Inordinant amount of bulk mail

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]That I never sent! Weird e mail addresses....almost all say "your password enclosed" or delivery failure or " Ive changed my e mail address." I have no idea who or what is generating these.....anyone else having problems like this....sometimes 50 a day, coming from things with either farm names I recognize but are not in my address book or with the word ranch or kennel in them. All words I would use but not in an address. What is up? We have spyware and also virus protection. This just started this past week.[/SIZE]

Don't know what they are or where they come from, but I've been getting them too. At least a dozen or more everyday in both e-mail accounts (one is worse than the other).
[SIZE=14pt]These are coming to our address too, they have viruses attached to them so don't open them. I've all the same and the computer has quarentined them and destroyed them because of the viruses. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14pt]Some of them even come from people here that I know arent sending them. Also that an e mail I sent wasnt deliverable and I never sent one.[/SIZE]

They are viruses, don't open them. I got them for two solid days, about 10 every thirty minutes. Even from the FBI and CIA, they don't email people LOL. But I did have my Norton catch one of the viruses that wasn't in the catch system so I had to run a live update. They stopped after I started having them put in my spam file.
I was just gonna ask the very same question as I've been getting them as well. My bulk folder is always full.....I just delete without even looking at 'em.
I'm also getting a TON of delivery failure messages each day for a couple / few weeks with emails I never sent. I think it's because someone is just using [email protected] to send things and I've got a "catch all" email address (I think, anyway). I think anything in front of will come to me.
Me too, Me too!! I've probably gotten 100-200 in the last week. Thank goodness for Yahoo's bulk mail folder. They all get dumped in there. Have you all been getting a bunch about Nicole Ritchie & Paris Hilton? Yuck!!
YUP! I'm getting those too! I just delete them all out and never open them. Wish those people who love to send viruses would get a life! Sheesh!
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Me too, boat loads of them going into my Yahoo bulk inbox! So annoying and I got the Paris and Nichole one too!!
Me too!
50-70 a day! And all of them are 75 KB.

I'm glad it's not just me.
I've gotten a few, My q is is anyone else using Direcway ISP? I've had nothing but trouble this last week with them and it's all tied into emails just like you all have described.
I have been getting that notice as well as one from the FBI telling me that my IAP??? Im not sure of the proper letters but and sure it means my e-mail address has been found on 30 illegal web sites and would I please open the attachment and answer a few questions. NOT!!!!!!!!! it is also 75 kb. Isn't that interesting?

All of the above mentioned are being spread right now, and yes, they are all virus.

Do not open them. They all too will pass.

If it does look like it is from someone familiar, it is because these are very smart,,,,,they were written so once they get to your computer, it reads your computer, picks up something familiar, THEN puts it in your in box, hoping you will open it, because it looks like something FOR you.

Don't open. Someone here at our office did, his computer is done!