Horse being resold soon after purchase

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Thanks, Marsha. I hope so too. If she could just get this one sold, then she'd have a little more "cushion" until she could find another job. Or if I could sell the yearling filly or this year's gelding, then I could help her out.
Lisa, I guess if you have been burned as we have you feel more strongly about it. I feel the way I do about auctions in particular because I feel we have a responsibility the horses we buy and breed, to do our best to ensure that if/when they leave us they go to a home at least as good as ours, after all, its the last good thing we can do for them. We may have been tricked into thinking its a good home or whatever but we should do our best......auctions are about the highest bidder, money, and thats all.

I have had a bad experience with a horse I sold, because she wanted the profit rather than what was best for the horse, she waited till the foal she was carrying was born then sold her for a profit. I did eventually get her back thanks to the good heart of the person she was sold to who knew this mare wasnt coping with the situation she was in...and would be better off back here. She is too tall and the wrong colour for what I want to breed but now, I have a very loving permanant home who have bought another mare from me mad to buy her too, but she will only go on trial at first till I`m sure she is happy and there will be a legal contract re: to be sold back to me if the need ever arose.

I also breed mini daxies and had a man use his step daughter`s recent leukemia and chemo treatment as a reason to buy HER a puppy after I had refused to sell him one of my foals after seeing the way he handled them. He even brought her with him, still bald from the chemotherapy and said the foals and the pup were for her because she had been so ill!!! Guess what? He was setting up a puppy farm!!! I eventually got the pup back by withholding the reg papers for breeding. She was then sold to a wonderful family. We may not always get it right but we should ALWAYS do our best for our little ones, and if it doesnt feel right, wait for the next buyer...and not let it be just about money.
What you've stated as to the reason you're reselling wouldn't bother me as a potential buyer or as the recent seller - the truth is always best.

I try to place our minis in the best situations possible, but mistakes happen or life changes occur. This past month we've purchased back a mini I sold four years ago, and almost had two others come back (ill health from the new owner).

Our contract has a first right of refusal (it didn't use to) and a 'keep me informed' clause. I tell all buyers, I don't dump them after the sale, as I had that happen to me when I was new to minis and horse ownership period. My first mini I didn't know she was pregnant (the seller didn't mention it), until she was delivered to my house! Almost all the people we've sold to, become friends and we hear from most of them regularly, or at least once a year. I do offer to people that have purchased a horse from me to help them find it a new home if I can't buy it or take it back for some reason too.

My point, honesty between both parties to any contract saves lots of bad feelings, suspicion and conflict.
In certain circumstances I can truly understand BUT I have a mare who is 7 years old and I am the 7th owner!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous and the poor mare. I was speaking to Mary Lou on the phone one day and her question was to me "what's wrong with the mare?" That is the logical thing to think of when you find out how much this mare has moved around. She was first purchased by Vivi Dupont as a yearling from the Reece Family and with Vivi had cancer the horse went to another owner and so on and so on and so on and so on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this mare besides the fact when she came to me she was leery of people. Never nasty but when I would try and catch her she would either walk away or put herself between Abby and Storm so I couldn't reach her. She is a "Hawk" daughter and extremely well put together and gave me a BEAUTIFUL filly this year. Since she had her filly she is the most loving mini and loves attention from people and comes running to me
: . I told this mare when I found out her history of being shuffled around so much that this was her PERMANENT home and won't be going anywhere else, barring any unforseen circumstance. Horses are creatures of habit, just like we people, and that much moving around isn't good for them as far as I am concerned. I don't think it's fair to the animal at all, the constant upheaval. They are herd animals and to be yanked from their herds that many times :no: , how sad is that.
Danielle that is so sad..........and so common here in Ireland. :-( Thank goodness she has a loving permanant home with you at last. :aktion033:
Personally I think you should just put a "Due to unforeseen circumstances" rider on the ad.

If anyone asks what it is about, you can tell them as much as you wish. You have lived up to your responsibilities to the horses previous owner, not all people are in a position to buy all their animals back- as this person was not, I do not see that as any less a responsible person, though.

You were sold the animal in good faith, you bought the animal in good faith.

Stuff happens.

Every time we actually sell an animal, at auction or privately, we lose the right to say what happens to that animal.

There is not a "buy back" clause written that is legally binding, the people have no obligation to you at all, although a lot are willing to live by it and most would see it as a help to them if they needed to sell, some, who are buying for profit, can wriggle out of it in a moment- I have had this happen to me with Persian Cats- NO comeback at all, nothing I could do.

So, basically, if you breed, eventually you sell.

Once you sell you lose all visitation rights.

I think you are acting in an honest and forthright manner- were I in the market I would have no problem buying this horse from you.
Well in my opinion i think that anyone that loves
: there horses doesnt sell them and especially not at auctions or given to breeders to be sold thats just sooooooo cruel....

This is my opinion anyway
Well in my opinion i think that anyone that loves
: there horses doesnt sell them and especially not at auctions or given to breeders to be sold thats just sooooooo cruel....

This is my opinion anyway
You surely must have all the horses you ever want or never want to own one, because you have just condemned anyone who would ever sell you one.
My my Flyte200, have you REALLY thought about what you just said??? I haven't been on much lately, so I don't even know if you own horses, but that is an off the wall thing to say--and that is putting it mildly.

