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Please know the we too have been praying for the entire family. What a horrible thing to have happen, but God did have other plans for him. I am so very sorry. Only time will heal.

Take care,

with love and prayers

The Manuel family

And if you need anything, we will be happy to help out where we can. Thank you Tiffanie for the update, and welcome to the forum.
Thank you, Tiffanie, so much for the update. Please tell Marty and Jerry and Dan and the rest of the family, I'm very sorry for the loss that they have endured. Perhaps he was such a special spirit that Heaven just couldn't stand to be without him for very long. I do not know you or your family, and I don't know Marty and Jerry all that good, but that does not prevent tears from streaking my cheeks in this time of sorrow as its a parents worst nightmare!

Please tell Marty and Jerry and the rest of the family that they have my deepest sympathy.


S.A. Texas
Tiffanie, thanks for the update. I just found out late last night about this horrible loss of a precious young life--that of Michael. Marty has been such a wonderful inspiration to all of us here on the forum. She has reached out and helped all of us in our own time of need and now it is our turn to come and stand by her in her GREATEST time of need and support.

I have been unable to be on the fourm much if any in the last year due to my own family issues and my own recent health setback but I'm back and it is with a extremely heavy heart that I read about a precious life that was lost all too soon.

GOD, please keep Marty, Jerry, and Dan in you loving arms and bring them peace and comfort in their days to come as they say Farewell to a precious son and brother. Please bring the understanding that Michael is at your loving feet and he is fine and that all is well with him. His mission on earth, though so very short was done and he is at home. Give Marty the understanding that Michael is always with her, she just needs to look to the heaven and he will be there. Please help her and her family to handle the immense anger at a live taken so early, to channel that anger into something Michael would want done. GOD thank you for all the friend that are ralleying to this family's aid. Give us all the strenght to help in what ever way we can. Grant us all PEACE and COMFORT as we face the next days, weeks, and months as we get this family though. AMEN

A couple of Special little Poems

We Sall Meet Again

If I should leave this world

Without a warning, and not even whisper a fond farewell,

Grieve not for one more message from the lips that God has stilled.

But just remember me with love and prayers for my soul's journey to that fair land beyond life's tears.

For I have believed with all my heart in its existence, and I know that God is good, for He has come to me.

Through the life of Him whose very Garment I have sought to touch.

It may be lonely, and I hope you miss me just a little, because I have loved so deeply.

Forgive me if I have ever hurt you and remember me for what I have longed to be.

Have faith that I am nearer than your dreams and fondest longings.

For the God of love shall keep all Kindred spirits close together,

Though the misty vale between this world and that to come keeps us from each other's sight for a few precious moments.

Whipser softly that you love me and it shall linger on within my soul until you come.

Say not goodbye, for on some bright tomorrow we sall meet again.


To Those I love and Those Who Love Me

When I am gone, release me, let me go...

I have so many things to see and do.

You musn't tie yourself to me with tears;

Be happy that we had those precious years.

I gave to you my love, you can only guess

How much you gave to me in happiness.

I thank you for the love you each have shown,

But now its time I travelled alone,

So grieve a while for me if grieve you must,

Then let your grief be comforted by trust.

It's only for a while that we must part,

So bless the memories within your heart.

I won't be far away, for life goes on;

So if you need me, call me and I will come.

Though you can't see me or touch me, we'll be near

And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear,

All of my love around you soft and clear.

An then, when you must come this way alone,

I'll greet you with a smile and say "Welcome Home"


PEACE my dear friend, I'm as close as the phone. You are in my constant thought and prayer.

Thank you so very much Tiffanie, for being there with, and for, Marty, Jerry and Dan. And thank you also for coming here, and letting us know how things are going up there on that mountain. It is all many of us can even think about. It is just so sad...sad beyond words, and we are all offering our love and support to the families as they so need it. But as others have said, even with our support, you are there now, to offer and give what we cannot, from over the phone, through the mail, and through our postings and emails here. Please be there for them, and especially for Marty. Giver her that shoulder to cry on, those open arms to embrace her for a cry or a hug. Just nbeing there for them to talk to, I am sure, has helped greatly. Thank you again.
Thanks Tiffanie for the report! She's so lucky to have you all there! And we are lucky to have you to keep us informed! lol!.....

That is SO NEAT what happened with the computer! We all need to beable to "Believe"! That's how we get by and cope!

Everyone on here are just the neatest bunch of people I've ever (cyber) met! I wish I could meet everyone in person! Everyone is sooo supportive!

I wish I could do something more to help Marty & family!

Deffinately will be thinking of her and family!!

It is good to know that you and your family is there with Marty and Jerry and Dan. At times like this you find out just who your friends are and how important family realy is. Even tho I have not Yet had the pleasure of meeting all of them my heart breaks for them. I hope I get to meet Marty one day soon and can tell her myself what a grand person she is. Her humor and way with words has left me laughing many a time.Take good care of her for us and make sure Dan and Jerry your husband and All the family know we are all praying for them(and you too) All my best LOVE, HUGS, and Prayers -Cheryl
Thank you Tiffanie for being there!!! And thank you for sharing.

