbors dogs. The owner went to trial recently and was not convicted because there was no history of violence with these particular dogs. I believe the dogs were put to sleep after the attack though.

Very scary to me - I've seen my two Jack Russells in a pack mentality, and nothing stops them short of physically pulling them off, something I'd not want to have to do with big dogs.

:new_shocked: Can't believe they gave the dog back to the owner and refuse to give her name. And all WITHOUT proof of rabies shots. That in itself is a no-no in my county in Wisconsin.
In VA that dog would be required to be impounded for quaranteen, at the local pound, for 10 days, just due to the no rabies info. And if a summons was issued to the owners, that info is public record and CAN be looked up by the horse owner.

Possibly the officer would not reveal the dog owner's name but, I feel the lady can go and get it from the police or courts. After all, she DOES have damages and needs to sue for them! Of course she won't know the full extent of expense for a few weeks but, certainly she should being legal action in this case, IMO.
I agree, police reports are a matter of public record.

I sure am glad the little mare will be okay and certainly am glad the dogs did not kill her. SAD this happened and continues to happen.

Give the little mare a hug and owner too! I wish you the best of luck in getting this resolved.

I pulled a copy of a police report here and the 'other parties' involved all had their names blacked out!!!

I would try that though and see if there is ANY info there. Also, I would cruise the neighborhood and see if these dogs can be sighted in the area and where they live. I would also be contacting an attorney, who can subpeana records and the owners of the dogs can be taken to court to pay all the damages!!!

I can't believe they returned the dog. Had it been my horse, the dogs would never have made it off the property for animal control to take away.... well, still breathing anyhow.

Sounds like the dogs are NOT new at this and yes, they will come back- in the meantime, they will be out and after something else- someone else's pets, livestock, or worse- someone's child.
That is just plain AWFUL. As they say, "Something is rotton in Denmark."


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