Lost my best friend on the weekend

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Oh my Nicole, you must be heartbroken, I'm so sorry.
Oh my gosh, Nicole!!! I am so sorry about Jody! It breaks my heart to read this and I'm so very sorry!!!
Oh dear... Hugs...

This is such a freak thing, and honestly I would never have thought about this happening. It is an accident, and that is all it was. Thank you for sharing what happened to Jody. It may save some other animal's life as I know I will be more careful in the future.

I am so very sorry, and my deepest sympathies to you.
I am so sorry. I cried as I read your post. It's hard enough to loose a beloved pet to old age, but to have something so freaky happen to take them from you is beyond grief. There's just no way to know every little thing, and protect them from every possibility. Hugs and prayers for you as you grieve for you beloved puppy. He waits for you always by the side of the bridge with all the love his heart can store. He knows how much you adored him.
Wow, I am so sorry for your loss. It is one thing when we lose a precious animal from an age-related illness but to lose one from such an accident must be especially heart-breaking. :no: (((hugs)))
What a horrible thing to come home too! I am so sorry for your loss Nicole. I had a horrible thing happen to me once......I had a Aussie puppy that I accidently killed in a recliner. I had no idea that he had gone under there and stuck his head through the recliner mechinism. When I reclined I broke his neck.....didn't even realize it at the time. It wasn't until hours later that I went looking for the puppy and found him. I wailed! Still haven't forgiven myself.......and it took years for me to use a recliner again, now I use it but I'm always checking for critters. So I do know how you feel. It was an accident; something you would never have thought to be a problem.....so please don't beat yourself up over it.
(((Hugs))) to you Nicole, I am so sorry to hear about this horrible accident. After the healing process has begun, you will remember all the good memories you have of you beloved pal, and these will be with you forever. Cherish them. I too, lost a pal of 17 yrs just a few short months ago, but mine was of old age. We love them in life and will never forget them, they definitely are very special to us. Corinne
Oh Nicole.... I am so very, very sorry... :no:

Shelties are such special little creatures, and I know how heartbreaking it is to lose one - my heart goes out to you and Jody... my prayers and thoughts are with you.

Oh, Nicole. I'm soooo sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for you. My brother and his family lost their Australian Shepherd x Great Dane puppy the same way, only it was a plastic grocery bag. They were devastated, too, of course. If nothing else, we have all learned something from the tragedies that have been shared here.

I know it's easier said than done, but please don't be too hard on yourself. I send you hugs and comforting thoughts, and I hope the support of your friends here is of some help.