Just wanted to say goodbye

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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2005
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Well – I am posting this thread as my last on Lil Beginnings. A while back I had posted my story about a little mare that I bought that was emaciated and near death. I paid money for that mare – and money to transport her – and money to the vet – and money to save her from death. I am proud of what I accomplished with her – I am happy that she is back to being a normal horse.

The seller of this horse read my posting (that has been up for a couple of months now) and was furious – and now my entire post has been deleted. The posting was an educational post – to let people know that when they are buying from far away – to be very careful. To also let people know that there is hope for horses that are in that poor condition – with some proper care and nutrition these horses can come back from near death.

I was the honorable one – I saved this mare. In my posting I never once mentioned the person or farm where she came from. My posting was not to slam another farm – only to tell my story. However I guess that the seller was so upset by it that it was removed. What about my story? What about this little mare? What about education people to just be careful when buying? What about educating people on how to bring a horse back from the brink of death?

I have seen many postings on this board that were mean and slanderous – however those postings are still on there. My posting was not mean – it was not slanderous – it was just my story of a poor little mare that was not been treated properly – and her road to recovery.

I am sure that this posting will be deleted too – and because of that I have gone and deleted pretty much anything that I have posted on this board – comments, price lists from sales, photos of horses that I have posted in the past, whatever.

But I am hoping that everyone will get a chance to read this poem before my posting is deleted. I really think that this poem says it all – and really applies to the situation that my little mare was in.

I will not be posting on Lil Beginnings again – my stories are obviously not worthy of being here. I will continue to read the threads – but I will keep my stories to myself.

Prayer of a Horse

Feed me, and water and care for me, and when the day's work is done, provide me with a shelter, a clean, dry bed and a stall wide enough for me to lie down in comfort.

Talk to me.. Your voice often means as much to me as the reins. Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you.

Don't jerk the reins, and do not whip me when going up a hill. Never strike, beat or kick me when I do not understand what you want, but give me a chance to understand you. Watch me, and if I fail to do your bidding, see if something is not wrong with my harness or my feet. Examine my teeth when I do not eat. I may have an ulcerated tooth, and that, you know, is very painful.

Do not tie my head in an unnatural position, or take away my best defense against flies and mosquitoes by cutting off my tail, or limit my range of vision by blinders, so that I am frightened by what I cannot see.

And finally, Oh master, when my youthful strength is gone, do not turn me out to starve or freeze, or sell me to some cruel owner to be slowly tortured and starved to death, but do thou, my master, take my life in the kindest way, and your God will reward you here and hereafter. You will not consider me irreverent if I ask this in the name of Him who was born in a stable. Amen

Author Unknown
Ah, Cyndi, don't let anyone chase you off and don't take it personally if that thread has been deleted. Fair or not, these things happen.

I did figure out the seller in that thread--not because of anything you said but because of the photo of the mare, and a bit of research, just because my inquiring mind likes to snoop out these things--and I for one won't forget who that is.

I've enjoyed your stories & your postings here & I for one hope you will reconsider & stick around to post again. If not--you'll be missed.

I am so sorry!! You did a great job and should be proud of bringing your mare back to health!!
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The seller of this horse read my posting (that has been up for a couple of months now) and was furious – and now my entire post has been deleted. The posting was an educational post – to let people know that when they are buying from far away – to be very careful.
I am sorry you feel slighted

I did read the sellers post and saved it as i knew it would be deleted. and actually it sounds like there were 3 victims here you, your seller and of course the horses. Seems like she had some issues with the seller of those horses when she bought as well and perhaps bit off way more then she could chew without knowing the full extent of what she was purchasing either

I agree that people need to be very careful when buying a horse long distance and it sounds like your seller may have had a few things done to her as well being a newbie to minis and thinking they were getting something different and some bad advice

Bottom line is thank goodness that the horse is doing better and both you and your seller learned some hard lessons.

I do hope you stick around
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The people that run this board hear so many complaints that we never do. They are bombarded with threats from law suits and everything, regardless of whether the suit is warranted. You still have to defend yourself even if it's an idiot with a base-less case.

I posted something recently and the previous owner complained and threatened to sue. I thought I'd done a great job of keeping it anonymous. And if I owned the horse I was following the rules of the board. So I know what you're going through.

I'm not saying anything specific about this case because I know next to nothing about the details.

I just know that we as posters, readers, and guests truly have no idea what *heck* the owners of this board go through.

