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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2004
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We had a severe wind storm here in the fall that damaged a tree. My SO and my Dad eventually cut it down but left the stump in the field. I went out to feed one evening and was missing a horse. She was standing off to the side a bit. I called her over and she began to eat. She didn't eat with the gusto she usually does so I kept an eye on her and saw her with the group eating hay later that night. When i went out to feed the next day she was standing off by herself with her head hanging to the ground. I slowly got her to the main barn. As I was dialing the vet she collapsed on the stall floor and drew her last breath with her colt standing beside her. 2 days later before we could get answers on this mare we lost another one. No signs, no symptoms. All well one day and the next morning dead. We lost four in all including my mare Little Wee Painted Fantasy (Fanny) I purchased from my good friend Karen from Little Wee Horse Farm starting Christmas Eve and going on for a week. I'm so very sorry to my 4 girls that passed on because I didn't think to ask what kind of tree it was that was cut down. It was a cherry tree. My girls died a needless, senseless death from chewing on the stump of a cherry tree. The vet said they were toxic from it. It's taken me this long to even think about posting this but if it can help prevent even one horse from this horrible fate I hope it helps. Rest in peace Fanny, Angel, ScootyPie and Bella, I miss you terribly.
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear this, but who would have thought?

Thank you for sharing this with us, I know it was hard for you to do.

What a horrible experience for you! I am so very sorry for your losses.
It is really good of you to share your story with everyone and hopefully prevent others from experiencing the same kind of senseless deaths.
I am so sorry to hear about this. Several years back I lost a colt to red maple (leaf) poisoning. It is a VERY guilt filled process. I am very sorry you had to deal with this, it is truely heart breaking.
So sorry for your loss, I know you must be devastated

I am so sorry for your loss. Such a shame, losing your 4 girls that way. {{{hugs}}} to you.
I just cannot imagine losing four special girls like that.......You must be in shock......and I don't know what to say for you, except to send you my deep sympathy and tell you thank you for sharing this.
I am so sorry for your devastating loss. holding you in warmest love and prayers.
Oh I am so sorry for your losses. This has been so hard on you, I know you are devastated over your mares!

I think it was very good of you to post this here though as someone will benefit from it. Even a limb that falls down in to your pasture from a wild cherry tree can cause death, blindness, etc. from the horses eating the wilted leaves too.

Its terrible what it can do to them. Maybe everyone will keep a closer eye on their pastures or get rid of the wild cherry trees. Laura
I am so very sorry for your loss!!

What a horrible thing to have to go through, but thank you so much for letting us all know. Who would have thought?

Fortunatly my pastures are past corn fields and my paddocks have no trees either, but I did have a cherry tree outside my paddock, a small one and it has since died. I would never have thought that it could have caused death in my Minis. Now I will be more aware.

Thanks, and again I am so sorry.
I am SO SO sorry for your extreme loss. Unfortunetly that is how we learn and I am SO appreciative of you sharing your story so that we all will know that cherry trees are toxic to horses. Bless your heart and big hugs from Michigan.
I'm so sorry to hear of your losses...and very grateful to you for posting this message to all of us! I have a cherry tree in my back yard so I will have to watch out next year as I was putting my minis out there to graze on the lawn!!!!! THANK YOU
I'm so sorry for your losses. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like.
Thank you so much for your post. I had no idea that Cherry trees were toxic. Luckily I don't have any.

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