So ever so carefully he looked around for a premium patch of fresh grass where he could take care of the itch that was plaguing him. He looked carefully and delicately pawed the ground. After a few seconds, his front knees buckled and down he went.
Aaaahhhh.... Yes, that's it. That's the spot that was itching. Oooohhh... just a little to the left.... Yes..... right there.... Oh maybe higher. If only I could roll all the way over to get the rest of the itchy place on my withers. If I try to kick a little harder, maybe I can get my back on the ground.
So Chuckie kept trying and over he went. Of course now Chuckie thought he was even more special as someone had once told him that every time he completely rolled over he was worth more than before. This made Chuckie feel like he was on top of the world.
So now that his itch had been quieted, he got up and shook down his fur. Upon doing so, he noticed the rodent that was within inches of his hoof. Suddenly he flashed back to Chucky and the woodchuck. Oh no! Off Chuckie ran as quick as his legs would carry him. Down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. He ran all the way until he thought he was safe from his demons.
This brought him to an unusual square in the middle of downtown. But what town?