If the decision was made to remove the thread, it wasn't personal and was for the best for everybody. As upset as I was at the thought of having my thread deleted, I eventually understood.

Gave me a new appreciation for Mary Lou and the other monitors.

edited for spelling
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Please reconsider.......at least in the future.

The horses need people like you.

Not everyone can hear them and although sometimes the visual should tell those seeing that there is a need, not every owner knows what to look for and how to correct.

Often those who serve well are the least well treated -- whether it be man or animal. Thankfully you have been able to come into this mares' life and make a huge difference. Don't let a deletion of a post prevent you from helping others, animals or people.
You care & know what to do. Obviously the previous owner needed to learn more about animal care & needs -- possibly this has happened. But there will always be another situation that needs the same education you have helped to provide! Don't break the circle of helping and loving. The animals didn't make this choice.
Please dont leave.... you did a wonderful job with that mare, and yes your post was educational. We would love to continue to hear from you and how she is doing. And she will be forever greatful to you for what you have done!!

Please reconsider and stay!!!
I also really hope that you stick around. I agree with the above post that the moderators of this forum must really have a tough job in trying to keep everyone happy. I am sure that they deal with threats and lots of other very unkind things. The fact is that this is a great forum and it really needs great folks like you. I have enjoyed your posts and really admire your love of these little horses. Please reconsider.
It is not easy speaking on behalf of animals...but it is our responsibility as humans. I sincerely hope you'll reconsider.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."--Martin Luther King, Jr.

You helped that mare and no doubt helped other people and horses by sharing your story. Please don't let the controversy silence you.
Somehow I missed your post and don't know what went on. But I do know that I'm going through some rough times right now with some rescues, and someone like yourself would be a wonderful mentor. I hope you decide to come back and help teach those of us who need it. Not everyone here has the same amount of experience and we can use all the help we can get.
Dont go away... this forum needs more people like you to inform the blindly trusting types like me.

I think you did a good thing by not saying who you bought her from, and just telling your story the way it was.

No one is asking you to leave did they?

Sometimes you have to take a little flac to do the right thing.

hang in there!

These kind of things happen all the time, but most people dont mention it, and end up finding out the hard way...
I don't blame you for wanting to leave for awhile. Step back, take a break and let your heart mend.
so sorry about your mare but so glad she is doing well

it did educate us and appreciate you trying to.

this place is a wonderful place to learn but it can also be cruel

I am glad you will still read the info you can get from here as there is alot of valuable


hope you come back again soon

Please stay!! I just joined and I know that educated people like yourself need to be involved!! Not only are you knowledgable but you're a sweet, kind person!!!

Your friend,


I am sorry for what you're going through.

I wish you'd stay, you are one of the good ones whose input I value.

I do know how you feel, though, and understand your decision. You know where to find me if you'd like to talk.

Awww please stay...I loved reading your story about that wonderful mare and I agree with everyone else that that post was educational. Sometimes things just happen. I valued all your advice by the way too
I sure can understand how you feel. You did a wonderful job of handling the matter and of course that little mare really benefitted from your care. I don't know the seller but I do think she should have informed you about the condition of the horse before sending her. This is a real problem for buyers and stories such as yours need to be told so that others will stop and consider what can happen with long distance buying. I know I was far too trusting when buying and have had to learn from some bad experiences. People like you are very valuable to a forum such as this and I do hope you reconsider. We don't always get told why things are done away with on this forum but it does happen and I try and keep in mind that ML does not consider this forum a democracy so we take it as it is and learn what we can. I hope your hurt heals and you come back to add your points of view. Hugs, Mary
I wish you wouldn't. You didn't mention any of the previous owners... You were pointing out how the horse came to live at your house and how things happen. It was not portrayed in an accusatory way. Sometimes things happen and you were talking about a certain event. She is a lovely horse and it was nice to follow her story to see how well she was doing.
I hope you will stay and I think it wasn't you that turned the other thread "ugly". It's totally ironic because I was in the dark about who had been behind the other half of your issue until she outted herself yesterday.

Unlike someone said, that a lot of stranges things happen with no explainations (please)... I think things DO make plenty sense if you just think about it. I don't think the deleted post was meant to punish you at all but just meant to take some nasty stuff (not from you) off the forum. Plus, I know there have to be liability concerns after the seller got involved (and again, totally outted herself -- cah-ray-zee...)

If possible, I'd try and just put it in the past. Just try and not see anything deleted as a reflection on you as a member or your standing among us because it's not in my opinion.

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