Husbands heart and lung results

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Thanks Linda L. I am such a nervous wreck today. I ate a bag of Sugar Babies in nothing flat. I've drank 1 can of diet coke, a bottle of diet coke and a bottle of Mountain Dew one right after the other all before 12 noon starting at 9 a.m. all cause I just am such a nervous ninny. All I want to do is shovel stuff in my face. I feel like my chest is crushing and I can't breath and it's heavy and no matter how much I deep breath I still can't catch my breath. I "KNOW" it's NOT a death sentence and it could turn out NOT to be the worst of what I'm thinking but having a medical background and knowing what that chest xray say's I can about guess what the Dr is going to say. I COULD be wrong, but having been around the block or two in the hospital working there I'd say I'm pretty close and I'm terrified.

Of course, the waiting could NOT be over he could STILL have to have a biopsy or a angiogram for his heart, which at this point seems to be the least of his problems. It's his lungs that I'm concerned about. ONLY good thing would be that they are beign and they can cut them out, but that's wishful thinking and hoping there's no more.

At his CT SCAN yesterday all they said was; "are you going to see your Dr today?" My husband said; No not till Wed. And the Tech said; "well good you need to be seen." Sigh....

A friend today said to be strong for my husband Gary and I said you know, "I'll never say that lightly to someone, cause that is one of the hardest things to be." I DON'T want to be STRONG. I want to cry and hit my pillow and say, "WHY GOD, WHY?" "We just got happy here, this year we JUST had a happy year our marriage is better then ever, we like where we live, NOW I want to go BACK to California and be near my daughter I don't want to be here and be alone. I'm scared, I'm frightened, and I don't want anything bad to happen. What's this with being strong, WHY GOD, why do I have to be strong, I'm a wuss ok, I admit it. I'll take care of him but I don't want to be strong. I'll fight the Dr's, I'll fight for him, I'll yell at them IF I have to, but please let me cry and hold onto him and NEVER LET HIM GO, but don't make me be strong.

Thanks for letting me cry all, TJ
TJ, I'll be thinking good thoughts and your hubby will be in my prayers. I hope all goes well and that he gets strong and back to normal real soon.
Thanks Sterling, I feel better getting that all out. {{{{HUGS}}}}} To you all..... TJ
TJ, keep in mind that the person doing the CT cannot tell what they're seeing, just that something is there. Hopefully, it will be something that can be easily dealt with. You and your husband have been in my thoughts and prayers!
Thinking about you and your hubby this morning and hoping and praying for results which are easily taken care of.

TJ, just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you this morning. I understand how hard this is for you. You have the right to be angry and upset, and scared. It is OK to feel the way you do. I understand you do not want to be in a position to be strong for your husband. I am sorry you are going through all this. I hope today you get some answers, find some strength and hold on to your faith. We are here for you.
Hi All, Went to the Cardiologist today and found out the scoop on his heart and lungs, sorta on that.

His heart the A FIB is fine, it's a slow pulse and it's ok. Doesn't need a pacemaker or anything else as it's fine. They are putting him on a new Blood Pressure medication that will deal with the Mild Congestive Heart failure and will lessen the water on his heart and body so that is a good thing. That was all good news.

Now his lungs. He was referred BACK to his primary to get a referral to a Pulmologist or a Oncologist and he found out today after getting home that it will be clear till the 10th of Sept,to see his REGULAR DR. Then he has to wait for the referral to go through, them to call us and then the appt time.

At the Cardiologist he said the CAT SCAN said; he has like the Chest X-Ray say's a tumor in the upper lobe and and middle lobe. HOWEVER, from the CAT SCAN it ALSO showed he has swollen lymph nodes in his lungs, and asbestos also in his (lower lungs, I think it was) and Nodules in his Liver-NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!!, plus fluid on is lungs.

So it's a wait and see,,,,,,, I can't show you a copy of the CAT SCAN cause there was no way of getting it so I have to wait for the regular Dr appt.

Thanks for your prayers and good thoughts, I really appreciate it. I'm STILL a nervous wreck but nothing I can do about it. He's NOT going to go too Nationals with me in case of an emergency. He's going to stay at home with the dogs and one horse and if he needs help he can call a family member to come and help him. Velvet is EASY to take care of. And one family member is going to come and help me. I'll miss him dreadfully, I've NEVER been to a show w/o him, BUT that's ok. I'll survive. Like I said he's my BFF.

Love to all,
Also sending prayers and good thoughts. I know how scared you must be. Try to take one thing at a time.

Strong prayers are being said for you both, TJ!!!
Thanks Jill, I'll take them. I don't know whether to eat or not eat...... LOL So I'm chewing my bubble gum to death!!!!!!!!!! Going to go out and ride Velvet and take my frustration out on a ride and enjoy her and forget all this for awhile and baby her. Hugs, TJ
Lots of prayers being sent to you and your husband. I'm so sorry he will not be making the trip to Nationals with you. I'm sure if he was well enough he'd be right there with you.....he still will be

TJ, I will certainly be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that everything will turn out okay.

I am so sorry it wasn't better news.I hope they can treat him and get him better soon! Good thoughts to you.
Continuing to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Tons of prayers coming your way! I am sooo sorry that the two of you are going thru this. Many of us here know your fear and pain.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and Gods gracious love and protection to you both...Art and Theresa
I hope things work out for your husband, he is in our thoughts. Unfortunately our neighbor/ friend/ rancher is not doing so good. He needs 2 lungs and a heart. He is going down hill fast. He is the worlds greatest man and sad it has to be taken from us. Good luck with your husband and please get second and third opinions.
TJ You and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope soon you have all your answers and can begin the healing. Please take care of yourself as well as your husband.

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