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Foals are not always visible or able to be felt moving.. I have a mare that hides it VERY well and we seldom see the foal move if it all.. And if she is close to foaling, the movement will not be noticeable as the foal should be moved into birthing position..
Is there any update on her?...I'm interested in what it turns out to be...please let us know and good luck.
Thankyou toall that have replied.

Last night she was straining and pushing like she was about to foal, but nothing came out.

She was pooing like crazy,

Swishing her tail, kicking her belly, and trying to laydown.

I spoke to the vet last night and he said that it was entirely possible that she aborted one twin but still has the other.

A few people have said it may be a phantom pregnancy.

LAst night when she was pushing she had a cloudy white substance in her urine.

It dried into a white powder. No one can tell me what it is...

This morning she was still pacing but had calmed down and she was still eating normally.

This afternoon inoticed she had bagged up more, has alot of milk and a fair bit of wax.

She is rolling and noticably uncomfortable agian tonight.

I honestly dont know what is happening, she was scanned and checked today, the vet could only see the right side of her uterus and said that he cannot tell either way what is there and happening.

I will keep you updated with any more changes.
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Ok, update....

I have just been out with her, i have felt on her left hand side what seemed to be something moving.

It can also be seen form the outside.

As we are having a new years eve party, we have friends here that i have outside feeling for something and they have said the same thing as me, it is like a flutter feeling as though something is flipping around inside her.

It is around halfway between her back and bottom of her belly, near her hindquater.

If i press in on the bottom of her stomach, i can tell that the mare is uncomfortable and it causes the movement to start, slightly higher than were i press.

Dont know, is this a foal?????

Or am i possibly feeling something else???
i just wanted to offer you some support, it must be very hard on you trying to guess whats wrong with her,,,im hoping to hear theres a healthy foal at the end of it all.....
Is there anyway you can post a photo or 2 or email someone here to post it for you? :eek:
: You can email me the photos and I will upload them for you... [email protected]. If you can put the camera under her and aim it towards the bag and most of time they do come out. :lol: also take photos of sides and rear.

I have heard before (I think)with external ultrasounds and that for along in gestation (if she is?) they wont be able to really see anything?

The way your mare is acting it sure sounds like she is in foal and super uncomfortable!


IF you think she's in foal, but it's too early for her to have a viable one you can try treatment for placentitis.

You can discuss this with your vet, but this is what our vet has us do.....give Banamine for several days to reduce inflamation. Give SMZ for 14 days. Give progesterone (Regumate) daily until the mare has foaled whether it's a few days or many months.

The reproductive vets here tell us that doing these things won't hurt and may help. We have used this protocol a number of times and feel it has saved pregnancies that the mare was about to lose.

Why don't you discuss this program with your vet? If she is thinking of aborting this just might stop it. If she is going to foal she will anyway.

Sounds to me like you just might have a live foal and that your mare is SUPER uncomfortable! Keep us posted!!!
: Good Luck!
Yes, please keep us up to date on her! Like I said I'm sort of in the same situation with one of my mares.. We narrowed it down to two but not 100% sure since they ALL look preggo! :new_shocked: So hopefully she aborted one twin and held the second..
I thing I have to agree with some others here. It does sound like she still is in foal. Please post some pictures so we can see what you have going on there. If she is still preg, what a wonderful new year starting for you. Just in case she is having some other problem, you need to get her some treatment ASAP by keeping in contact with your Vet. Keep us all updated so we all know whats going on with her. Now you got us all waiting is suspence
: . You might want to call some of the women that have comented here on your post that have had more experience with this sort of thing.... Good luck

This morning she appears to have bagged up more, mainly in between her back legs,

Her muscles look like they are begginging to relax, she is really tender and looking puffy behind.

Her belly looks bigger on one side.

If i didnt kow that she had aborted i would say 100% that she is preparing to foal, but because i saw her abort the question is still in my mind what is going on?

The vet ultrasounded on the outside and said he saw something but when he felt internally and ultrasounded he could only see the right side and said then he could not tell me either way yes or no, but that it would be unlikely to have a live foal, but how else would you explain movement, bagging up and noticable weight gain????
All through your thread, I have thought that your mare is bred and about to foal. If she was my mare I'd be watching her like a hawk.

I could be wrong!

But from the first it has sounded like to me either she is about to foal or she is having a fake pregnancy.

OR I could be wrong! :lol:

Good luck!
It could possibly be a false pregnancy. i've heard horses can have it.. it's more common in dogs. They it can occur for many reasons, one of which the body had a feutus and slipped it but the body still proceeded on with the hormones and stuff.

My dog just had a false pregnancy. she had EVERYTHIGN but the puppies. ok not everything..her belly didn't get very big (though they can) but she even had the milk production and the QUEER hormones that dogs get when they are pregnant. she's even blown her coat as though she had puppies..she's one naked aussie right now!! It could possibly be that....
I agree,

I think that there is definitly something going on.

Whether it is a fake pregnancy, a live foal, or a dead foal.
Slightly off subject, but I had a false pregnancy once, before either of my kids were born. Everything that my body did was screaming pregnant, but nothing was there. The doctor confirmed it. His words were "Honey, you ain't pregnant and you ain't never been pregnant". Eleven years later, and I still remember those words like they were spoken to me yesterday. I guess it's not super common in humans, either, because all of the social workers didn't believe me.

Anyhow, if this is a false pregnancy, when it's all over with, please treat your mare like she'd just lost a foal. I've been there and it was VERY hard on my husband and I, and I know that horses have feelings as well.
Know she is urinating in front of one of our geldings,

She is not showing to him like she is in in season though.

she is now resting her back left leg and looking back at her belly every now and again,

she is swishing her tail and lifting it every now and again.

her temperature is 37.4'C

She has also been rubbing her bum on the wooden fence post.
that isnt at all what i call bagged up. her symptoms really sound like colic. patches had a false pregnacy and fooled everyone. she even had really sticky thick milk coming out and shes never had a foal!

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