What a wonderful sign Michael gave. I KNEW he would when he could!

I am glad that Marty and her family are going to use their grief in a positive way. Michael I am sure will be assisting them from the Other Side however he can.


: Tiffanie, Thanks for all you and your family are doing. Bless you for the update.

Tell Marty that phone card is available anytime, just loved talking with her. She is an amazing lady.

Just email me and I will be calling. LOL
Tiffanie, I'm very glad to read your update today and to know the family is all there with Marty and her family. They all need you now more than ever and even though Marty and I have never met or talked on the phone, we are familiar as we are all on the Forum together. This is such a sad time for us all and I know the family has to be devastated. Such a sad accident that never should have been. Please give Marty and the family our sincerest sympathy and will continue to say prayers for them. Glad the culprit was caught and taken off the streets.

Joyce & Tom

Little Folks Farm, CT

So glad you are there with Marty -- thank you for updating us -- Michael will be with you all for quite a while, until you are ready for him to move on. Time has no meaning for him now -- and his love is with you.

The Garrison family is a very special family - all of you --- you are warm, loving, caring people who do your best to improve your corner of the world. You all do so many things that you should be proud of. Michael is only one shining example of your goodness.

I have never met you (not one) in person - but through Marty's stories and postings I feel like I could walk in the front door of your home and I would be a part of the family too.

Much love, many prayers and warm loving thoughts for you all at this horrible time.

Thank you so much for the update. This has been a parents worst nightmare!! I feel so bad for everyone there but only God can help now. Go to him for comfort. We are all praying for this family. Marty is a very strong person from what I can tell and she will make it through this tragady. Give everyone there my prayers and Love.

Please let Marty know that Chris, Caitie and I are thinking of her and Dan and Jerry. I'll call probably tomorrow, I didn't want to call too soon ... but I am sure that Caitie will love to talk to Marty and I know that will cheer Marty up. She loves Caitie so much!

I would like to add my thanks for the update! I was wondering why God decided to let Michael come home so soon, but I believe I have my answer!! When Marty is up to it, please tell her I feel very deeply in my heart that sweet Michael's leaving her will undoubtley save MANY lives in the future. I believe he gave his life unselfishley so his Mom's crusade would save many other lives!! Please tell Dan and Jerry that they are certainly also included in my prayers, as are all of the Garrison family.

Much Love,

Thank you, Tiffanie. Tell Marty we are all thinking of her and praying for her, and for Jerry and Daniel.

We love you, Marty.... and Jerry, and Daniel. We're here for you....

OH Marty!!!! :no: :no: I have not been on line over the weekend, and I saw this post as soon as I signed on. You and your entire family are in my prayers. I am soo sorry..{{{HUGS}}}....God Bless... Theresa

Thank you so much for the update. We are all so worried about Marty.

I have also lost a son soon after he graduated from High School. I know the awful, unbearable pain that Marty is going through. I feel like I am reliving my son, Kerry's death, through Michael. It is not a good feeling. The shock of an unexpected death, making funeral arrangements, picking out a cemetary plot, dealing with the thought that you will never see that child again, the list goes on and on. I kept thinking this was just a bad dream and when I get home, Kerry will be there waiting for me.

There were times when I wanted to end my own life because the pain was so unbearable. Thankfully my other children were there for me and I know you will be there for Marty.

One of my biggest fears was that everyone would forget Kerry I wanted his memory to live on and on forever! I wanted people to talk to me about him and remember the wonderful and mischevious child that he was. Our daughter named her first child Meghan Kerri after our son, another daughter has named her little boy Michael Kerry and one of Kerry's best friends has a son named Trevor Kerry! We feel he does live on through the little namesakes of his.

Hugs and prayers for you Tiffanie and for the whole entire family and friends that are so close and loved Michael.

We will keep our precious Marty in our prayers and please God give Marty the strength to get through this heartbreaking time.

Marty and her family are in my prayers and the prayers of my friends. We are there for you in our thoughts.
Thank you so much for the update. I know with Michaels help she will indeed clear the mountain and save many lives. Jerry, Marty and Dan we are all here for you.

Thank you so very much for taking time away from comforting Marty to give us an update. We all care so much about your family and I don't think there is a single person here that does not wish they coud be there holding Marty and Jerry and Dan too right now. I have even contemplated flying out from California to be at the funeral just so she would have more support, but I think with you there she has a good shoulder. you are so lucky to have her as a mother in law too. You make sure to give her lots of hugs from all of us. We all love her! And in spirit, that funeral home will be filled to overflowing tomorrow! And when Marty starts to get out there and fix the problems, we will be right there with her then too.

Our love and support and prayers to all,


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