Rabbitsfizz, I just ran a new ad for her last night, and I did put in there something about selling her due to the loss of a job. I couldn't think of a way to word it, so next time if you don't mind, I'll use your suggestion!
Stephanie it is obvious you are feeling a bit guilty about the whole thing, please do not, this is WAY beyond your control, and it is not as if you are selling the mare out on the street to whoever comes by, you are doing your very best for her, as the people who sold her did.

That is all any of us can do.

It is ludicrous to suggest we should keep all our horses.

Some very reputable people on here breed, more or less, only to sell, the foals are for sale as they are born.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this.

I really do believe that the majority of people do their best for their horses, always.

This year I have only one colt for sale.

Next year I might seriously consider selling a mare or tow.

I am a breeder, I cannot keep, nor do I even wish to keep, everything that I breed.

Thus other people benefit, and are able to buy top class stock from me and everyone benefits!

Stephanie, your loss is going to be someone else's gain, do not feel badly about this.
I have resold horses. But when your buying young horses they sometimes do not end up the way you were thinking they would. too tall ...too small. Not breeding but pet quality. What ever.

But I never buy with reselling in mind. I could of many times, but do not want to do that. And would like to know when someone comes to look at a horse that that is thier intent.

It does bouther me when I sell a horse to someone.. who says they just have to have the horse and 2 or three months later I see it up for sale.. most of the time for much more then they talked me into selling it to them for. :eek: What ever if it a foal it does not bouther so much, but it's if a older horse and I know it was what they said they were looking for, and see they are selling agian .I think them saying it was for the grandkids or whatever was all just a of line that person uses to get price down.
: Thay had purchused the horse to resell. And thats OK, I do have it up for sale for what ever reason, just would rather they tell me, Be honest. I always am. I tell people why I'm selling the horse and try to be a honest about the horse as I can. I never tell someone the horse is calm if it not or cna be bred if i would not bred it myself it a pet. If it broke to drive or ride I'm honest about it. If I was told when i got it that it was broke but have never done that with the horse i say "it is said to be broke" not that it is.

Reselling of horse is given, because not veryone is honest about everything and you can get surprises. If i have to resell I often take a loss on the resell, becuase I tell the truth about the horse.

But I have resold and made alittle, but mostly not.

Thats way i will not buy to resell... can aford too. :lol:
Depends.... we have a couple of folks here in the state - three that I can think of actually, that do a lot of selling/buying on the board. To me, they classify as 'horse traders' as one has them listed for sale before they even get off the truck half the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: I guess what annoys me about that is that they give the impression that they are keeping the horse for them, when in fact, they have no plans to keep it, or to keep it long at any rate.
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Littlearab...I totally agree with you and sadly it happens a lot here.....people buying horses for very low prices, often because they have faulty legs etc - either from others or at sales etc, then selling them as "top class" horses to people who dont know enough about minis to see the faults. There is so much corruption about it makes me sad.
Cola I could not agree with you more, I hate seeing gullible people taken in.

In minis more than big horses we do seem to have a lot of people who have no horse experience buying horses and keeping them to show or just as pets and we do have a huge responsibility to our little people, but the fact remains that, once they are sold, we have NO power over what happens to them.
I have not read all of the other responses but to answer your question:

I would definitely consider a horse that was being "resold"....still asking all the same questions as I would for a horse that was being offered by its original owner.

If I liked the horse, the "resold" issue would not bother me.

On the flip side of this scenario, as a seller, I would be upset if someone presented themselves as a "forever" home when buying a special horse or one at a reduced price, and then immediately offered it for sale. I would feel like I had been deceived as a seller, especially if I only made the deal because the buyer WAS a "forever" home.
We have resold horses with in like a year or so of buying them. In fact one of them Lauralee owns. She was a nice mare but not everybody clicks with every horse. This one we just didnt click with. I was the only one that could really do much with the mare and it took along time to get to where I was with her. Now mind you, ask Lauralee what she thinks of her.........cant be to bad as she has had her a few years.

Other then that, we did buy a young filly once and sold her about 6 months later as a pet. What was advertised and what we bought were not what the filly was. Hence her getting a pet home.

There are alot of people that buy to resell. I try to avoid them but the fact of the matter is you cant always. And there are some that buy and are forced to sell due to financial and health issues.

I am a firm beleive in if you dont click with a horse, sell it because its only asking for problems with you and the horse.

I also dont agree that if you love your horses or want to keep them you dont sell them. This past fall/winter I sold a gelding I owned. He was 4 and I raised him up from a foal. I had planed to keep him, however my plans for him didnt work out. I wanted to team drive him with his darn. Well my mom was still breeding the mare, and the mare is not a overly easy mare for showing when haveing a foal at side, so I put my plans off. Now a year later mom wants to stop breeding the mare(couldnt she of decided this a year ago). But I also bought my appy colt, I have always wanted a appy and fell in love with this colt right away. I also felt he would make a better show horse then my other gelding. It took alot and was very hard to part with my old gelding, but I can only keep so many.
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Cola I could not agree with you more, I hate seeing gullible people taken in.

In minis more than big horses we do seem to have a lot of people who have no horse experience buying horses and keeping them to show or just as pets and we do have a huge responsibility to our little people, but the fact remains that, once they are sold, we have NO power over what happens to them.

rabbitsfizz.....not sure what you mean by "little" people???
rabbitsfizz.....not sure what you mean by "little" people???
I believe she is referring to the horses as "little people." LOL She does something similar with her dogs, but I can't remember exactly what she calls them.
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