Lost my dream colt yesterday

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Very very sorry to hear you have this loss. We don't know why, but..... I know I can appreciate how you feel right now.
Im so sorry .. that must of been awful him living for 30 minutes to giving you hope

im SO sorry .. Im so worried for our 2008 foal
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I'm so sorry for your loss.
He looks very premi to me.....in fact he looks about the same size as the one my mare aborted at 9 months, so I don't think another 2 weeks would have made a difference. My mare aborted the day after her Pneumobort K shot.....so don't beat yourself up about not giving it. These things happen and most of the time there isn't a clear answer as to why.
I am so sorry for your loss , to me it also appears that the foal was only baked to around 9 months so a week or 2 probably would not been affective, but I am so sorry you lost him and it is very hard when you dont know why.. Kim from crayonbox miniatures in pa has a great site on lost and aboted foals , here is the link to her site www.geocities.com/crayonboxminis hope this helps just copy and paste into your browser..
I am so sorry! (((((HUGS))))) It is devastating to lose one you looked forward to with such hope. He did look very very early, I agree he probably could have gone another month or so he would have been full term.
So Sorry............Hope your little mare is okay.........
I am so very sorry for your loss. Reading your post on the delivery was heartbreaking. I'm glad your little mare is ok.
I am soooo sorry. Oh Bless you and try to feel better soon,
So sorry! He looks really early still and u did everything possible.
I'm so sorry
I know how you feel, the pain you are feeling, that happend last year for me (except that the baby was born dead, wasn't a red bag, but basically she lost her foal at 11 months and I was so excited for my first and only baby...)



I am so sorry - I know and feel your pain.

He was an adorable little man - lots of hugs for you and Bahama.
I am so sorry too, for your loss. My neighbors vaccinate and they have lost two this year so far and had one pinto filly ok. The one they lost last week was a red bag too and they lost the mare and foal both. The mare had somehow ruptured her uterus during labor, and she was hemorraging so had to be put down.

Sometimes this happens and it may or may not have been caused from something that you could have vaccinated for. Sometimes Mother Nature does strange things.

I agree, I think your baby was a little more premie than two weeks...

Big hugs for you and your little mare.. I have lost a couple myself over the years and it is not an easy thing to go through ever, no matter what the cause. Give her lots of love, I am sure you do already. Don't beat yourself up over this either- things happen and I was told many many years ago that breeding anything was not for the faint hearted and you are going to have some but will also lose some, so please don't think it's your fault!!

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