Well-Known Member
I have not been on the forum very much since the holidays..........the week between Christmas and New Years I came down with the flu, I did have my flu shot in October as I always do because I have RA. Having RA can cause serious complications from the flu.........and boy did it. I ended up in the hospital 3 seperate times within a month, the last time I was there for 7 days. The first 24 hours I ran a high fever of 103 and developed Percarditist ( the lining around your heart gets inflamed, causes a rubbing and pain). Then after 3 days in the hospital and lots of meds I went home to rest. After resting for a week I started having chest pains so back to the Dr I went........he did an EKG which was abnormal for a second time since onset of the flu and he heard a very loud heart murmur.My Mitro valve was leaking due to overactive heart. My heart was squeezing too hard causing the blood to go back the wrong way through the valve. He sent me to the ER and I stayed in the hospital for a week, lots of test, Cardioligists and different meds. I was sent home on a Beta Blocker and an asprin a day. It took about 6 weeks for me to feel better and get some energy back then Wham........
My husband was suppose to have a dental appt. after work one afternoon, the dentist called me to say "I did not do any dental work on your husband this afternoon because he was not acting right. He was slurring his words and his walking gait looked to be dragging on one side. I asked him if he wanted to go to a Dr or hospital and he said he was ok and he left to drive home" She told me to be ready when he got home to take him to the ER she suspected he was having a stroke!!!!!! I was in shock but my instincts kick in, not the time to get scared or upset but did say a prayer or two.........I was ready for him when he walk through the door, gave him an asprin and put him in the car and drove to the ER. I pulled up to the ER door and told them my husband was having a stoke and they were great, many, many teams of people sprung into action, blood work, trsts etc......within an hour thry had a helicopter ready to take him to UVA Charlottesville Va hospital about 40 mins away by car. my daughter and son drove there by car. He was there for 5 days and it was determined his stroke was caused by the main argery in his neck complrtly blocked off. I stayed at the hospital 24/7 .........he was next sent to a rehab near the hospital but after a week they did a CAT scan which turned out not good! The artery was not complrtly blocked anymore but had opened up a small amount. It is dangerous to leave it that way because it could close off again or throw a clot causing anotner stroke. Back to the hospital for surgery to open the artery via a balloon procedure and put in a stent. All went well, he was suppose to return to rehab but very adamentaly refused. He was completly down on his right side and his speech was so bad you could not understand him. So I brought him home where we are setting up PT, OT and speech in our home a couple of times a week. our first week was really rough but this second week is better as he is getting stronger and around better!! hevis using a walker with help but his speech is still really bad, he can not find the correct words to use so,it is very difficult to understand him
sorry for such a long post but wanted to tell,all my "mini horsey friends" about what has happened to my family
. it's been rough and very upsetting couple of months.........thanks for reading this post, it's kind of like me releasing some stress as if I was talking and you all were listening..........Thank you!!!!!!
My husband was suppose to have a dental appt. after work one afternoon, the dentist called me to say "I did not do any dental work on your husband this afternoon because he was not acting right. He was slurring his words and his walking gait looked to be dragging on one side. I asked him if he wanted to go to a Dr or hospital and he said he was ok and he left to drive home" She told me to be ready when he got home to take him to the ER she suspected he was having a stroke!!!!!! I was in shock but my instincts kick in, not the time to get scared or upset but did say a prayer or two.........I was ready for him when he walk through the door, gave him an asprin and put him in the car and drove to the ER. I pulled up to the ER door and told them my husband was having a stoke and they were great, many, many teams of people sprung into action, blood work, trsts etc......within an hour thry had a helicopter ready to take him to UVA Charlottesville Va hospital about 40 mins away by car. my daughter and son drove there by car. He was there for 5 days and it was determined his stroke was caused by the main argery in his neck complrtly blocked off. I stayed at the hospital 24/7 .........he was next sent to a rehab near the hospital but after a week they did a CAT scan which turned out not good! The artery was not complrtly blocked anymore but had opened up a small amount. It is dangerous to leave it that way because it could close off again or throw a clot causing anotner stroke. Back to the hospital for surgery to open the artery via a balloon procedure and put in a stent. All went well, he was suppose to return to rehab but very adamentaly refused. He was completly down on his right side and his speech was so bad you could not understand him. So I brought him home where we are setting up PT, OT and speech in our home a couple of times a week. our first week was really rough but this second week is better as he is getting stronger and around better!! hevis using a walker with help but his speech is still really bad, he can not find the correct words to use so,it is very difficult to understand him